
rti.connextdds (often aliased as dds) is the main package and contains the DDS API.

The following is the alphabetical list of all classes in the module. For a list of the most relevant ones, see Quick Reference.

class rti.connextdds.ACTMember

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

INVALID_INDEX = 4294967295
cdr_serialized_sample_max_size(self: rti.connextdds.ACTMember, arg0: int) → int

Gets the maximum serialized size of samples of this type.

extensibility_kind(self: rti.connextdds.ACTMember) → rti.connextdds.ExtensibilityKind

Gets the extensibility kind.

find_member_by_name(self: rti.connextdds.ACTMember, arg0: str) → int

Obtains the member index from its name.

member(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. member(self: rti.connextdds.ACTMember, arg0: int) -> rti.connextdds.Member

Gets a member by its index.

  1. member(self: rti.connextdds.ACTMember, arg0: str) -> rti.connextdds.Member

Gets a member by its name.

property member_count

Gets the number of members.

members(self: rti.connextdds.ACTMember) → rti.connextdds.MemberSeq

Gets a copy of all the members

class rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

INVALID_INDEX = 4294967295
cdr_serialized_sample_max_size(self: rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember, arg0: int) → int

Gets the maximum serialized size of samples of this type.

extensibility_kind(self: rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember) → rti.connextdds.ExtensibilityKind

Gets the extensibility kind.

find_member_by_name(self: rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember, arg0: str) → int

Obtains the member index from its name.

member(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. member(self: rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember, arg0: int) -> rti.connextdds.UnionMember

Gets a member by its index.

  1. member(self: rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember, arg0: str) -> rti.connextdds.UnionMember

Gets a member by its name.

property member_count

Gets the number of members.

members(self: rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember) → rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq

Gets a copy of all the members

class rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

INVALID_INDEX = 4294967295
cdr_serialized_sample_max_size(self: rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType, arg0: int) → int

Gets the maximum serialized size of samples of this type.

extensibility_kind(self: rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType) → rti.connextdds.ExtensibilityKind

Gets the extensibility kind.

find_member_by_name(self: rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType, arg0: str) → int

Obtains the member index from its name.

member(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. member(self: rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType, arg0: int) -> rti.connextdds.EnumMember

Gets a member by its index.

  1. member(self: rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType, arg0: str) -> rti.connextdds.EnumMember

Gets a member by its name.

property member_count

Gets the number of members.

members(self: rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType) → rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq

Gets a copy of all the members

class rti.connextdds.AckResponseData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property value

Gets the subscription handle of the acknowledging DataReader

class rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property response_data

User data payload of application-level acknowledgment.

property sample_identity

Get the identity of the sample being acknowledged.

property subscription_handle

Gets the subscription handle of the acknowledging DataReader

property valid_response_data

Flag indicating validity of the use response data in the acknowledgment.

class rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class AcknowledgmentKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


PROTOCOL : Samples are acknowledged by RTPS protocol.

Samples are acknowledged according to the Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) interoperability protocol.

APPLICATION_AUTO : Samples are acknowledged automatically after a subscribing application has accessed them.

The DataReader automatically acknowledges a sample after it has been taken and the loan returned.

APPLICATION_ORDERED : Samples up to a specified sequence number are acknowledged.

APPLICATION_EXPLICIT : Samples are acknowledged after the subscribing application explicitly calls acknowledge on the samples.

Samples received by a DataReader are explicitly acknowledged by the subscribing application, after it calls either DataReader.acknowledge_all or DataReader.acknowledge_sample.

PROTOCOL = <AcknowledgmentKind.PROTOCOL: 0>
property name
property value
PROTOCOL = <AcknowledgmentKind.PROTOCOL: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALL = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
DEFAULT = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
DOMAIN_ID = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
ENTITY_KIND = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
ENTITY_NAME = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
GUID_PREFIX = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
NONE = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
TOPIC = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
TYPE = <rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask) -> rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask) -> rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask) -> rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask) → rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask) → rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.AliasType

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

Represents a typedef.

property is_pointer

Gets whether this alias makes related_type a pointer

related_type(self: rti.connextdds.AliasType) → rti.connextdds.DynamicType

Gets the related type.

resolve(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType) → rti.connextdds.DynamicType

Resolves an AliasType recursively to get the final underlying type.

static resolve_type(alias_type: rti.connextdds.DynamicType) → rti.connextdds.DynamicType

Resolves an AliasType recursively to get the final underlying type.

class rti.connextdds.AllocationSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property incremental_count

Incremental count of resources.

property initial_count

Initial count of resources.

property max_count

Max count of resources.

exception rti.connextdds.AlreadyClosedError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader

class rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

class rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.AnyTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

class rti.connextdds.AnyTopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyTopic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.AnyTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.AnyTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.AnyTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.AnyTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.ArrayType

Bases: rti.connextdds.CollectionType

dimension(self: rti.connextdds.ArrayType, index: int) → int

Returns the size of the ith dimension

property dimension_count

Number of dimensions.

property total_element_count

Total element count across all dimensions.

class rti.connextdds.AsynchronousPublisher

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property asynchronous_batch_thread

Get/set the settings associated with the asynchronous batch flush thread.

property disable_asynchronous_batch

Get/set the asynchronous batch flushing capability for this policy.

property disable_asynchronous_write

Get/set the asynchronous write capability for this policy.

property disable_topic_query_publication

Get/set the topic query publication capability for this policy.

disabled = <rti.connextdds.AsynchronousPublisher object>
static enabled(enable_async_batch: bool = False) → rti.connextdds.AsynchronousPublisher

Create an AsynchronousPublisher QoS policy with asynchronous write (and optionally asynchronous batch flushing) enabled.

property thread

Get/set the settings associated with the asynchronous publisher thread.

property topic_query_publication_thread

Get/set the settings associated with the topic query publication thread.

class rti.connextdds.Availability

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property enable_required_subscriptions

Get/set the status of required subscriptions for this policy.

property max_data_availability_waiting_time

Get/set the amount of time to wait before delivering a sample to the application without having received some of the previous samples.

property max_endpoint_availability_waiting_time

Get/set the amount of time to wait to discover DataWriters providing samples for the same data source (virtual GUID).

property required_matched_endpoint_groups

Get/set a copy of the required endpoint groups.

class rti.connextdds.Batch

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

disabled = <rti.connextdds.Batch object>
property enable

Get/set boolean that specifies whether batching is enabled.

enabled = <rti.connextdds.Batch object>
static enabled_with_max_data_bytes(max_data_bytes: int) → rti.connextdds.Batch

Create a Batch policy with batching enabled that will flush based on the cummulative size of serialized samples.

static enabled_with_max_samples(max_samples: int) → rti.connextdds.Batch

Create a Batch policy with batching enabled that will flush based on the number of samples written to the batch.

property max_data_bytes

Get/set the maximum cummulative size of serialized samples in a batch. When this limit is reached the batch will be flushed.

property max_flush_delay

Get/set the maximum delay to flush a batch, measured from the time the first sample in the batch is written.

property max_samples

Get/set the maximum number of serialized samples in a batch. When this limit is reached the batch will be flushed.

property source_timestamp_resolution

Get/set the timestamp resolution of the samples in the batch.

property thread_safe_write

Get/set boolean that specifies whether batch writes must be thread safe.

class rti.connextdds.BoolSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq, x: bool) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq, x: bool) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq, i: int, x: bool) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq) -> bool

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq, i: int) -> bool

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BoolSeq, x: bool) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.BoolType

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.BuiltinProfiles

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

baseline = 'BuiltinQosLib::Baseline'
baseline_5_0_0 = 'BuiltinQosLib::Baseline.5.0.0'
baseline_5_1_0 = 'BuiltinQosLib::Baseline.5.1.0'
baseline_5_2_0 = 'BuiltinQosLib::Baseline.5.2.0'
baseline_5_3_0 = 'BuiltinQosLib::Baseline.5.3.0'
baseline_6_0_0 = 'BuiltinQosLib::Baseline.6.0.0'
generic_auto_tuning = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.AutoTuning'
generic_best_effort = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.BestEffort'
generic_common = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.Common'
generic_connext_micro_compatibility = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.ConnextMicroCompatibility'
generic_connext_micro_compatibility_2_4_3 = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.ConnextMicroCompatibility.2.4.3'
generic_connext_micro_compatibility_2_4_9 = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.ConnextMicroCompatibility.2.4.9'
generic_keep_last_reliable = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable'
generic_keep_last_reliable_large_data = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable.LargeData'
generic_keep_last_reliable_large_data_fast_flow = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable.LargeData.FastFlow'
generic_keep_last_reliable_large_data_medium_flow = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable.LargeData.MediumFlow'
generic_keep_last_reliable_large_data_slow_flow = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable.LargeData.SlowFlow'
generic_keep_last_reliable_persistent = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable.Persistent'
generic_keep_last_reliable_transient = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable.Transient'
generic_keep_last_reliable_transient_local = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.KeepLastReliable.TransientLocal'
generic_minimal_memory_footprint = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.MinimalMemoryFootprint'
generic_monitoring_common = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.Monitoring.Common'
generic_other_dds_vendor_compatibility = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.510TransportCompatibility'
generic_participant_large_data = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.Participant.LargeData'
generic_participant_large_data_monitoring = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.Participant.LargeData.Monitoring'
generic_security = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.Security'
generic_strict_reliable = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.StrictReliable'
generic_strict_reliable_high_throughput = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.StrictReliable.HighThroughput'
generic_strict_reliable_large_data = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.StrictReliable.LargeData'
generic_strict_reliable_large_data_fast_flow = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.StrictReliable.LargeData.FastFlow'
generic_strict_reliable_large_data_medium_flow = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.StrictReliable.LargeData.MediumFlow'
generic_strict_reliable_large_data_slow_flow = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.StrictReliable.LargeData.SlowFlow'
generic_strict_reliable_low_latency = 'BuiltinQosLib::Generic.StrictReliable.LowLatency'
library_name = 'BuiltinQosLib'
pattern_alarm_event = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.AlarmEvent'
pattern_alarm_status = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.AlarmStatus'
pattern_event = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.Event'
pattern_last_value_cache = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.LastValueCache'
pattern_periodic_data = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.PeriodicData'
pattern_reliable_streaming = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.ReliableStreaming'
pattern_status = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.Status'
pattern_streaming = 'BuiltinQosLib::Pattern.Streaming'
class rti.connextdds.BuiltinTopicKey

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property value

Returns a copy of the four integers that represent the key.

class rti.connextdds.BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property disable_fragmentation_support

Determines whether the DataReader can receive fragmented samples.

property dynamically_allocate_fragmented_samples

Determines whether the DataReader pre-allocates storage for storing fragmented samples.

property initial_fragmented_samples

The initial number of samples for which a DataReader may store fragments.

property initial_infos

Initial number of sample infos.

property initial_outstanding_reads

The initial number of outstanding calls to read/take (or one of their variants) on the same DataReader for which memory has not been returned by calling LoanedSamples.return_loan().

property initial_samples

Initial number of samples

property max_fragmented_samples

The maximum number of samples for which the DataReader may store fragments at a given point in time.

property max_fragments_per_sample

Maximum number of fragments for a single sample.

property max_infos

Maximum number of sample infos.

property max_outstanding_reads

The max number of outstanding calls to read/take (or one of their variants) on the same DataReader for which memory has not been returned by calling LoanedSamples.return_loan().

property max_samples

Maximum number of samples

property max_samples_per_read

The maximum number of data samples that the application can receive from the middleware in a single call to DataReader.read() or DataReader.take(). If more data exists in the middleware, the application will need to issue multiple read/take calls.

class rti.connextdds.ByteVector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

A DDS standard container with functionality similar to a C++ vector.

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ByteVector) → None

Resize ByteVector to 0.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.ByteVector, size: int) → None

Resize ByteVector.

class rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::core::TBytesTopicType<rti::core::BytesTopicTypeImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

property data

The byte sequence.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

length(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) → int

Get the number of bytes.

class rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.BytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.BytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.CSampleWrapper

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

get_ptr(self: rti.connextdds.CSampleWrapper) → int
class rti.connextdds.CdrPaddingKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

AUTO = <CdrPaddingKind.AUTO: 2>
class CdrPaddingKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


ZERO : Set padding bytes to zero during CDR serialization.

