RTI Connext Modern C++ API  Version 6.0.1
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rti::sub Namespace Reference

<<extension>> Extensions to dds::sub More...


class  AckResponseData
 <<extension>> Data payload associated to an application-level acknowledgment More...
class  LoanedSample
 The element type of a dds::sub::LoanedSamples collection. More...
struct  IsValidData
 <<extension>> A functor that returns true when a sample has valid data. More...
class  ValidLoanedSamples
 <<extension>> <<C++11>> <<move-only-type>> Provides access to only those samples that contain valid data More...
class  SampleIterator
 A random-access iterator of LoanedSample. More...
class  ValidSampleIterator
 A forward iterator adapter that skips invalid samples. More...
class  ManipulatorSelector
class  SharedSamples
 Provides access to a collection of middleware-loaned samples. More...
struct  TopicQuerySelectionKind_def
 The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum rti::sub::TopicQuerySelectionKind. More...
class  TopicQuerySelection
 <<extension>> <<value-type>> Specifies the data query that defines a TopicQuery. More...
class  TopicQueryData
 <<extension>> <<value-type>> Provides information about a TopicQuery More...
class  TopicQuery
 <<extension>> <<reference-type>> Allows a dds::sub::DataReader to query the sample cache of its matching dds::pub::DataWriters. More...


typedef dds::core::safe_enum
< TopicQuerySelectionKind_def
 Safe Enumeration of TopicQuerySelectionKind_def


template<typename T >
dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData matched_publication_participant_data (const dds::sub::DataReader< T > &reader, const dds::core::InstanceHandle &handle)
 <<extension>> This operation retrieves the information on the discovered dds::domain::DomainParticipant associated with the publication that is currently matching with the dds::sub::DataReader.
template<typename SubscriberForwardIterator >
uint32_t find_subscribers (const dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant, SubscriberForwardIterator begin, uint32_t max_size)
 <<extension>> Retrieve all of the dds::sub::Subscriber created from this dds::domain::DomainParticipant
template<typename SubscriberBackInsertIterator >
uint32_t find_subscribers (const dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant, SubscriberBackInsertIterator begin)
 <<extension>> Retrieve all of the dds::sub::Subscriber created from this dds::domain::DomainParticipant
dds::sub::Subscriber find_subscriber (const dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant, const std::string &subscriber_name)
 <<extension>> Finds a Subscriber by name
template<typename AnyDataReaderBackInsertIterator >
uint32_t find_datareaders (dds::sub::Subscriber subscriber, AnyDataReaderBackInsertIterator begin)
 <<extension>> Retrieve all the dds::sub::DataReader created from this dds::sub::Subscriber
template<typename AnyDataReaderForwardIterator >
uint32_t find_datareaders (dds::sub::Subscriber subscriber, AnyDataReaderForwardIterator begin, uint32_t max_size)
 <<extension>> Retrieve all the readers created from a subscriber.
template<typename Reader >
Reader find_datareader_by_topic_name (dds::sub::Subscriber subscriber, const std::string &topic_name)
 <<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader with the given topic name within the dds::sub::Subscriber
template<typename Reader >
Reader find_datareader_by_name (dds::sub::Subscriber subscriber, const std::string &datareader_name)
 <<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader with the given name within the dds::sub::Subscriber
template<typename Reader , typename T >
Reader find_datareader_by_topic_description (const dds::sub::Subscriber &subscriber, const dds::topic::TopicDescription< T > &topic_description)
 <<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader with the given TopicDescription within the dds::sub::Subscriber
template<typename Reader >
Reader find_datareader_by_name (dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant, const std::string &datareader_name)
 <<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader within the dds::domain::DomainParticipant with the given name
dds::sub::Subscriber implicit_subscriber (const dds::domain::DomainParticipant &dp)
 <<extension>> Retrieves the implicit dds::sub::Subscriber for the given dds::domain::DomainParticipant.
template<typename T >
dds::sub::Sample< T > copy_to_sample (const rti::sub::LoanedSample< T > &ls)
 Copies the contents of a rti::sub::LoanedSample into a dds::sub::Sample.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LoanedSample< T > &sample)
 Calls the operator on the data or prints [invalid data].
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >::iterator begin (ValidLoanedSamples< T > &ls)
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >
begin (const ValidLoanedSamples< T > &ls)
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >::iterator end (ValidLoanedSamples< T > &ls)
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >
end (const ValidLoanedSamples< T > &ls)
template<typename T >
void swap (ValidLoanedSamples< T > &ls1, ValidLoanedSamples< T > &ls2) throw ()
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T > valid_data (LoanedSamples< T > &&samples)
 <<C++11>> <<extension>> Returns a collection that provides access only to samples with valid data
bool operator== (const SampleInfoImpl &other) const
 Compare two dds::sub::SampleInfo objects for equality.
template<typename T >
ValidSampleIterator< T > valid_data (const SampleIterator< T > &sample_iterator)
 <<extension>> Returns an iterator that skips invalid samples
TopicQueryData create_topic_query_data_from_service_request (const rti::topic::ServiceRequest &service_request)
 Creates a TopicQueryData from a ServiceRequest.
TopicQuery find_topic_query (dds::sub::AnyDataReader datareader, const rti::core::Guid &guid)
 Looks up a TopicQuery by its GUID.
template<typename T >
void unpack (const dds::sub::SharedSamples< T > &samples, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const T > > &sample_vector)
 <<extension>> <<C++11>> Unpacks a SharedSamples collection into individual shared_ptr's in a vector
template<typename T >
std::vector< std::shared_ptr
< const T > > 
unpack (const dds::sub::SharedSamples< T > &samples)
 <<extension>> <<C++11>> Unpacks a SharedSamples collection into individual shared_ptr's in a vector
template<typename T >
std::vector< std::shared_ptr
< const T > > 
unpack (dds::sub::LoanedSamples< T > &&samples)
 <<extension>> <<C++11>> Unpacks a LoanedSamples collection into individual shared_ptr's in a vector