NOT_SET : Don’t set padding bytes to any value.

AUTO : Set the value automatically, depending on the Entity.

When set on a DomainParticipant the default behavior is NOT_SET

When set on a DataWriter or DataReader the behavior is to inherit the value from the DomainParticipant.

AUTO = <CdrPaddingKind.AUTO: 2>
NOT_SET = <CdrPaddingKind.NOT_SET: 1>
ZERO = <CdrPaddingKind.ZERO: 0>
property name
property value
NOT_SET = <CdrPaddingKind.NOT_SET: 1>
ZERO = <CdrPaddingKind.ZERO: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.ChannelSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property filter_expression

A logical expression used to determine the data that will be published in the channel.

property multicast_settings

A sequence of TransportMulticastSettings used to configure the multicast addresses associated with a channel.

property priority

Publication priority.

class rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettings) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettings) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettings) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ChannelSettings

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ChannelSettings

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ChannelSettings) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.CharSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, x: str) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, x: str) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, L: rti.connextdds.CharSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, i: int, x: str) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq) -> str

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, i: int) -> str

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, x: str) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size


alias of rti.connextdds.Int8Type

class rti.connextdds.CoherentAccess

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

end(self: rti.connextdds.CoherentAccess) → None

Explicitly indicate that the application has finished accessing the data samples in DataReader objects managed by the Subscriber.

class rti.connextdds.CoherentSet

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

end(self: rti.connextdds.CoherentSet) → None

Explicitly terminate a coherent set initiated by the CoherentSet constructor.

class rti.connextdds.CoherentSetInfo

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

UNKNOWN = <rti.connextdds.CoherentSetInfo object>
property coherent_set_sequence_number

The coherent set sequence number that identifies a sample as part of a DataWriter coherent set.

property group_coherent_set_sequence_number

The group coherent set sequence number that identifies a sample as part of a group coherent set.

property group_guid

Coherent set group.

property incomplete_coherent_set

The incomplete coherent set status.

class rti.connextdds.CollectionType

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

property content_type

Gets the type of elements of this collection.

class rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALL = <rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask object>
BZIP2 = <rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask object>
DEFAULT_PUBLICATION = <rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask object>
DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION = <rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask object>
LZ4 = <rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask object>
NONE = <rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask object>
ZLIB = <rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask) -> rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask) -> rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask) -> rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask) → rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask) → rti.connextdds.CompressionIdMask

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.CompressionSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property compression_ids

Compression ID settings.

property writer_compression_level

Writer compression level.

property writer_compression_threshold

Writer compression threshold

class rti.connextdds.Condition

Bases: rti.connextdds.ICondition

class rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Condition) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Condition) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Condition) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq) -> rti.connextdds.Condition

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Condition

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ConditionSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Condition) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class rti.connextdds.ContentFilterProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property content_filter_topic_name

The ContentFilteredTopic filter parameters.

property filter_class_name

Identifies the filter class this filter belongs to.

property filter_expression

The filter expression.

property related_topic_name

The name of the ContentFilteredTopic’s related Topic.

class rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic], x: rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic]) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic], x: rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic], L: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic]) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic], L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic], i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic]) -> rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic], i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: List[rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic], x: rti.connextdds.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.Cookie

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Unique identifier for a written data sample in the form of a sequence of bytes.

property value

Retrieve the bytes of the Cookie’s contents.

class rti.connextdds.CookieSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq, L: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq) -> rti.connextdds.Cookie

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Cookie

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.CookieSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.CookieVector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

A DDS standard container with functionality similar to a C++ vector.

clear(self: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

Resize CookieVector to 0.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.CookieVector, size: int) → None

Resize CookieVector.

class rti.connextdds.DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector) → List[Tuple[object, rti.connextdds.SampleInfo]]

Read copies of all available data and info based on Selector settings.

read_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector) → List[object]

Read copies of all available valid data based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector) → List[Tuple[object, rti.connextdds.SampleInfo]]

Take copies of all available data and info based on Selector settings.

take_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector) → List[object]

Take copies of all available valid data based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → List[rti.connextdds.DataReader]

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → object

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.CSampleWrapper) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

  1. lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, key_holder: object) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → List[Tuple[object, rti.connextdds.SampleInfo]]

Read copies of all available data and info

read_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → List[object]

Read copies of all available valid data

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.DataReader.Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, listener: pyrti::PyDataReaderListener<rti::topic::cdr::CSampleWrapper>, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → List[Tuple[object, rti.connextdds.SampleInfo]]

Take copies of all available data and info

take_async(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition = None) → object

Takes copies of data, info tuples as data becomes available in an async generator. Must import rti.asyncio.


async for data, info in reader.take_async():
    if info.valid:

A ReadCondition or QueryCondition can be used to filter the data

take_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → List[object]

Take copies of all available valid data

take_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition = None) → object

Takes copies of data as it becomes available in an async generator. Must import rti.asyncio.


async for data in reader.take_data_async():

A ReadCondition or QueryCondition can be used to filter the data

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderCacheStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property alive_instance_count

The number of instances in the DataReader’s queue with an instance state equal to InstanceState.ALIVE.

property alive_instance_count_peak

The highest value of DataReaderCacheStatus.alive_instance_count over the lifetime of the DataReader.

property compressed_sample_count

The number of received compressed samples.

property content_filter_dropped_sample_count

The number of user samples filtered by the DataReader due to Content-Filtered Topics.

property detached_instance_count

The number of instances in the DataReader’s queue with an instance state equal to InstanceState.NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED.

property detached_instance_count_peak

The highest value of DataReaderCacheStatus.detached_instance_count over the lifetime of the DataReader.

property disposed_instance_count

The number of instances in the DataReader’s queue with an instance state equal to InstanceState.NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED.

property disposed_instance_count_peak

The number of minimal instance states currently being maintained in the DataReader’s queue.

property expired_dropped_sample_count

The number of samples expired by the DataReader due to Lifespan QoS or the autopurge sample delays.

property no_writers_instance_count

The number of instances in the DataReader’s queue with an instance state equal to InstanceState.NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS.

property no_writers_instance_count_peak

The highest value of DataReaderCacheStatus.no_writers_instance_count over the lifetime of the DataReader.

property old_source_timestamp_dropped_sample_count

The number of samples dropped as a result of receiving a sample older than the last one, using DestinationOrderKind.BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP.

property ownership_dropped_sample_count

The number of samples dropped as a result of receiving a sample from a DataWriter with a lower strength, using Exclusive Ownership.

property replaced_dropped_sample_count

The number of samples replaced by the DataReader due to HistoryKind.KEEP_LAST replacement.

property sample_count

The number of samples in the DataReader’s queue.

property sample_count_peak

The highest number of samples in the DataReader’s queue over the lifetime of the reader.

property time_based_filter_dropped_sample_count

The number of user samples filtered by the DataReader due to TimeBasedFilter QoS.

property tolerance_source_timestamp_dropped_sample_count

The number of samples dropped as a result of receiving a sample in the future, using DestinationOrderKind.BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP.

property total_samples_dropped_by_instance_replacement

The number of samples with sample state SampleState.NOT_READ that were dropped when removing an instance due to instance replacement. See DataReaderResourceLimits.instance_replacement for more details about when instances are replaced.

property virtual_duplicate_dropped_sample_count

The number of virtual duplicate samples dropped by the DataReader. A sample is a virtual duplicate if it has the same identity (Virtual Writer GUID and Virtual Sequence Number) as a previously received sample.

property writer_removed_batch_sample_dropped_sample_count

The number of batch samples received by the DataReader that were marked as removed by the DataWriter.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ANY_INSTANCE = <DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind.ANY_INSTANCE: 3>
class DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


NO_INSTANCE : No instance can be removed.

EMPTY_INSTANCES : Only empty instances can be removed

FULLY_PROCESSED_INSTANCES : Only fully-processed instances can be removed.

ANY_INSTANCE : Any instance can be removed.

ANY_INSTANCE = <DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind.ANY_INSTANCE: 3>
EMPTY_INSTANCES = <DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind.EMPTY_INSTANCES: 1>
NO_INSTANCE = <DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind.NO_INSTANCE: 0>
property name
property value
EMPTY_INSTANCES = <DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind.EMPTY_INSTANCES: 1>
NO_INSTANCE = <DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind.NO_INSTANCE: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocol

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property disable_positive_acks

Get/set the boolean for whether the reader will use send positive acknowledgments.

property expects_inline_qos

Get/set the boolean for whether the reader will expect inline QoS with each sample.

property propagate_dispose_of_unregistered_instances

Get/set the boolean for whether an instance can move to the not_alive_disposed state without being in the alive state.

property propagate_unregister_of_disposed_instances

Get/set the boolean for whether an instance can move to the not_alive_no_writers state without being in the alive state.

property rtps_object_id

Get/set the RTPS object ID.

property rtps_reliable_reader

Get/set the reliable reader protocol settings.

property virtual_guid

Get/set a copy of the virtual GUID.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Information about the DataReader’s protocol status.

property dropped_fragment_count

The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been dropped by a DataReader.

property duplicate_sample_bytes

The number of bytes of sample data from a remote DataWriter received, not for the first time, by a local DataReader.

property duplicate_sample_count

The number of samples from a remote DataWriter received, not for the first time, by a local DataReader.

property first_available_sample_sequence_number

Sequence number of the first available sample in a matched DataWriters reliability queue.

property last_available_sample_sequence_number

Sequence number of the last available sample in a matched Datawriter’s reliability queue.

property last_committed_sample_sequence_number

Sequence number of the newest sample received from the matched DataWriter committed to the DataReader’s queue.

property out_of_range_rejected_sample_count

The number of samples dropped by the DataReader due to received window is full and the sample is out-of-order.

property reassembled_sample_count

The number of fragmented samples that have been reassembled by a DataReader.

property received_fragment_count

The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been received by this DataReader.

property received_gap_bytes

The number of bytes of GAP data received from remote DataWriter to this DataReader.

property received_gap_count

The number of GAPs received from remote DataWriter to this DataReader.

property received_heartbeat_bytes

The number of bytes of Heartbeat data from a remote DataWriter received by a local DataReader.

property received_heartbeat_count

The number of Heartbeats from a remote DataWriter received by a local DataReader.

property received_sample_bytes

The number of bytes from samples received by a DataReader.

property received_sample_count

The number of samples received by a DataReader.

property rejected_sample_count

The number of times samples were rejected due to exceptions in the receive path.

property sent_ack_bytes

The number of bytes of ACK data sent from a local DataReader to a matching remote DataWriter.

property sent_ack_count

The number of ACKs sent from a local DataReader to a matching remote DataWriter.

property sent_nack_bytes

The number of bytes of NACK data sent from a local DataReader to a matching remote DataWriter.

property sent_nack_count

The number of NACKs sent from a local DataReader to a matching remote DataWriter.

property sent_nack_fragment_bytes

The number of NACK fragment bytes that have been sent from a DataReader to a DataWriter.

property sent_nack_fragment_count

The number of NACK fragments that have been sent from a DataReader to a DataWriter.

property uncommitted_sample_count

Number of received samples that are not yet available to be read or taken, due to being received out of order.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderQos

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property availability

Get/set Availability QoS.

property data_reader_protocol

Get/set DataReaderProtocol QoS.

property data_reader_resource_limits

Get/set DataReaderResourceLimits QoS.

property data_representation

Get/set DataRepresentation QoS.

property data_tag

Get/set DataTag QoS.

property deadline

Get/set Deadline QoS.

property destination_order

Get/set DestinationOrder QoS.

property durability

Get/set Durability QoS.

property entity_name

Get/set EntityName QoS.

property history

Get/set History QoS.

property latency_budget

Get/set LatencyBudget QoS.

property liveliness

Get/set Liveliness QoS.

property ownership

Get/set Ownership QoS.

property property

Get/set Property QoS.

property reader_data_lifecycle

Get/set ReaderDataLifecycle QoS.

property reliability

Get/set Reliability QoS.

property resource_limits

Get/set ResourceLimits QoS.

property service

Get/set Service QoS.

property time_based_filter

Get/set TimeBasedFilter QoS.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.DataReaderQos, format: rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat = QosPrintFormat(), base: Optional[rti.connextdds.DataReaderQos] = None, print_all: bool = False) → str