Detailed Description

<<extension>> Extensions to dds::sub

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData rti::sub::matched_publication_participant_data ( const dds::sub::DataReader< T > &  reader,
const dds::core::InstanceHandle handle 

<<extension>> This operation retrieves the information on the discovered dds::domain::DomainParticipant associated with the publication that is currently matching with the dds::sub::DataReader.

Matched Participants are those with a matching dds::topic::Topic, compatible QoS and common partition that the application has not indicated should be "ignored" by means of the dds::pub::ignore operation.

The publication_handle must correspond to a publication currently associated with the dds::sub::DataReader. Otherwise, the operation will fail with dds::core::InvalidArgumentError. The operation may also fail with dds::core::PreconditionNotMetError if the publication corresponds to the same dds::domain::DomainParticipant that the DataReader belongs to. Use the operation dds::sub::matched_publications to find the publications that are currently matched with the dds::sub::DataReader.

Note: This operation does not retrieve the dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData::property.

The above information is available through dds::sub::DataReaderListener::on_data_available() (if a reader listener is installed on the dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData>).


Oneof the Standard Exceptions or dds::core::NotEnabledError
Template Parameters
TThe topic-type that the DataReader subscribes to
readerThe reader to lookup the matched participant data of
handleThe InstanceHandle to a specific publication associated with a DataWriter. Must correspond to a publication currently associated with the DataReader. This handle is available in the dds::sub::SampleInfo::publication_handle()
The dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData of the DomainParticipant of a matched publication of a dds::sub::DataReader
template<typename SubscriberForwardIterator >
uint32_t rti::sub::find_subscribers ( const dds::domain::DomainParticipant  participant,
SubscriberForwardIterator  begin,
uint32_t  max_size 

<<extension>> Retrieve all of the dds::sub::Subscriber created from this dds::domain::DomainParticipant

Template Parameters
SubscriberForwardIteratorType of the forward iterator passed into this function, whose value_type must be dds::sub::Subscriber.
participantThe dds::domain::DomainParticipant the Publishers belong to
beginA forward iterator to the position in the destination container where to begin copying the found Subscribers into
max_sizeThe maximum size of Subscribers to add
The number of found Subscribers
template<typename SubscriberBackInsertIterator >
uint32_t rti::sub::find_subscribers ( const dds::domain::DomainParticipant  participant,
SubscriberBackInsertIterator  begin 

<<extension>> Retrieve all of the dds::sub::Subscriber created from this dds::domain::DomainParticipant

Template Parameters
AnyDataReaderBackInsertIteratorType of the back-inserting iterator passed into this function, whose value_type must be dds::sub::Subscriber.
participantThe dds::domain::DomainParticipant the Subscribers belong to
beginA back-inserting iterator to the position in the destination container to insert the found Subscribers into
The number of found Subscribers
dds::sub::Subscriber rti::sub::find_subscriber ( const dds::domain::DomainParticipant  participant,
const std::string &  subscriber_name 

<<extension>> Finds a Subscriber by name

Template Parameters
AnyDataReaderBackInsertIteratorType of the back-inserting iterator passed into this function, whose value_type must be dds::sub::AnyDataReader.
participantThe dds::domain::DomainParticipant the Subscribers belong to
subscriber_nameThe name of the Subscriber
A valid reference if the a subscriber with that name exists or a reference equals to dds::core::null otherwise.
template<typename AnyDataReaderBackInsertIterator >
uint32_t rti::sub::find_datareaders ( dds::sub::Subscriber  subscriber,
AnyDataReaderBackInsertIterator  begin 

<<extension>> Retrieve all the dds::sub::DataReader created from this dds::sub::Subscriber

Template Parameters
AnyDataReaderBackInsertIteratorType of the back-inserting iterator passed into this function, whose value_type must be dds::sub::AnyDataReader.
subscriberThe dds::sub::Subscriber the DataReaders belong to
beginA back-inserting iterator to the position in the destination container to insert the found DataReaders into
The number of found DataReaders
See Also
Looking up DataReaders
template<typename AnyDataReaderForwardIterator >
uint32_t rti::sub::find_datareaders ( dds::sub::Subscriber  subscriber,
AnyDataReaderForwardIterator  begin,
uint32_t  max_size 

<<extension>> Retrieve all the readers created from a subscriber.

Template Parameters
AnyDataReaderForwardIteratorA forward iterator whose value_type is dds::sub::AnyDataReader
subscriberThe dds::sub::Subscriber the readers belong to
beginA forward iterator to the position in the destination container where to begin copying the found readers into.
max_sizeThe maximum number of readers to return
The number of found readers
See Also
Looking up DataReaders
template<typename Reader >
Reader rti::sub::find_datareader_by_topic_name ( dds::sub::Subscriber  subscriber,
const std::string &  topic_name 

<<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader with the given topic name within the dds::sub::Subscriber

Use this operation on the built-in dds::sub::Subscriber (Built-in Topics) to access the built-in dds::sub::DataReader entities for the built-in topics.

The built-in dds::sub::DataReader is created when this operation is called on a built-in topic for the first time. The built-in dds::sub::DataReader is deleted automatically when the dds::domain::DomainParticipant is deleted.

To ensure that builtin dds::sub::DataReader entities receive all the discovery traffic, it is suggested that you lookup the builtin dds::sub::DataReader before the dds::domain::DomainParticipant is enabled. Looking up builtin dds::sub::DataReader may implicitly register builtin transports due to creation of dds::sub::DataReader (see Built-in Transport Plugins for details on when a builtin transport is registered). Therefore, if you are want to modify builtin transport properties, do so before using this operation.

Therefore the suggested sequence when looking up builtin DataReaders is:

topic_name<<in>> Name of the TopicDescription that the retrieved dds::sub::DataReader is attached to. Cannot be NULL.
A dds::sub::DataReader that belongs to the dds::sub::Subscriber attached to the TopicDescription with topic_name. If no such dds::sub::DataReader exists, this operation returns NULL.

The returned dds::sub::DataReader may be enabled or disabled.

If more than one dds::sub::DataReader is attached to the dds::sub::Subscriber, this operation may return any one of them.