Convert QoS to string based on params.

property transport_multicast

Get/set TransportMulticast QoS.

property transport_priority

Get/set TransportPriority QoS.

property transport_selection

Get/set TransportSelection QoS.

property transport_unicast

Get/set TransportUnicast QoS.

property type_consistency_enforcement

Get/set TypeConsistencyEnforcement QoS.

property type_support

Get/set TypeSupport QoS.

property user_data

Get/set UserData QoS.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderResourceLimits

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property disable_fragmentation_support

Determines whether the DataReader can receive fragmented samples.

property dynamically_allocate_fragmented_samples

Determines whether the DataReader pre-allocates storage for storing fragmented samples.

property initial_fragmented_samples

The initial number of samples for which a DataReader may store fragments.

property initial_infos

The initial number of info units that a DataReader can use to store SampleInfo.

property initial_outstanding_reads

The initial number of outstanding calls to read/take (or one of their variants) on the same DataReader for which memory has not been returned by calling LoanedSamples.return_loan().

property initial_remote_virtual_writers

The initial number of remote virtual writers from which a DataReader may read, including all instances.

property initial_remote_virtual_writers_per_instance

The initial number of virtual remote writers that can be associated with an instance.

property initial_remote_writers

The initial number of remote writers from which a DataReader may read, including all instances.

property initial_remote_writers_per_instance

The initial number of remote writers from which a DataReader may read a single instance.

property initial_topic_queries

The initial number of TopicQueries allocated by a DataReader.

property instance_replacement

The instance replacement policy.

property keep_minimum_state_for_instances

Whether or not keep a minimum instance state for up to DataReaderResourceLimits.max_total_instances.

property max_app_ack_response_length

Maximum length of application-level acknowledgment response data.

property max_fragmented_samples

The maximum number of samples for which the DataReader may store fragments at a given point in time.

property max_fragmented_samples_per_remote_writer

The maximum number of samples per remote writer for which a DataReader may store fragments.

property max_fragments_per_sample

Maximum number of fragments for a single sample.

property max_infos

The maximum number of info units that a DataReader can use to store SampleInfo.

property max_outstanding_reads

The max number of outstanding calls to read/take (or one of their variants) on the same DataReader for which memory has not been returned by calling LoanedSamples.return_loan().

property max_query_condition_filters

The maximum number of query condition filters a reader is allowed.

property max_remote_virtual_writers

The maximum number of remote virtual writers from which a DataReader may read, including all instances.

property max_remote_virtual_writers_per_instance

The maximum number of virtual remote writers that can be associated with an instance.

property max_remote_writers

The maximum number of remote writers from which a DataReader may read, including all instances.

property max_remote_writers_per_instance

The maximum number of remote writers from which a DataReadermay read a single instance.

property max_remote_writers_per_sample

The maximum number of remote writers allowed to write the same sample.

property max_samples_per_read

The maximum number of data samples that the application can receive from the middleware in a single call to DataReader.read() or DataReader.take(). If more data exists in the middleware, the application will need to issue multiple read/take calls.

property max_samples_per_remote_writer

The maximum number of out-of-order samples from a given remote DataWriter that a DataReader may store when maintaining a reliable connection to the DataWriter.

property max_topic_queries

The maximum number of TopicQueries allocated by a DataReader.

property max_total_instances

Maximum number of instances for which a DataReader will keep state.

property shmem_ref_transfer_mode_attached_segment_allocation

The initial number of TopicQueries allocated by a DataReader.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderResourceLimitsInstanceReplacementSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property alive_instance_removal

The instance replacment policy for alive instances.

property disposed_instance_removal

The instance replacment policy for disposed instances.

property no_writers_instance_removal

The instance replacment policy for not-alive-no-writer instances.

class rti.connextdds.DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader], x: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader]) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader], x: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader], L: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader]) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader], L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader], i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader]) -> rti.connextdds.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader], i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataReader], x: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.DataRepresentation

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

AUTO_ID = -1
XCDR = 0
XCDR2 = 2
XML = 1
property compression_settings

The compression settings.

property value

A sequence of IDs representing the allowed data representations.

This property uses copy semantics. Changes to the sequence are not reflected in the policy unless the sequence is commited back to the policy object via the property’s setter.

class rti.connextdds.DataState

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

any = [sample_state = any, view_state = any, instance_state = any]
any_data = [sample_state = any, view_state = any, instance_state = alive]
property instance_state

The InstanceState of the DataState.

new_data = [sample_state = not_read, view_state = any, instance_state = alive]
new_instance = [sample_state = any, view_state = new_view, instance_state = alive]
property sample_state

The SampleState of the DataState.

property view_state

The ViewState of the DataState.

class rti.connextdds.DataStateEx

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

any = [sample_state = any, view_state = any, instance_state = any]
any_data = [sample_state = any, view_state = any, instance_state = alive]
property data_state

Access the view, sample and instance states.

property instance_state

The InstanceState of the DataStateEx.

new_data = [sample_state = not_read, view_state = any, instance_state = alive]
new_instance = [sample_state = any, view_state = new_view, instance_state = alive]
property sample_state

The SampleState of the DataStateEx.

property stream_kind

The StreamKind.

property view_state

The ViewState of the DataStateEx.

class rti.connextdds.DataTag

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

exists(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, key: str) → bool

Returns true if a tag exists.

get(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, key: str) → str

Returns the value of a tag identified by a key if it exists.

get_all(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag) → rti.connextdds.StringMap

Retrieves a copy of all the entries.

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, key: str) → bool

Removes the tag identified by a key.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, entry_list: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq) -> None

Adds or assigns tags from a list of string pairs.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, entry_map: dict) -> None

Adds or assigns tags from a dictionary.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, entry: Tuple[str, str]) -> None

Adds or assigns a tag from a pair of strings.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> None

Adds or assigns a tag from a key string and a value string.

size(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag) → int

Returns the number of tags.

try_get(self: rti.connextdds.DataTag, key: str) → Optional[str]

Returns the value of a tag identified by a key if it exists.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter]

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → object

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, key_holder: object) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, key_holder: object) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, key_holder: object, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, key_holder: object, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, listener: pyrti::PyDataWriterListener<rti::topic::cdr::CSampleWrapper>, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, samples: List[object]) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, samples: List[object], timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, sample: object) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, sample: object, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, sample: object, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, sample: object, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, sample: object, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterCacheStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property sample_count

Number of samples in the DataWriter’s queue, including unregister and dispose samples.

property sample_count_peak

Highest number of samples in the writer’s queue over the lifetime of the writer.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocol

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property disable_inline_keyhash

Controls whether a keyhash is propagated on the wire with each sample.

property disable_positive_acks

Controls whether the DataWriter expects positive acknowledgments from matched DataReaders.

property propagate_app_ack_with_no_response

Controls whether or not a DataWriter receives on_application_acknowledgment notifications with an empty or invalid response.

property push_on_write

Determines whether a sample is pushed on a call to write.

property rtps_object_id

The RTPS object ID of the DataWriter.

property rtps_reliable_writer

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated to a DataWriter. This parameter only has effect if both the writer and the matching reader are configured with ReliabilityKind.RELIABLE.

property serialize_key_with_dispose

Controls whether or not the serialized key is propagated on the wire with dispose samples.

property virtual_guid

The virtual GUID of the DataWriter. This property uses value semantics.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Information about the DataWriter protocol status

property first_available_sample_sequence_number

The sequence number of the first available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

property first_available_sample_virtual_sequence_number

The virtual sequence number of the first available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

property first_unacknowledged_sample_sequence_number

The sequence number of the first unacknowledged sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

property first_unacknowledged_sample_subscription_handle

The handle of a remote DataReader that has not acknowledged the first unacknowledged sample of the local DataWriter.

property first_unacknowledged_sample_virtual_sequence_number

The virtual sequence number of the first unacknowledged sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

property first_unelapsed_keep_duration_sample_sequence_number

The sequence number of the first sample whose keep duration has not yet elapsed.

property last_available_sample_sequence_number

The sequence number of the last available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

property last_available_sample_virtual_sequence_number

The virtual sequence number of the last available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

property pulled_fragment_bytes

The number of bytes of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pulled from this DataWriter.

property pulled_fragment_count

The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pulled from this DataWriter.

property pulled_sample_bytes

The number of bytes of user samples pulled from local DataWriter by matching DataReaders.

property pulled_sample_count

The number of user samples pulled from local DataWriter by matching DataReaders.

property pushed_fragment_bytes

The number of bytes of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pushed by this DataWriter.

property pushed_fragment_count

The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pushed by this DataWriter.

property pushed_sample_bytes

The number of bytes of user samples pushed on write from a local DataWriter to a matching remote DataReader.

property pushed_sample_count

The number of user samples pushed on write from a local DataWriter to a matching remote DataReader.

property received_ack_bytes

The number of bytes of ACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

property received_ack_count

The number of ACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

property received_nack_bytes

The number of bytes of NACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

property received_nack_count

The number of NACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

property received_nack_fragment_bytes

The number of bytes of NACK_FRAG messages that have been received by this DataWriter.

property received_nack_fragment_count

The number of NACK_FRAG messages that have been received by this DataWriter.

property rejected_sample_count

The number of times a sample is rejected due to exceptions in the send path.

property send_window_size

Current maximum number of outstanding samples allowed in the DataWriter’s queue.

property sent_gap_bytes

The number of bytes of GAPs sent from local DataWriter to matching remote DataReaders.

property sent_gap_count

The number of GAPs sent from local DataWriter to matching remote DataReaders.

property sent_heartbeat_bytes

The number of bytes of Heartbeats sent between a local DataWriter and matching remote DataReader.

property sent_heartbeat_count

The number of Heartbeats sent between a local DataWriter and matching remote DataReader.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterQos

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property availability

Get/set Availability QoS.

property batch

Get/set Batch QoS.

property data_representation

Get/set DataRepresentation QoS.

property data_tag

Get/set DataTag QoS.

property data_writer_protocol

Get/set DataWriterProtocol QoS.

property data_writer_resource_limits

Get/set DataWriterResourceLimits QoS.

property data_writer_transfer_mode

Get/set DataWriterTransferMode QoS.

property deadline

Get/set Deadline QoS.

property destination_order

Get/set DestinationOrder QoS.

property durability

Get/set Durability QoS.

property durability_service

Get/set DurabilityService QoS.

property entity_name

Get/set EntityName QoS.

property history

Get/set History QoS.

property latency_budget

Get/set LatencyBudget QoS.

property lifespan

Get/set Lifespan QoS.

property liveliness

Get/set Liveliness QoS.

property multi_channel

Get/set MultiChannel QoS.

property ownership

Get/set Ownership QoS.

property ownership_strength

Get/set OwnershipStrength QoS.

property property

Get/set Property QoS.

property publish_mode

Get/set PublishMode QoS.

property reliability

Get/set Reliability QoS.

property resource_limits

Get/set ResourceLimits QoS.

property service

Get/set Service QoS.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.DataWriterQos, format: rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat = QosPrintFormat(), base: Optional[rti.connextdds.DataWriterQos] = None, print_all: bool = False) → str

Convert QoS to string based on params.

property topic_query_dispatch

Get/set TopicQueryDispatch QoS.

property transport_priority

Get/set TransportPriority QoS.

property transport_selection

Get/set TransportSelection QoS.

property transport_unicast

Get/set TransportUnicast QoS.

property type_support

Get/set TypeSupport QoS.

property user_data

Get/set UserData QoS.

property writer_data_lifecycle

Get/set WriterDataLifecycle QoS.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterResourceLimits

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property autoregister_instances

Whether or not to automatically register new instances.

property cookie_max_length

Represents the maximum length in bytes of a Cookie.

property initial_active_topic_queries

Represents the initial number of active topic queries a DataWriter will manage.

property initial_batches

Represents the initial number of batches a DataWriter will manage.

property initial_concurrent_blocking_threads

The initial number of threads that are allowed to concurrently block on write call on the same DataWriter.

property initial_virtual_writers

The initial number of virtual writers supported by a DataWriter.

property initialize_writer_loaned_sample

Whether or not to initialize loaned samples returned by a DataWriter.

property instance_replacement

Sets the kinds of instances allowed to be replaced when instance resource limits are reached.

property max_active_topic_queries

Represents the maximum number of active topic queries a DataWriter will manage.

property max_app_ack_remote_readers

The maximum number of application-level acknowledging remote readers supported by a DataWriter.

property max_batches

Represents the maximum number of batches a DataWriter will manage.

property max_concurrent_blocking_threads

The maximum number of threads that are allowed to concurrently block on write call on the same DataWriter.

property max_remote_reader_filters

The maximum number of remote DataReaders for which the DataWriter will perform content-based filtering.

property max_remote_readers

The maximum number of remote readers supported by a DataWriter.

property max_virtual_writers

The maximum number of virtual writers supported by a DataWriter.

property replace_empty_instances

Whether or not to replace empty instances during instance replacement.

property writer_loaned_sample_allocation

Represents the allocation settings of loaned samples managed by a DataWriter.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALIVE = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.ALIVE: 1>
ALIVE_OR_DISPOSED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.ALIVE_OR_DISPOSED: 5>
ALIVE_THEN_DISPOSED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.ALIVE_THEN_DISPOSED: 3>
DISPOSED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.DISPOSED: 2>
DISPOSED_THEN_ALIVE = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.DISPOSED_THEN_ALIVE: 4>
class DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


UNREGISTERED : Allows a DataWriter to reclaim unregistered acknowledged instances.