MT Safety:
UNSAFE. It is not safe to lookup a dds::sub::DataReader in one thread while another thread is simultaneously creating or destroying that dds::sub::DataReader.
Template Parameters
ReaderThe type of the reader. It can be dds::sub::AnyDataReader, or an instantiation of dds::sub::DataReader<T> (if T is not the correct type, this function throws dds::core::InvalidDowncastError)
subscriberThe dds::sub::Subscriber that created the DataReader to find
topic_nameTopic name of the DataReader to find
The DataReader with the given topic name, or dds::core::null if it doesn't exist
See Also
Looking up DataReaders
template<typename Reader >
Reader rti::sub::find_datareader_by_name ( dds::sub::Subscriber  subscriber,
const std::string &  datareader_name 

<<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader with the given name within the dds::sub::Subscriber

Template Parameters
ReaderThe type of the reader. It can be dds::sub::AnyDataReader, or an instantiation of dds::sub::DataReader<T> (if T is not the correct type, this function throws dds::core::InvalidDowncastError)

Every dds::sub::DataReader in the system has an entity name which is configured and stored in the <<extension>> EntityName policy, ENTITY_NAME.

This operation retrieves the dds::sub::DataReader within the dds::sub::Subscriber whose name matches the one specified. If there are several dds::sub::DataReader with the same name within the dds::sub::Subscriber, the operation returns the first matching occurrence.

subscriberThe dds::sub::Subscriber that created the DataReader to find
datareader_nameEntity name of the DataReader to find
The DataReader with the given name, or dds::core::null if it doesn't exist
See Also
Looking up DataReaders
template<typename Reader , typename T >
Reader rti::sub::find_datareader_by_topic_description ( const dds::sub::Subscriber subscriber,
const dds::topic::TopicDescription< T > &  topic_description 

<<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader with the given TopicDescription within the dds::sub::Subscriber

Template Parameters
ReaderThe type of the reader returned, for example, dds::sub::DataReader<Foo>, or dds::sub::AnyDataReader
TThe topic-type
subscriberThe Subscriber to which the DataReader belongs
topic_descriptionThe TopicDescription identifying the DataReader to find
The found DataReader, or dds::core::null if it doesn't exist
template<typename Reader >
Reader rti::sub::find_datareader_by_name ( dds::domain::DomainParticipant  participant,
const std::string &  datareader_name 

<<extension>> Retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader within the dds::domain::DomainParticipant with the given name

Template Parameters
ReaderThe type of the reader. It can be dds::sub::AnyDataReader, or an instantiation of dds::sub::DataReader<T> (if T is not the correct type, this function throws dds::core::InvalidDowncastError)

Every dds::sub::DataReader in the system has an entity name which is configured and stored in the EntityName policy, ENTITY_NAME.

Every dds::sub::Subscriber in the system has an entity name which is also configured and stored in the EntityName policy, ENTITY_NAME.

This operation retrieves a dds::sub::DataReader within a dds::sub::Subscriber given the specified name which encodes both to the dds::sub::DataReader and the dds::sub::Subscriber name.

If there are several dds::sub::DataReader with the same name within the corresponding dds::sub::Subscriber this function returns the first matching occurrence.

The specified name might be given as a fully-qualified entity name or as a plain name.

The fully qualified entity name is a concatenation of the dds::sub::Subscriber to which the dds::sub::DataReader belongs and the entity name of of the dds::sub::DataReader itself, separated by a double colon "::". For example: MySubscriberName::MyDataReaderName

The plain name contains the dds::sub::DataReader name only. In this situation it is implied that the dds::sub::DataReader belongs to the implicit dds::sub::Subscriber so the use of a plain name is equivalent to specifying a fully qualified name with the dds::sub::Subscriber name part being "implicit". For example: the plain name "MyDataReaderName" is equivalent to specifiying the fully qualified name "implicit::MyDataReaderName"

The dds::sub::DataReader is only looked up within the dds::sub::Subscriber specified in the fully qualified name, or within the implicit dds::sub::Subscriber if the name was not fully qualified.

participantThe dds::domain::DomainParticipant within which the dds::sub::DataReader exists
datareader_nameEntityName of the DataReader to find
The first reader with the given name or dds::core::null if it is not found.
See Also
rti::sub::find_datareader_by_name(const dds::sub::Subscriber&, const std::string&)
dds::sub::Subscriber rti::sub::implicit_subscriber ( const dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp)

<<extension>> Retrieves the implicit dds::sub::Subscriber for the given dds::domain::DomainParticipant.