By default, all instance replacement kinds first attempt to reclaim an unregistered, acknowledged instance. Used in DataWriterResourceLimits.instance_replacement [default]

ALIVE : Allows a DataWriter to reclaim alive, acknowledged instances.

When an unregistered, acknowledged instance is not available to reclaim, this kind allows a DataWriter to reclaim an alive, acknowledged instance, where an alive instance is a registered, non-disposed instance. The least recently registered or written alive instance will be reclaimed.

DISPOSED : Allows a DataWriter to reclaim disposed acknowledged instances.

When an unregistered, acknowledged instance is not available to reclaim, this kind allows a DataWriter to reclaim a disposed, acknowledged instance. The least recently disposed instance will be reclaimed.

ALIVE_THEN_DISPOSED : Allows a DataWriter first to reclaim an alive, acknowledged instance, and then, if necessary, a disposed, acknowledged instance.

When an unregistered, acknowledged instance is not available to reclaim, this kind allows a DataWriter to first try reclaiming an alive, acknowledged instance. If no instance is reclaimable, then it tries reclaiming a disposed, acknowledged instance. The least recently used (i.e., registered, written, or disposed) instance will be reclaimed.

DISPOSED_THEN_ALIVE : Allows a DataWriter first to reclaim a disposed, acknowledged instance, and then, if necessary, an alive, acknowledged instance.

When an unregistered, acknowledged instance is not available to reclaim, this kind allows a DataWriter to first try reclaiming a disposed, acknowledged instance. If no instance is reclaimable, then it tries reclaiming an alive, acknowledged instance. The least recently used (i.e., disposed, registered, or written) instance will be reclaimed.

ALIVE_OR_DISPOSED : Allows a DataWriter to reclaim a either an alive acknowledged instance or a disposed acknowledged instance.

When an unregistered acknowledged instance is not available to reclaim, this kind allows a DataWriter to reclaim either an alive, acknowledged instance or a disposed, acknowledged instance. If both instance kinds are available to reclaim, the DataWriter will reclaim the least recently used (i.e. disposed, registered, or written) instance.

ALIVE = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.ALIVE: 1>
ALIVE_OR_DISPOSED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.ALIVE_OR_DISPOSED: 5>
ALIVE_THEN_DISPOSED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.ALIVE_THEN_DISPOSED: 3>
DISPOSED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.DISPOSED: 2>
DISPOSED_THEN_ALIVE = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.DISPOSED_THEN_ALIVE: 4>
UNREGISTERED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.UNREGISTERED: 0>
property name
property value
UNREGISTERED = <DataWriterResourceLimitsInstaceReplacementKind.UNREGISTERED: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter], x: rti.connextdds.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter]) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter], x: rti.connextdds.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter], L: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter]) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter], L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter], i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter]) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter], i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: List[rti.connextdds.DataWriter], x: rti.connextdds.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterShmemRefTransferModeSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property enable_data_consistency_check

Controls if samples can be checked for consistency.

class rti.connextdds.DataWriterTransferMode

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property shmem_ref_settings

Settings related to transferring data using shared memory references.

class rti.connextdds.Database

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property cleanup_period

Get/set the cleanup period.

property initial_records

Get/set the number of database records to be allocated initially.

property initial_weak_references

Get/set the initial number of weak references.

property max_skiplist_level

Get/set the skiplist level.

property max_weak_references

Get/set the maximum number of weak references.

property shutdown_cleanup_period

Get/set the shutdown cleanup period.

property shutdown_timeout

Get/set the shutdown timeout.

property thread

Get/set the thread settings for the Database thread.

class rti.connextdds.Deadline

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property period

The duration of the deadline period.

class rti.connextdds.DestinationOrder

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property kind

The destination order kind.

property scope

The destination order scope.

property source_timestamp_tolerance

The allowed tolerance between source timestamps of consecutive samples.

class rti.connextdds.DestinationOrderKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class DestinationOrderKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


BY_RECEPTION_TIMESTAMP : [default] Indicates that data is ordered based on the reception time at each Subscriber.

Since each subscriber may receive the data at different times there is no guaranteed that the changes will be seen in the same order. Consequently, it is possible for each subscriber to end up with a different final value for the data.

BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP : Indicates that data is ordered based on a time-stamp placed at the source (by RTI Connext or by the application).

In any case this guarantees a consistent final value for the data in all subscribers.

Note: If Batching is needed along with DestinationOrderKind.BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP and DestinationOrderScopeKind.INSTANCE, then the Batch.source_timestamp_resolution and Batch.thread_safe_write setting of Batch should be set to Duration.zero() and true respectively.

property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.DestinationOrderScopeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class DestinationOrderScopeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


INSTANCE : [default] Indicates that data is ordered on a per instance basis if used along with DestinationOrderKind.BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP.

The source timestamp of the current sample is compared to the source timestamp of the previously received sample for the same instance. The tolerance check is also applied per instance.

TOPIC : Indicates that data is ordered on a per topic basis if used along with DestinationOrderKind.BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP.

The source timestamp of the current sample is compared to the source timestamp of the previously received sample for the same topic. The tolerance check is also applied per topic.

INSTANCE = <DestinationOrderScopeKind.INSTANCE: 0>
TOPIC = <DestinationOrderScopeKind.TOPIC: 1>
property name
property value
INSTANCE = <DestinationOrderScopeKind.INSTANCE: 0>
TOPIC = <DestinationOrderScopeKind.TOPIC: 1>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.Discovery

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property accept_unknown_peers

Whether to accept a new participant that is not in the initial peers list.

property enable_endpoint_discovery

Whether to automatically enable endpoint discovery for all the remote participants.

property enabled_transports

The transports (by their aliases) available for the discovery mechanism.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property initial_peers

The initial list of peers that the discovery mechanism will contact to announce this DomainParticipant.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property metatraffic_transport_priority

The transport priority to use for the Discovery meta-traffic.

property multicast_receive_addresses

The multicast group addresses on which discovery-related meta-traffic can be received by the DomainParticipant.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfig

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property asynchronous_publisher

Asynchronous publishing settings for the discovery Publisher and all entities that are created by it.

property builtin_discovery_plugins

The kind mask for built-in discovery plugins.

property default_domain_announcement_period

The period to announce a participant to the default domain 0.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property endpoint_type_object_lb_serialization_threshold

Option to reduce the size required to propagate a TypeObject in Simple Endpoint Discovery.

property ignore_default_domain_announcements

Used to ignore the announcements received by a participant on the default domain 0 corresponding to participants running on domains IDs other than 0.

property initial_participant_announcements

The number of initial announcements sent when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered.

property locator_reachability_assert_period

Period at which this DomainParticipant will assert the locators discovered from other DomainParticipants.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property locator_reachability_change_detection_period

Period at which this DomainParticipant will check if its locators are reachable from other DomainParticipants.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property locator_reachability_lease_duration

The time period after which other DomainParticipants can consider one of their locators as “unreachable” if they do not receive a REACHABILITY PING from this DomainParticipant.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property max_initial_participant_announcement_period

The maximum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered.

property max_liveliness_loss_detection_period

The period to assert liveliness for the participant.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property min_initial_participant_announcement_period

The minimum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property participant_liveliness_assert_period

The period to assert liveliness for the participant.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property participant_liveliness_lease_duration

The liveliness lease duration for the participant.

property participant_message_reader

Reliability policy for a built-in participant message reader.

property participant_message_reader_reliability_kind

Reliability policy for a built-in participant message reader.

property participant_message_writer

Reliability policy for a built-in participant message writer.

property participant_reader_resource_limits

Resource limits.

property publication_reader

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated to a built-in publication reader.

property publication_reader_resource_limits

Publication reader resource limits.

property publication_writer

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated to a built-in publication reader.

property publication_writer_data_lifecycle

riter data lifecycle settings for a built-in publication writer.

property publication_writer_publish_mode

Publish mode policy for the built-in publication writer.

property remote_participant_purge_kind

The participant’s behavior for maintaining knowledge of remote participants (and their contained entities) with which discovery communication has been lost.

property secure_volatile_writer_publish_mode

Publish mode policy for the built-in secure volatile writer.

property service_request_reader

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated to a built-in publication reader.

property service_request_writer

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated to the built-in ServiceRequest writer.

property service_request_writer_data_lifecycle

Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in ServiceRequest writer.

property service_request_writer_publish_mode

Publish mode policy for the built-in service request writer.

property subscription_reader

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated to a built-in subscription reader.

property subscription_reader_resource_limits

Subscription reader resource limits.

property subscription_writer

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated to a built-in subscription reader.

property subscription_writer_data_lifecycle

riter data lifecycle settings for a built-in subscription writer.

property subscription_writer_publish_mode

Publish mode policy for the built-in subscription writer.

class rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

NONE = <rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask object>
SDP = <rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask object>
SEDP = <rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask object>
SPDP = <rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask) → rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask) → rti.connextdds.DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

Container for all Entity objects.

  • It acts as a container for all other Entity objects.

  • It acts as a factory for the Publisher, Subscriber, Topic and Entity objects.

  • It represents the participation of the application on a communication plane that isolates applications running on the same set of physical computers from each other. A domain establishes a virtual network linking all applications that share the same domainId and isolating them from applications running on different domains. In this way, several independent distributed applications can coexist in the same physical network without interfering, or even being aware of each other.

  • It provides administration services in the domain, offering operations that allow the application to ignore locally any information about a given participant (DomainParticipant.ignore), publication (ignore_publication), subscription (ignore_subscription) or topic (ignore_topic).

add_peer(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, peer: str) → None

Attempt to contact an additional peer participant.

add_peers(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, peers: rti.connextdds.StringSeq) → None

Add a sequence of peers to be contacted.

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → None

Manually assert the liveliness of the DomainParticipant.

property builtin_subscriber

Get the built-in subscriber for the DomainParticipant.

close_contained_entities(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → None

Destroy all contained entities.

contains_entity(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check whether or not the given handle represents an Entity that was created from the DomainParticipant.

property current_time

Get the current time.

property default_datareader_qos

The default DataReaderQos.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property default_datawriter_qos

The default DataWriterQos.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

default_participant_qos = <rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantQos object>
property default_publisher_qos

The default PublisherQos.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property default_subscriber_qos

The default SubscriberQos.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property default_topic_qos

The default TopicQos.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

delete_durable_subscription(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, group: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup) → None

Deletes an existing Durable Subscription on all Persistence Services.

discovered_participant_data(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. discovered_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve DomainParticipant information by handle.

  1. discovered_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq

Retrieve DomainParticipant information with a sequence of handles.

discovered_participants(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq

Retrieves the instance handles of other DomainParticipants discovered by this one.

discovered_topic_data(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. discovered_topic_data(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Get information about a discovered topic using its handle.

  1. discovered_topic_data(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, topic: rti.connextdds.IEntity) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Get information about a discovered topic.

  1. discovered_topic_data(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq

Get information about a discovered topics with their handles.

  1. discovered_topic_data(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq

Get information about all discovered topics.

discovered_topics(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq

Get all Topic handles discovered by this DomainParticipant.

property domain_id

The unique domain identifier.

static finalize_participant_factory() → None

Finalize the DomainParticipantFactory

static find(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find(name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant]

Find a local DomainParticipant by its name.