If an implicit Subscriber does not already exist, this creates one.

The implicit Subscriber is created with default dds::sub::qos::SubscriberQos and no listener. When a DomainParticipant is deleted, if there are no attached dds::sub::DataReader that belong to the implicit Subscriber, the implicit Subscriber will be implicitly deleted.

                \par MT Safety:

UNSAFE. it is not safe to create the implicit subscriber while another thread may be simultaneously calling dds::domain::DomainParticipant::default_subscriber_qos(const dds::sub::qos::SubscriberQos & qos ).

dpThe DomainParticipant that the implicit subscriber belongs to.
The implicit Subscriber
template<typename T >
dds::sub::Sample< T > copy_to_sample ( const rti::sub::LoanedSample< T > &  ls)

Copies the contents of a rti::sub::LoanedSample into a dds::sub::Sample.


std::vector<Sample<Foo> > sample_vector;
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const LoanedSample< T > &  sample 

Calls the operator on the data or prints [invalid data].

template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >::iterator begin ( ValidLoanedSamples< T > &  ls)
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >::const_iterator begin ( const ValidLoanedSamples< T > &  ls)
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >::iterator end ( ValidLoanedSamples< T > &  ls)
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T >::const_iterator end ( const ValidLoanedSamples< T > &  ls)
template<typename T >
void swap ( ValidLoanedSamples< T > &  ls1,
ValidLoanedSamples< T > &  ls2 
) throw ()
template<typename T >
ValidLoanedSamples< T > rti::sub::valid_data ( LoanedSamples< T > &&  samples)

<<C++11>> <<extension>> Returns a collection that provides access only to samples with valid data

Template Parameters
TThe topic-type. It has to match the type of the DataReader.

This function transforms a LoanedSamples collection into another collection whose iterators only access valid-data samples, skipping any sample such that !sample.info().valid().

This operation is O(1) and will not copy the data samples or allocated any additional memory.

The typical way to use this function is to directly call it on the return value of a read()/take() operation and use it in a for-loop. For example:

auto valid_samples = rti::sub::valid_data(reader.read());
for (const auto& sample : valid_samples) {
// no need to check sample.info().valid()
std::cout << sample.data() << std::endl;
samplesThe collection of LoanedSamples to transform into a ValidLoanedSamples. It must be an rvalue, so valid actual parameters are the result of one of the read/take operations:
auto vs = rti::sub::valid_data(reader.take());
Or an std::move'd existing collection:
auto ls = reader.take();
auto vs = rti::sub::valid_data(std::move(ls));
// 'ls' is now invalid and can't be further used
A forward-iterable collection that provides access only to samples with valid data. Note that this collection doesn't provide random access.
samples is invalid cannot be used after this call
See Also
rti::sub::valid_data(const SampleIterator<T>&), which applies to an iterator rather to the whole collection
Reading data samples
bool rti::sub::operator== ( const SampleInfoImpl &  other) const

Compare two dds::sub::SampleInfo objects for equality.

template<typename T >
ValidSampleIterator< T > rti::sub::valid_data ( const SampleIterator< T > &  sample_iterator)

<<extension>> Returns an iterator that skips invalid samples

Given a regular sample iterator, this functions creates another iterator it that behaves exactly the same except that it++ moves to the next valid sample (or to the end of the collection). That is, if it doesn't point to the end of the collection, it->info.valid() is always true.

This is useful when your application doesn't need to deal with samples containing meta-information only.

For example, the following code copies all the data in a LoanedSamples collection skipping any invalid samples (otherwise, attempting to copy the data from an invalid sample would throw an exception, see rti::sub::LoanedSample::operator const DataType& ()).

std::vector<KeyedType> data_vector;

Note that valid_data(samples.begin()) won't point to the first element if that element is not a valid sample.

A similar utility is the functor rti::sub::IsValidData.

See Also
rti::sub::valid_data(LoanedSamples<T>&&), which applies to the whole collection instead of an iterator
Reading data samples
TopicQueryData create_topic_query_data_from_service_request ( const rti::topic::ServiceRequest service_request)

Creates a TopicQueryData from a ServiceRequest.

This operation will extract the content from the request body of the rti::topic::ServiceRequest to create a rti::sub::TopicQueryData object.

The specified rti::topic::ServiceRequest must be a valid sample associated with the service id rti::core::ServiceRequestId_def::TOPIC_QUERY. Otherwise this operation will return false.

This operation can be called within the context of a dds::pub::DataWriterListener::on_service_request_accepted to retrieve the rti::sub::TopicQueryData of a rti::topic::ServiceRequest that has been received with service id rti::core::ServiceRequestId_def::TOPIC_QUERY

<<inout>> A rti::sub::TopicQueryData object where the content from the service request is extracted.

<<in>> Input rti::topic::ServiceRequest that contains the rti::sub::TopicQueryData as part of its request body.

service_requestThe rti::topic::ServiceRequest that contains the rti::sub::TopicQueryData as part of its request body.
A rti::sub::TopicQueryData object where the content from the service request is extracted.
TopicQuery find_topic_query ( dds::sub::AnyDataReader  datareader,
const rti::core::Guid guid 

Looks up a TopicQuery by its GUID.

datareaderThe DataReader used to create the TopicQuery
guidThe TopicQuery's GUID
The TopicQuery if it exists or a dds::core::null reference otherwise.
See Also
template<typename T >
void rti::sub::unpack ( const dds::sub::SharedSamples< T > &  samples,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const T > > &  sample_vector 

<<extension>> <<C++11>> Unpacks a SharedSamples collection into individual shared_ptr's in a vector

#include <rti/sub/unpack.hpp>

This function creates a reference (not a copy) to each sample with valid data in a SharedSamples container and pushes it back into a vector.

Each individual sample in the vector retains a reference to the original SharedSamples that controls when the loan is returned. These references can be further shared. When all the references go out of scope, the loan is returned.

This can be also useful to insert samples from different calls to read()/take() into the same vector. It is however recommended to not hold these samples indefinitely, since they use internal resources.


dds::sub::SharedSamples<Foo> shared_samples = reader.take();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Foo>> sample_vector;
rti::sub::unpack(shared_samples, sample_vector);
std::cout << *sample_vector[0] << std::endl;
// ...
// Read more samples, unpack them at the end of the same vector
shared_samples = reader.take();
rti::sub::unpack(shared_samples, sample_vector);
// References to the samples can be shared freely
std::shared_ptr<const Foo> sample = sample_vector[3];
// ...
// The loans will be returned automatically
To finalize a DataReader, all the shared_ptr obtained via unpack() need to have been released. Otherwise DataReader::close() will fail with dds::core::PreconditionNotMetError.
Template Parameters
TThe topic-type
samplesThe collection of samples obtained from the DataReader
sample_vectorThe destination where the samples are pushed back.
template<typename T >
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const T > > rti::sub::unpack ( const dds::sub::SharedSamples< T > &  samples)

<<extension>> <<C++11>> Unpacks a SharedSamples collection into individual shared_ptr's in a vector

This overload returns a new vector instead of adding into an existing one.

See Also
unpack(const dds::sub::SharedSamples<T>&, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const T> >&)
template<typename T >
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const T > > rti::sub::unpack ( dds::sub::LoanedSamples< T > &&  samples)

<<extension>> <<C++11>> Unpacks a LoanedSamples collection into individual shared_ptr's in a vector

This overload is a shortcut for unpack(SharedSamples<T>(loaned_samples)) to simplify code like the following:

auto sample_vector = unpack(reader.take());
See Also
unpack(const dds::sub::SharedSamples<T>&, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const T> >&)

RTI Connext Modern C++ API Version 6.0.1 Copyright © Sat Nov 23 2019 Real-Time Innovations, Inc