  1. find() -> rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq

Find all local DomainParticipants.

  1. find(domain_id: int) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant]

Find a local DomainParticipant with the given domain ID. If more than one DomainParticipant on the same domain exists in the application, it is not specified which will be returned.

find_contentfilter(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase]

Find content filter previously registered to this DomainParticipant.

find_datareader(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader]

Find a DataReader by its name.

find_datawriter(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter]

Find a DataWriter by its name.

find_flow_controller(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.FlowController]

Find a FlowController configured in this DomainParticipant.

find_publisher(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.Publisher]

Lookup a Publisher within the DomainParticipant by its entity name.

find_publishers(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq

Find all Publishers within the DomainParticipant.

find_registered_content_filters(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → rti.connextdds.StringSeq

Retrieve a list of all registered content filter names.

find_subscriber(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.Subscriber]

Find a Subscriber in the DomainParticipant by its entity name.

find_subscribers(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq

Find all subscribers within the DomainParticipant.

find_topics(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → rti.connextdds.AnyTopicSeq

Find all Topics in the DomainParticipant.

ignore_datareader(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Ignore a DataReader matching the provided handle.

ignore_datareaders(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) → None

Ignore a list of DataReaders specified by their handles.

ignore_datawriter(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Ignore a DataWriter matching the provided handle.

ignore_datawriters(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) → None

Ignore a list of DataWriters specified by their handles.

ignore_participant(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Ignore a DomainParticipant given it’s handle.

ignore_participants(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) → None

Ignore DomainParticipants given a list of handles.

ignore_topic(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Ignore a Topic matching the provided handle.

ignore_topics(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) → None

Ignore a list of Topics specified by their handles.

property implicit_publisher

Get the implicit Publisher for the DomainParticipant.

property implicit_subscriber

Get the implicit Subscriber for the DomainParticipant.

is_type_registered(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → bool

Check if a type has been registered to this DomainParticipant.

property listener

Get the listener.

participant_factory_qos = <rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantFactoryQos object>
property participant_protocol_status

Get the protocol status for this participant

property participant_reader

Get the DomainParticipant built-in topic reader.

property publication_reader

Get the publication built-in topic reader.

property qos

Get the domain participant’s QoS.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_contentfilter(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, filter: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase, name: str) → None

Register a content filter which can be used to create a ContentFiltertedTopic.

register_durable_subscription(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, group: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup, topic_name: str) → None

Registers a Durable Subscription on the specified Topic on all Persistence Services

register_type(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str, type: rti.connextdds.DynamicType, serialization_property: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTypeSerializationProperty = DynamicDataTypeSerializationProperty.DEFAULT) → None

Registers a DynamicType with specific serialization properties.

remove_peer(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, peer: str) → None

Remove a peer participant from this list that this DomainParticipant will attempt to communicate with.

remove_peers(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, peers: rti.connextdds.StringSeq) → None

Remove a sequence of peers from the contact list.

resume_endpoint_discovery(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Initiates endpoint discovery with the remote DomainParticipant identified by its InstanceHandle.

property service_request_reader

Get the ServiceRequest built-in topic reader.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, listener: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Bind the listener and event mask to the DomainParticipant.

property subscription_reader

Get the subscription built-in topic reader.

unregister_contentfilter(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → None

Unregister content filter previously registered to this DomainParticipant.

unregister_type(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → None

Unregister a type previously registered to this DomainParticipant.

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantConfigParams

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ENTITY_NAME_USE_XML_CONFIG = 'com.rti.dds.domain.entity_name_use_xml_config'
QOS_ELEMENT_NAME_USE_XML_CONFIG = 'com.rti.dds.domain.qos_element_name_use_xml_config'
property domain_entity_qos_library_name

The QoS library name containing the QoS profile from which the all the entities defined under the participant configuraton are created.

property domain_entity_qos_profile_name

The QoS profile name from which the all the entities defined under the participant configuraton are created.

property domain_id

The domain id from which the DomainParticipant is created.

property participant_name

The name assigned to the DomainParticipant.

property participant_qos_library_name

The name of the library containing the DomainParticipant’s QoS.

property participant_qos_profile_name

The name of the profile containing the DomainParticipant’s QoS.

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantFactoryQos

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property entity_factory

Get/set EntityFactory QoS.

property system_resource_limits

Get/set SystemResourceLimits QoS.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantFactoryQos, format: rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat = QosPrintFormat(), base: Optional[rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantFactoryQos] = None, print_all: bool = False) → str

Convert QoS to string based on params.

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.PublisherListener, rti.connextdds.SubscriberListener, rti.connextdds.AnyTopicListener

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantProtocolStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Protocol status of a DomainParticipant

property corrupted_rtps_message_count

The number of corrupted RTPS messages detected by the domain participant.

property corrupted_rtps_message_count_change

The incremental change in the number of corrupted RTPS messages detected by the domain participant since the last time the status was read.

property last_corrupted_message_timestamp

The timestamp when the last corrupted RTPS message was detected by the domain participant.

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantQos

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property database

Get/set Database QoS.

property discovery

Get/set Discovery QoS.

property discovery_config

Get/set DiscoveryConfig QoS.

property entity_factory

Get/set EntityFactory QoS.

property event

Get/set Event QoS.

property participant_name

Get/set EntityName QoS.

property property

Get/set Property QoS.

property receiver_pool

Get/set ReceiverPool QoS.

property resource_limits

Get/set DomainParticipantResourceLimits QoS.

property service

Get/set Service QoS.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantQos, format: rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat = QosPrintFormat(), base: Optional[rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantQos] = None, print_all: bool = False) → str

Convert QoS to string based on params.

property transport_builtin

Get/set TransportBuiltin QoS.

property transport_multicast_mapping

Get/set TransportMulticastMapping QoS.

property user_data

Get/set UserData QoS.

property wire_protocol

Get/set WireProtocol QoS.

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantResourceLimits

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property channel_filter_expression_max_length

Maximum length of a channel ChannelSettings.filter_expression in a MultiChannel DataWriter.

property channel_seq_max_length

Maximum number of channels that can be specified in MultiChannel for MultiChannel DataWriters.

property content_filter_allocation

Allocation settings applied to content filter.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property content_filter_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for content filters.

property content_filtered_topic_allocation

Allocation settings applied to content filtered topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property content_filtered_topic_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for content filtered topics.

property contentfilter_property_max_length

This field is the maximum length of all data related to a Content-filtered topic.

property deserialized_type_object_dynamic_allocation_threshold

A threshold, in bytes, for dynamic memory allocation for the deserialized TypeObject.

property flow_controller_allocation

Allocation settings applied to flow controllers.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property flow_controller_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for flow controllers.

property ignored_entity_allocation

Allocation settings applied to ignored entities.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property ignored_entity_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for ignored entities.

property ignored_entity_replacement_kind

Replacement policy for the ignored entities. It sets what entity can be replaced when resource limits set in DomainParticipantResourceLimits.ignored_entity_allocation are reached.

property local_publisher_allocation

Allocation settings applied to local Publisher.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property local_publisher_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for local Publisher.

property local_reader_allocation

Allocation settings applied to local DataReaders.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property local_reader_hash_buckets

Hash buckets settings applied to local DataReaders.

property local_subscriber_allocation

Allocation settings applied to local Subscriber.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property local_subscriber_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for local Subscriber.

property local_topic_allocation

Allocation settings applied to local Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property local_topic_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for local Topic.

property local_writer_allocation

Allocation settings applied to local DataWriters.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property local_writer_hash_buckets

Hash buckets settings applied to local DataWriters.

property matching_reader_writer_pair_allocation

Allocation settings applied to matching local reader and remote/local writer pairs.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property matching_reader_writer_pair_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for matching local reader and remote/local writer pairs.

property matching_writer_reader_pair_allocation

Allocation settings applied to matching local writer and remote/local reader pairs.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property matching_writer_reader_pair_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for matching local writer and remote/local reader pairs.

property max_endpoint_group_cumulative_characters

Maximum number of combined role_name characters allowed in all EndpointGroup in a Availability.

property max_endpoint_groups

Maximum number of EndpointGroup allowable in a Availability.

property max_gather_destinations

Maximum number of destinations per RTI Connext send.

property max_partition_cumulative_characters

Maximum number of combined characters allowable in all partition names in a Partition.

property max_partitions

Maximum number of partition name strings allowable in a Partition.

property outstanding_asynchronous_sample_allocation

Allocation settings applied to the maximum number of samples (from DataWriter) waiting to be asynchronously written.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property participant_property_list_max_length

Maximum number of properties associated with the DomainParticipant.

property participant_property_string_max_length

Maximum string length of the properties associated with the DomainParticipant.

property participant_user_data_max_length

Maximum length of user data in DomainParticipantQos and ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.

property publisher_group_data_max_length

Maximum length of group data in PublisherQos and PublicationBuiltinTopicData.

property query_condition_allocation

Allocation settings applied to query condition pool.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property read_condition_allocation

Allocation settings applied to read condition pool.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property reader_data_tag_list_max_length

Maximum number of data tags associated with a DataReader.

property reader_data_tag_string_max_length

Maximum string length of the data tags associated with a DataReader.

property reader_property_list_max_length

Maximum number of properties associated with a DataReader.

property reader_property_string_max_length

Maximum string length of the properties associated with a DataReader.

property reader_user_data_max_length

Maximum length of user data in DataReaderQos and SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.

property remote_participant_allocation

Allocation settings applied to remote DomainParticipants.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property remote_participant_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for remote DomainParticipants.

property remote_reader_allocation

Allocation settings applied to remote DataReaders.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property remote_reader_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for remote DataReaders.

property remote_topic_query_allocation

Allocation settings applied to remote TopicQueries.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property remote_topic_query_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for remote TopicQueries.

property remote_writer_allocation

Allocation settings applied to remote DataWriters.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property remote_writer_hash_buckets

Number of hash buckets for remote DataWriters.

property shmem_ref_transfer_mode_max_segments

Maximum number of segments created by all DataWriters belonging to a DomainParticipant.

property subscriber_group_data_max_length

Maximum length of group data in SubscriberQos and SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.

property topic_data_max_length

Maximum length of topic data in TopicQos, TopicBuiltinTopicData, PublicationBuiltinTopicData and SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.

property transport_info_list_max_length

Maximum number of installed transports to send and receive information about in ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.transport_info.

property type_code_max_serialized_length

Maximum size of serialized string for type code.

property type_object_max_deserialized_length

The maximum number of bytes that a deserialized TypeObject can consume.

property type_object_max_serialized_length

The maximum length, in bytes, that the buffer to serialize a TypeObject can consume.

property writer_data_tag_list_max_length

Maximum number of data tags associated with a DataWriter.

property writer_data_tag_string_max_length

Maximum string length of the data tags associated with a DataWriter.

property writer_property_list_max_length

Maximum number of properties associated with a DataWriter.

property writer_property_string_max_length

Maximum string length of the properties associated with a DataWriter.

property writer_user_data_max_length

Maximum length of user data in DataWriterQos and PublicationBuiltinTopicData.

class rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.


alias of rti.connextdds.Float64Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Float64Type

class rti.connextdds.Durability

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property direct_communication

Get/set whether a DataReader should receive samples directly from a TRANSIENT or PERSISTENT DataWriter.

property kind

Get/set the Durability kind.

persistent = <rti.connextdds.Durability object>
transient = <rti.connextdds.Durability object>
transient_local = <rti.connextdds.Durability object>
volatile = <rti.connextdds.Durability object>
property writer_depth

The number of samples a durable DataWriter will send to a late joining DataReader.

class rti.connextdds.DurabilityKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class DurabilityKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


VOLATILE : [default] RTI Connext does not need to keep any samples of data instances on behalf of any DataReader that is unknown by the DataWriter at the time the instance is written.

In other words, RTI Connext will only attempt to provide the data to existing subscribers.

This option does not require RTI Persistence Service.

TRANSIENT_LOCAL : RTI Connext will attempt to keep some samples so that they can be delivered to any potential late-joining DataReader.

Which particular samples are kept depends on other QoS such as History and ResourceLimits. RTI Connext is only required to keep the data in memory of the DataWriter that wrote the data.

Data is not required to survive the DataWriter.

For this setting to be effective, you must also set the Reliability.kind to ReliabilityKind.RELIABLE.

This option does not require RTI Persistence Service.

TRANSIENT : RTI Connext will attempt to keep some samples so that they can be delivered to any potential late-joining DataReader.

Which particular samples are kept depends on other QoS such as History and ResourceLimits. RTI Connext is only required to keep the data in memory and not in permanent storage.

Data is not tied to the lifecycle of the DataWriter.

Data will survive the DataWriter.

This option requires RTI Persistence Service.

PERSISTENT : Data is kept on permanent storage, so that they can outlive a system session.

This option requires RTI Persistence Service.

TRANSIENT = <DurabilityKind.TRANSIENT: 2>
VOLATILE = <DurabilityKind.VOLATILE: 0>
property name
property value
TRANSIENT = <DurabilityKind.TRANSIENT: 2>
VOLATILE = <DurabilityKind.VOLATILE: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.DurabilityService

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property history_depth

Controls when the service is able to remove all information regarding a data instances.

property history_kind

Controls when the service is able to remove all information regarding a data instances.

property max_instances

Controls when the service is able to remove all information regarding a data instances.

property max_samples

Controls when the service is able to remove all information regarding a data instances.

property max_samples_per_instance

Controls when the service is able to remove all information regarding a data instances.

property service_cleanup_delay

Controls when the service is able to remove all information regarding a data instances.

class rti.connextdds.Duration

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

automatic = <rti.connextdds.Duration object>
compare(self: rti.connextdds.Duration, other: rti.connextdds.Duration) → int

Compare this Duration to another. Returns -1 if this Duration is less, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if this Duration is greate

static from_microseconds(microseconds: int) → rti.connextdds.Duration

Get a Duration from microseconds.

static from_milliseconds(milliseconds: int) → rti.connextdds.Duration

Get a Duration from milliseconds.

static from_seconds(seconds: float) → rti.connextdds.Duration

Get a Duration from seconds

infinite = <rti.connextdds.Duration object>
property nanosec

Get/set the number of nanoseconds in the Duration.

property sec

Get/set the number of seconds in the Duration.

to_microsecs(self: rti.connextdds.Duration) → int

Returns Duration in microseconds.

to_millisecs(self: rti.connextdds.Duration) → int

Returns Duration in milliseconds.

to_secs(self: rti.connextdds.Duration) → float

Return the Duration in seconds.

to_timedelta(self: rti.connextdds.Duration) → datetime.timedelta

Return the datetime.timedelta conversion of this Duration.

zero = <rti.connextdds.Duration object>
class rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<rti::core::xtypes::DynamicDataImpl, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample_data: dict) -> None

Create a DynamicData object and write it with the given dictionary containing field names as keys.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, sample_data: dict) -> object

Create a DynamicData object and write it with the given dictionary containing field names as keys. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class FieldsIterator

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class FieldsView

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class IndexIterator

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ItemsIterator

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ItemsView

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicTypeSupport

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

static from_cdr_buffer(sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, buffer: rti.connextdds.CharSeq) → None

Deserialize a sample from a CDR buffer.

static initialize_sample(arg0: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → None
static register_type(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, type_name: str) → None

Register a type with a participant.

static to_cdr_buffer(buffer: rti.connextdds.CharSeq, sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, representation_id: int = -1) → rti.connextdds.CharSeq

Serialize sample to a CDR buffer.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, value: object) → None

Append a value to a sequence.

clear_all_members(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → None

Clear the contents of all data members of this object, including key members.

clear_member(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. clear_member(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> None

Clear the contents of a single data member of this object.

  1. clear_member(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> None

Clear the contents of a single data member of this object.

clear_optional_member(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. clear_optional_member(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> None

Clear the contents of a single optional data member of this object.

  1. clear_optional_member(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> None

Clear the contents of a single optional data member of this object.

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, arg0: object) → int
property discriminator_value

Obtains the value of the union discriminator (valid for UnionType only).

extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, values: Iterable) → None

Extend a sequence.

fields(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.FieldsView
from_cdr_buffer(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. from_cdr_buffer(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, buffer: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Populates a DynamicData sample by deserializing a CDR buffer.

  1. from_cdr_buffer(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, signed_buffer: rti.connextdds.CharSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Populates a DynamicData sample by deserializing a CDR buffer.

get_boolean(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_boolean(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> bool

Get a boolean value by field name.

  1. get_boolean(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> bool

Get a boolean value by field name.

get_char(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_char(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> str

Get a character value by field name.

  1. get_char(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> str

Get a character value by field name.

get_char_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_char_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.CharSeq

Get multiple character values by field name.

  1. get_char_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.CharSeq

Get multiple character values by field name.

get_complex(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_complex(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Get a complex data type value by field name.

  1. get_complex(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Get a complex data type value by field name.

get_complex_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_complex_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq

Get a list of complex values by field name.

  1. get_complex_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq

Get a list of complex fields by index.

get_double(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_double(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> float

Get a 64-bit floating point value by field name.

  1. get_double(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> float

Get a 64-bit floating point value by field name.

get_double_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_double_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Float64Seq

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. get_double_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Float64Seq

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

get_float(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_float(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> float

Get a 32-bit floating point value by field name.

  1. get_float(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> float

Get a 32-bit floating point value by field name.

get_float128(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_float128(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.LongDouble

Get a 128-bit floating point value by field name.

  1. get_float128(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> rti.connextdds.LongDouble

Get a 128-bit floating point value by field name.

get_float32(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_float32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> float

Get a 32-bit floating point value by field name.

  1. get_float32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> float

Get a 32-bit floating point value by field name.

get_float32_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_float32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Float32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. get_float32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Float32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

get_float64(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_float64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> float

Get a 64-bit floating point value by field name.

  1. get_float64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> float

Get a 64-bit floating point value by field name.

get_float64_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_float64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Float64Seq

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. get_float64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Float64Seq

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

get_float_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_float_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Float32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. get_float_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Float32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

get_int(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a int (signed) value by field name.

  1. get_int(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a int (signed) value by field name.

get_int16(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 16-bit signed int value by field name.

  1. get_int16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 16-bit signed int value by field name.

get_int16_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Int16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. get_int16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Int16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

get_int32(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 32-bit signed int value by field name.

  1. get_int32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 32-bit signed int value by field name.

get_int32_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Int32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. get_int32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Int32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

get_int64(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 64-bit signed int value by field name.

  1. get_int64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 64-bit signed int value by field name.

get_int64_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. get_int64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

get_int8(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> str

Get a 8-bit signed int value by field name.

  1. get_int8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> str

Get a 8-bit signed int value by field name.

get_int8_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_int8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.CharSeq

Get multiple 8-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. get_int8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.CharSeq

Get multiple 8-bit signed int values by field name.

get_long(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_long(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 32-bit signed int value by field name.

  1. get_long(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 32-bit signed int value by field name.

get_long_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_long_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Int32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. get_long_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Int32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

get_longdouble(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_longdouble(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.LongDouble

Get a 128-bit floating point value by field name.

  1. get_longdouble(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> rti.connextdds.LongDouble

Get a 128-bit floating point value by field name.

get_longlong(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_longlong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 64-bit signed int value by field name.

  1. get_longlong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 64-bit signed int value by field name.

get_longlong_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_longlong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. get_longlong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

get_octet(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_octet(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 8-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_octet(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 8-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_octet_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_octet_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_octet_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_short(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_short(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 16-bit signed int value by field name.

  1. get_short(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 16-bit signed int value by field name.

get_short_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_short_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Int16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. get_short_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Int16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

get_string(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_string(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> str

Get a string value by field name.

  1. get_string(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> str

Get a string value by field name.

get_uint(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 32-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_uint(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 32-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_uint16(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 16-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_uint16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 16-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_uint16_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_uint16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_uint32(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 32-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_uint32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 32-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_uint32_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_uint32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_uint64(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 64-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_uint64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 64-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_uint64_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_uint64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_uint8(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 8-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_uint8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 8-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_uint8_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_uint8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_uint8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_ulong(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_ulong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 32-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_ulong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 32-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_ulong_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_ulong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_ulong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_ulonglong(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_ulonglong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 64-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_ulonglong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 64-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_ulonglong_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_ulonglong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_ulonglong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> List[int]

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_ushort(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_ushort(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> int

Get a 16-bit unsigned int value by field name.

  1. get_ushort(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: int) -> int

Get a 16-bit unsigned int value by field name.

get_ushort_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_ushort_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. get_ushort_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

get_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: str) -> object

Automatically resolve type and return value for a field.

  1. get_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: int) -> object

Automatically resolve type and return value for a field.

get_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: str) -> object

Automatically resolve type and return collection for a field.

  1. get_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: int) -> object

Automatically resolve type and return collection for a field.

get_wchar(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_wchar(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> str

Get a wchar value by field name.

  1. get_wchar(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> str

Get a wchar value by field index.

get_wstring(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_wstring(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> str

Get a wstring value by field name.

  1. get_wstring(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> str

Get a wstring value by field index.

property info

Returns info about this sample

is_member_key(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_member_key(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> bool

Returns whether a member is a key.

  1. is_member_key(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> bool

Returns whether a member is a key.

items(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → rti.connextdds.DynamicData.ItemsView
loan_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. loan_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData

Gets a view of a complex member.

  1. loan_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, data: rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData

Gets a view of a complex member.

  1. loan_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData

Gets a view of a complex member.

  1. loan_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, data: rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData

Gets a view of a complex member.

property member_count

Get the number of members in this sample.

member_exists(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. member_exists(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> bool

Determine if an optional member is set by member name.

  1. member_exists(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> bool

Determine if an optional member is set by member index.

  1. member_exists(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> bool

Determine if an optional member is set by member name.

member_exists_in_type(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. member_exists_in_type(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> bool

Determine if a member with a particular name exists in the type.

  1. member_exists_in_type(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> bool

Determine if a member with a particular index exists in the type.

  1. member_exists_in_type(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> bool

Determine if an optional member is set by member name.

member_index(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) → int

Translates from member name to member index.

member_info(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. member_info(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicDataMemberInfo

Returns info about a member.

  1. member_info(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicDataMemberInfo

Returns info about a member.

set_boolean(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_boolean(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: bool) -> None

Set a boolean value by name.

  1. set_boolean(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: bool) -> None

Set a boolean value by index.

set_char(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_char(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: str) -> None

Set a character value by name.

  1. set_char(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: str) -> None

Set a character value by index.

set_char_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_char_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple character values by field name.

  1. set_char_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple character values by field name.

set_complex(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_complex(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) -> None

Set a complex data type value by name.

  1. set_complex(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) -> None

Set a complex data type value by index.

set_complex_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_complex_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: Iterable) -> None

Set a list of complex values by field name.

  1. set_complex_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: Iterable) -> None

Set a list of complex values by index.

set_double(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_double(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: float) -> None

Set a 64-bit floating point value by name.

  1. set_double(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: float) -> None

Set a 64-bit floating point value by index.

set_double_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_double_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. set_double_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

set_float(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_float(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: float) -> None

Set a 32-bit floating point value by name.

  1. set_float(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: float) -> None

Set a 32-bit floating point value by index.

set_float128(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_float128(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) -> None

Set a 128-bit floating point value by name.

  1. set_float128(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) -> None

Set a 128-bit floating point value by index.

set_float32(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_float32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: float) -> None

Set a 32-bit floating point value by name.

  1. set_float32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: float) -> None

Set a 32-bit floating point value by index.

set_float32_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_float32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. set_float32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

set_float64(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_float64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: float) -> None

Set a 64-bit floating point value by name.

  1. set_float64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: float) -> None

Set a 64-bit floating point value by index.

set_float64_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_float64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. set_float64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit floating point values by field name.

set_float_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_float_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

  1. set_float_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit floating point values by field name.

set_int(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a int (signed) value by name.

  1. set_int(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a int (signed) value by index.

set_int16(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit signed int value by name.

  1. set_int16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit signed int value by index.

set_int16_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. set_int16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

set_int32(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit signed int value by name.

  1. set_int32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit signed int value by index.

set_int32_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. set_int32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

set_int64(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit signed int value by name.

  1. set_int64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit signed int value by index.

set_int64_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. set_int64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

set_int8(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: str) -> None

Set a 8-bit signed int value by name.

  1. set_int8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: str) -> None

Set a 8-bit signed int value by index.

set_int8_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_int8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 8-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. set_int8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 8-bit signed int values by field name.

set_long(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_long(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit signed int value by name.

  1. set_long(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit signed int value by index.

set_long_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_long_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. set_long_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit signed int values by field name.

set_longdouble(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_longdouble(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) -> None

Set a 128-bit floating point value by name.

  1. set_longdouble(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) -> None

Set a 128-bit floating point value by index.

set_longlong(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_longlong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit signed int value by name.

  1. set_longlong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit signed int value by index.

set_longlong_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_longlong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. set_longlong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit signed int values by field name.

set_octet(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_octet(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 8-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_octet(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 8-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_octet_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_octet_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_octet_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_short(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_short(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit signed int value by name.

  1. set_short(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit signed int value by index.

set_short_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_short_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

  1. set_short_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit signed int values by field name.

set_string(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_string(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: str) -> None

Set a string value by name.

  1. set_string(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: str) -> None

Set a string value by index.

set_uint(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_uint(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_uint16(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_uint16(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_uint16_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_uint16_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_uint32(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_uint32(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_uint32_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_uint32_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_uint64(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_uint64(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_uint64_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_uint64_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_uint8(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 8-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_uint8(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 8-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_uint8_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_uint8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_uint8_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 8-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_ulong(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_ulong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_ulong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 32-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_ulong_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_ulong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_ulong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 32-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_ulonglong(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_ulonglong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_ulonglong(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 64-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_ulonglong_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_ulonglong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_ulonglong_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 64-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_ushort(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_ushort(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit unsigned int value by name.

  1. set_ushort(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: int) -> None

Set a 16-bit unsigned int value by index.

set_ushort_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_ushort_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

  1. set_ushort_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, values: object) -> None

Get multiple 16-bit unsigned int values by field name.

set_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: str, value: object) -> None

Automatically resolve type and set value for a field.

  1. set_value(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: int, value: object) -> None

Automatically resolve type and set value for a field.

set_values(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: str, values: object) -> None

Automatically resolve type and set collection for a field.

  1. set_values(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, field_path: int, values: object) -> None

Automatically resolve type and set collection for a field.

set_wchar(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_wchar(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: str) -> None

Get a wchar value by field name.

  1. set_wchar(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: str) -> None

Get a wchar value by field index.

set_wstring(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_wstring(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, name: str, value: str) -> None

Set a wstring by field name.

  1. set_wstring(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, index: int, value: str) -> None

Get a wchar value by field index.

to_cdr_buffer(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → rti.connextdds.CharSeq

Serializes a DynamicData sample to CDR format

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, format: rti.connextdds.PrintFormatProperty = PrintFormatProperty.default) → str

Convert DynamicData object to string with print format.

property type

Gets the data type of this DynamicData.

property type_kind

Gets this data type kind of this DynamicData.

update(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicData, arg0: dict) → None
class rti.connextdds.DynamicDataEncapsulationKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

CDR_BIG_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.CDR_BIG_ENDIAN: 0>
CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN: 1>
DEFAULT = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.DEFAULT: 2147483647>
class DynamicDataEncapsulationKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


CDR_BIG_ENDIAN : CDR big endian encapsulation.

CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN : CDR little endian encapsulation.

PL_CDR_BIG_ENDIAN : PL CDR big endian encapsulation.

PL_CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN : PL CDR little endian encapsulation.

DEFAULT : Default encapsulation.

CDR_BIG_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.CDR_BIG_ENDIAN: 0>
CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN: 1>
DEFAULT = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.DEFAULT: 2147483647>
PL_CDR_BIG_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.PL_CDR_BIG_ENDIAN: 2>
PL_CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.PL_CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN: 3>
property name
property value
PL_CDR_BIG_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.PL_CDR_BIG_ENDIAN: 2>
PL_CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN = <DynamicDataEncapsulationKind.PL_CDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN: 3>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.DynamicDataInfo

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property encapsulation_kind

The encapsulation kind.

property is_optimized_storage

Flag indicating whether storage is optimized.

property member_count

The number of members of this sample.

property stored_size

The number of bytes currently used to store the data of this sample.

class rti.connextdds.DynamicDataMemberInfo

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property element_count

The number of elements in the member.

property element_kind

The type kind of the elements in the member

property index

The member index

property kind

The member type kind

property name

The member name

class rti.connextdds.DynamicDataProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property check_buffer_size

Check buffer size.

property initial_buffer_size

Initial buffer size.

property max_buffer_size

Max buffer size.

property max_buffer_size_increment

Max buffer size.

class rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.DynamicData

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.DynamicData) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.DynamicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTypeSerializationProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

DEFAULT = <rti.connextdds.DynamicDataTypeSerializationProperty object>
property enable_fast_deserialization

Fast deserialization setting.

property max_serialized_size

The maximum number of bytes that objects of a given type could consume when serialized on the network. [DEPRECATED]

property min_serialized_size

The minimum number of bytes that objects of a given type could consume when serialized on the network. [DEPRECATED]

property trim_to_size

Controls the growth of the buffer in a DynamicData object.

class rti.connextdds.DynamicType

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

is_aggregation_type(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType) → bool

Determines if this DynamicType is an aggregation type.

is_collection_type(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType) → bool

Determins if this DynamicType is a CollectionType.

is_constructed_type(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType) → bool

Determines if this DynamicType is a constructed type.

is_keyed(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType) → bool

Determines if this DynamicType has a key.

is_primitive_type(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType) → bool

Determines if this DynamicType is a PrimitiveType

property kind

Get the type kind.

property name

Gets the name.

print_idl(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType, index: int = 0) → None

Prints the IDL representation of this type to the standard output.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.DynamicType, format: rti.connextdds.DynamicTypePrintFormatProperty = DynamicTypePrintFormatProperty()) → str

Convert DynamicType to string with print format.

class rti.connextdds.DynamicTypePrintFormatProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property indent

The amount of additional indent to be included when converting a DynamicType to a string.

property min_serialized_size

The minimum number of bytes that objects of a given type could consume when serialized on the network. [DEPRECATED]

class rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property quorum_count

Get/set the EndpointGroup’s quorum count.

property role_name

Get/set the EndpointGroup’s role name.

class rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq, x: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq, x: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq, L: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq) -> rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupSeq, x: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroup) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupVector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

A DDS standard container with functionality similar to a C++ vector.

clear(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupVector) → None

Resize EndpointGroupVector to 0.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.EndpointGroupVector, size: int) → None

Resize EndpointGroupVector.

class rti.connextdds.Entity

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

class rti.connextdds.EntityFactory

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

auto_enable = <rti.connextdds.EntityFactory object>
property autoenable_created_entities

Whether the entity acting as a factory automatically enables the instances it creates.

manually_enable = <rti.connextdds.EntityFactory object>
class rti.connextdds.EntityName

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property name

Sets the entity name.

property role_name

Sets the role name.

class rti.connextdds.EntitySeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq, x: rti.connextdds.Entity) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq, x: rti.connextdds.Entity) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq, L: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Entity) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq) -> rti.connextdds.Entity

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Entity

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.EntitySeq, x: rti.connextdds.Entity) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.EnumMember

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property name

The member name.

property ordinal

The member’s ordinal.

class rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.EnumMember) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.EnumMember) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq, L: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.EnumMember) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq) -> rti.connextdds.EnumMember

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.EnumMember

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.EnumMember) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.EnumType

Bases: rti.connextdds.AbstractConstructedType

add_member(self: rti.connextdds.EnumType, member: rti.connextdds.EnumMember) → rti.connextdds.EnumType

Adds a member at the end.

add_members(self: rti.connextdds.EnumType, members: rti.connextdds.EnumMemberSeq) → rti.connextdds.EnumType

Adds a member at the end.

property extensibility_kind

Enum’s extensibility kind.

find_member_by_ordinal(self: rti.connextdds.EnumType, ordinal: int) → int

Gets the index of the member with this ordinal value.

exception rti.connextdds.Error

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.Event

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property initial_count

Event thread QoS.

property max_count

Event thread QoS.

property thread

Event thread QoS.

class rti.connextdds.EventCount32

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property change

The incremental count.

property total

The total count.

class rti.connextdds.EventCount64

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property change

The incremental count.

property total

The total count.

exception rti.connextdds.Exception

Bases: Exception

class rti.connextdds.ExclusiveArea

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

exclusive_ea = <rti.connextdds.ExclusiveArea object>
shared_ea = <rti.connextdds.ExclusiveArea object>
property use_shared_exclusive_area

Whether the Entity is protected by its own exclusive area or the shared one.

class rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property key_only_filter

The value for key_only_filter, indicating if the filter expression is based only on key fields. In this case, RTI Connext itself can cache the filtering results.

property writer_side_filter_optimization

The value for writer_side_filter_optimization, indicating if the filter implementation can cache the filtering result for the provided expression.

class rti.connextdds.ExtensibilityKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

EXTENSIBLE = <ExtensibilityKind.EXTENSIBLE: 1>
class ExtensibilityKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


FINAL : Final extensibility.

EXTENSIBLE : Extensible extensibility.

MUTABLE : Mutable extensibility.

EXTENSIBLE = <ExtensibilityKind.EXTENSIBLE: 1>
FINAL = <ExtensibilityKind.FINAL: 0>
MUTABLE = <ExtensibilityKind.MUTABLE: 2>
property name
property value
FINAL = <ExtensibilityKind.FINAL: 0>
MUTABLE = <ExtensibilityKind.MUTABLE: 2>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.Filter

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

add_parameters(self: rti.connextdds.Filter, parameter: str) → rti.connextdds.Filter

Append a parameter to the Filter.

property expression

Get the Filter’s expression.

property name

The name of the type of Filter.

property parameter_count

Get the number of parameters.

set_parameters(self: rti.connextdds.Filter, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringSeq) → None

Set the parameters for the Filter.

sql_filter_name = 'DDSSQL'
stringmatch_filter_name = 'DDSSTRINGMATCH'
class rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property priority

Get a positive integer designating the relative priority of the sample, used to determine the transmission order of pending transmissions.

property related_sample_identity

The Identity of another sample related to this one.

class rti.connextdds.Float128Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq, x: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq, x: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq) -> rti.connextdds.LongDouble

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.LongDouble

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Float128Seq, x: rti.connextdds.LongDouble) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.Float128Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Float32Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, x: float) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, x: float) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, i: int, x: float) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq) -> float

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, i: int) -> float

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, x: float) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Float32Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Float32Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Float64Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, x: float) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, x: float) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, i: int, x: float) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq) -> float

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, i: int) -> float

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, x: float) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Float64Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Float64Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType


alias of rti.connextdds.Float32Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Float32Type

class rti.connextdds.FlowController

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

close(self: rti.connextdds.FlowController) → None

Manually destroys this object.

property closed

Whether this FlowController has been closed.

property name

The name of this FlowController.

property participant

The participant of this FlowController.

property property

The configuration of this FlowController.

retain(self: rti.connextdds.FlowController) → None

Disables the automatic destruction of this object.

trigger_flow(self: rti.connextdds.FlowController) → None

Provides an external way to trigger a FlowController.

class rti.connextdds.FlowControllerProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property scheduling_policy

The scheduling policy.

property token_bucket

The token-bucket configuration

class rti.connextdds.FlowControllerSchedulingPolicy

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class FlowControllerSchedulingPolicy

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


ROUND_ROBIN : Indicates to flow control in a round-robin fashion.

Whenever tokens become available, the flow controller distributes the tokens uniformly across all of its (non-empty) destination queues. No destinations are prioritized. Instead, all destinations are treated equally and are serviced in a round-robin fashion.

EARLIEST_DEADLINE_FIRST : Indicates to flow control in an earliest-deadline-first fashion.

A sample’s deadline is determined by the time it was written plus the latency budget of the DataWriter at the time of the write call (as specified in the LatencyBudget). The relative priority of a flow controller’s destination queue is determined by the earliest deadline across all samples it contains.

When tokens become available, the FlowController distributes tokens to the destination queues in order of their deadline priority. In other words, the queue containing the sample with the earliest deadline is serviced first. The number of tokens granted equals the number of tokens required to send the first sample in the queue. Note that the priority of a queue may change as samples are sent (i.e. removed from the queue). If a sample must be sent to multiple destinations or two samples have an equal deadline value, the corresponding destination queues are serviced in a round-robin fashion.

Hence, under the default LatencyBudget::duration setting, an EDF_FLOW_CONTROLLER_SCHED_POLICY FlowController preserves the order in which the user calls DataWriter.write() across the DataWriters associated with the flow controller.

Since the LatencyBudget is mutable, a sample written second may contain an earlier deadline than the sample written first if the LatencyBudget.duration value is sufficiently decreased in between writing the two samples. In that case, if the first sample is not yet written (still in queue waiting for its turn), it inherits the priority corresponding to the (earlier) deadline from the second sample.

In other words, the priority of a destination queue is always determined by the earliest deadline among all samples contained in the queue. This priority inheritance approach is required in order to both honor the updated LatencyBudget.duration and adhere to the DataWriter in-order data delivery guarantee.

[default] for DataWriter

HIGHEST_PRIORITY_FIRST : Indicates to flow control in a highest-priority-first fashion.

Determines the next destination queue to service as determined by the publication priority of the DataWriter, channel of multi-channel DataWriter, or individual sample.

The relative priority of a flow controller’s destination queue is determined by the highest publication priority of all samples it contains.

When tokens become available, the FlowController distributes tokens to the destination queues in order of their publication priority. In other words, the queue containing the sample with the highest publication priority is serviced first. The number of tokens granted equals the number of tokens required to send the first sample in the queue. Note that the priority of a queue may change as samples are sent (i.e. removed from the queue). If a sample must be sent to multiple destinations or two samples have an equal publication priority, the corresponding destination queues are serviced in a round-robin fashion.

This priority inheritance approach is required in order to both honor the designated publication priority and adhere to the DataWriter in-order data delivery guarantee.

ROUND_ROBIN = <FlowControllerSchedulingPolicy.ROUND_ROBIN: 0>
property name
property value
ROUND_ROBIN = <FlowControllerSchedulingPolicy.ROUND_ROBIN: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.FlowControllerTokenBucketProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property bytes_per_token

The maximum number of bytes allowed to send for each token available.

property max_tokens

The maximum number of tokens that can accumulate in the token bucket.

property period

The period for adding tokens to and removing tokens from the bucket.

property tokens_added_per_period

The number of tokens added to the token bucket per specified period.

property tokens_leaked_per_period

The number of tokens removed from the token bucket per specified period.

class rti.connextdds.GenerationCount

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property disposed

Get the disposed generation count.

property no_writers

Get the no_writers generation count.

class rti.connextdds.GroupData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property value

The byte sequence of this GroupData.

class rti.connextdds.GuardCondition

Bases: rti.connextdds.ICondition

reset_handler(self: rti.connextdds.GuardCondition) → None

Resets the handler for this GuardCondition.

set_handler(self: rti.connextdds.GuardCondition, func: Callable[[rti.connextdds.ICondition], None]) → None

Set a handler function receiving the Condition as its only argument.

set_handler_no_args(self: rti.connextdds.GuardCondition, func: Callable[[], None]) → None

Set a handler function with no arguments.

property trigger_value

Get/set the trigger value for this GuardCondition

class rti.connextdds.Guid

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

automatic = <rti.connextdds.Guid object>
unknown = <rti.connextdds.Guid object>
class rti.connextdds.History

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property depth

The history kind.

keep_all = <rti.connextdds.History object>
static keep_last(depth: int) → rti.connextdds.History

Creates a History with HistoryKind.KEEP_LAST and the specified depth.

property kind

The history kind.

class rti.connextdds.HistoryKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class HistoryKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


KEEP_LAST : [default] Keep the last depth samples.

On the publishing side, RTI Connext will only attempt to keep the most recent depth samples of each instance of data (identified by its key) managed by the DataWriter. Invalid samples represeting a disposal or unregistration of an instance do not count towards the history depth.

On the subscribing side, the DataReader will only attempt to keep the most recent depth samples received for each instance (identified by its key) until the application takes them via the DataReader ‘s take() operation.

Invalid samples represeting a dispoasal or unregistration of an instance do count towards the history depth and may therefore replace a value of the instance currently being stored in the reader queue.

KEEP_ALL : Keep all the samples.

On the publishing side, RTI Connext will attempt to keep all samples (representing each value written) of each instance of data (identified by its key) managed by the DataWriter until they can be delivered to all subscribers.

On the subscribing side, RTI Connext will attempt to keep all samples of each instance of data (identified by its key) managed by the DataReader. These samples are kept until the application takes them from RTI Connext via the take() operation.

KEEP_ALL = <HistoryKind.KEEP_ALL: 1>
KEEP_LAST = <HistoryKind.KEEP_LAST: 0>
property name
property value
KEEP_ALL = <HistoryKind.KEEP_ALL: 1>
KEEP_LAST = <HistoryKind.KEEP_LAST: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

close(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property qos

The QoS for this AnyDataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

retain(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → None

Retain this DataReader.

property subscriber

The Publisher for this AnyDataReader.

property topic_name

The Topic name for this AnyDataReader.

property type_name

The type name for this AnyDataReader.

class rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

close(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

property publisher

The Publisher for this AnyDataWriter.

property qos

The QoS for this AnyDataWriter.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

retain(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter) → None

Retain this DataWriter.

property topic_name

The Topic name for this AnyDataWriter.

property type_name

The type name for this AnyDataWriter.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter, timeout: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Wait for acknowledgments from subscribers.

class rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

close(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic) → None

Close this Topic.

property name

The Topic name for this AnyTopic.

property qos

The QoS for this AnyTopic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property type_name

The type name for this AnyTopic.

class rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.ICondition

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

dispatch(self: rti.connextdds.ICondition) → None

Dispatches the functions registered with the condition.

property trigger_value

The trigger value of the condition.

class rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ICondition) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ICondition) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq, L: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ICondition) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ICondition

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ICondition

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.IConditionSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ICondition) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.IDataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader

class rti.connextdds.IEntity

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

This is the abstract base class for all the DDS objects that support QoS policies, a listener and a status condition.

close(self: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → None

Forces the destruction of this entity.

property closed

Returns a boolean indicating if this Entity is closed.

enable(self: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → None

Enables this entity (if it was created disabled).

property enabled

Returns a boolean indicating if this Entity is enabled.

property instance_handle

The instance handle that represents this entity.

retain(self: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → None

Disables the automatic destruction of this entity.

property status_changes

The list of communication statuses that are triggered.

unretain(self: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → None

Decrement the retention count.

property use_count

Returns the internal use count value for this Entity.

class rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq, x: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq, x: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq, L: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq) -> rti.connextdds.IEntity

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.IEntity

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.IEntitySeq, x: rti.connextdds.IEntity) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.IReadCondition

Bases: rti.connextdds.ICondition

close(self: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → None

Returns the DataReader associated to this condition.

property closed

Returns the DataReader associated to this condition.

property data_reader

Returns the DataReader associated to this condition.

property state_filter

Returns the DataState of this condition.

class rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class rti.connextdds.IgnoredEntityReplacementKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class IgnoredEntityReplacementKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object




NOT_ALIVE_FIRST = <IgnoredEntityReplacementKind.NOT_ALIVE_FIRST: 1>
NO_REPLACEMENT = <IgnoredEntityReplacementKind.NO_REPLACEMENT: 0>
property name
property value
NOT_ALIVE_FIRST = <IgnoredEntityReplacementKind.NOT_ALIVE_FIRST: 1>
NO_REPLACEMENT = <IgnoredEntityReplacementKind.NO_REPLACEMENT: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

exception rti.connextdds.IllegalOperationError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

exception rti.connextdds.ImmutablePolicyError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

exception rti.connextdds.InconsistentPolicyError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property total_count

Get the total count of pairs of DataReaders/DataWriters whose Topic names match but data types are inconsistent according to the current type consistency enforcement policy.

property total_count_change

The delta number of inconsistent pairs of DataReaders/DataWriters for the Topic that have been discovered since the last time this status was read.

class rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property is_nil

Nil status of InstanceStatus

static nil() → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Create a nil InstanceHandle.

class rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, x: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, x: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, L: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, x: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALIVE = <rti.connextdds.InstanceState object>
ANY = <rti.connextdds.InstanceState object>
NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED = <rti.connextdds.InstanceState object>
NOT_ALIVE_MASK = <rti.connextdds.InstanceState object>
NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS = <rti.connextdds.InstanceState object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState) → rti.connextdds.InstanceState

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.InstanceState) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.Int16Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Int16Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Int16Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Int32Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Int32Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Int32Vector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

A DDS standard container with functionality similar to a C++ vector.

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Vector) → None

Resize Int32Vector to 0.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Int32Vector, size: int) → None

Resize Int32Vector.

class rti.connextdds.Int64Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Int64Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Int64Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Int8Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Int8Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Int8Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

exception rti.connextdds.InvalidArgumentError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

exception rti.connextdds.InvalidDowncastError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::core::TKeyedBytesTopicType<rti::core::KeyedBytesTopicTypeImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

property key

The instance key.

length(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) → int

Get the number of bytes.

property value

The byte sequence.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedBytesTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::core::TKeyedStringTopicType<rti::core::KeyedStringTopicTypeImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

property key

The instance’s key string.

property value

The sample’s value string.

class rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.KeyedStringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.LatencyBudget

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property duration

The duration of the maximum acceptable delay.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.Lifespan

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property duration

Sets the maximum duration for which the data is valid.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.Liveliness

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property assertions_per_lease_duration

The number of assertions to send during the lease duration.

automatic = <rti.connextdds.Liveliness object>
property kind

The liveliness kind.

property lease_duration

The duration within which a Entity must be asserted or else it is considered not alive.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

static manual_by_participant(lease: rti.connextdds.Duration = Duration.infinite) → rti.connextdds.Liveliness

Creates a Liveliness instance with LivelinessKind.MANUAL_BY_PARTICIPANT.

static manual_by_topic(lease: rti.connextdds.Duration = Duration.infinite) → rti.connextdds.Liveliness

Creates a Liveliness instance with LivelinessKind.MANUAL_BY_TOPIC.

class rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property alive_count

The number of currently alive DataWriters that write to the Topic of the DataReader.

property alive_count_change

The delta in the alive count since the last time the listener fired or the status was read.

property last_publication_handle

The instance handle of the DataWriter with the most recent change in liveliness.

property not_alive_count

The number of currently NOT_ALIVE DataWriters that write to the Topic of the DataReader.

property not_alive_count_change

The delta in the NOT_ALIVE count since the last time the listener fired or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.LivelinessKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

AUTOMATIC = <LivelinessKind.AUTOMATIC: 0>
class LivelinessKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


AUTOMATIC : [default] The infrastructure will automatically signal liveliness for the DataWriter (s) at least as often as required by the DataWriter (S) lease_duration.

A DataWriter with this setting does not need to take any specific action in order to be considered ‘alive.’ The DataWriter is only ‘not alive’ when the participant to which it belongs terminates (gracefully or not), or when there is a network problem that prevents the current participant from contacting that remote participant.

MANUAL_BY_PARTICIPANT : RTI Connext will assume that as long as at least one DataWriter belonging to the DomainParticipant (or the DomainParticipant itself) has asserted its liveliness, then the other DataWriters belonging to that same DomainParticipant are also alive.

The user application takes responsibility to signal liveliness to RTI Connext either by calling DomainParticipant.assert_liveliness, or by calling DataWriter.assert_liveliness, or DataWriter.write() on any DataWriter belonging to the DomainParticipant.

MANUAL_BY_TOPIC : RTI Connext will only assume liveliness of the DataWriter if the application has asserted liveliness of that DataWriter itself.

The user application takes responsibility to signal liveliness to RTI Connext using the DataWriter.assert_liveliness method, or by writing some data.

AUTOMATIC = <LivelinessKind.AUTOMATIC: 0>
property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property total_count

Total count of times that a previously alive DataWriter became not alive due to a failure to assert its liveliness signal within the agreed lease duration.

property total_count_change

The delta number of times liveliness has been lost since the last time the listener callback fired or this status was checked.

class rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Obtains the DynamicData object representing a member of a DynamicData object.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.LoanedDynamicData) → None

Explicitly return a dynamic data loan.

class rti.connextdds.Locator

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Type used to represent the addressing information needed to send a message to an RTPS Endpoint using one of the supported transports.

property address

Get/set the address for this Locator.

invalid = <rti.connextdds.Locator object>
property kind

Get/set the kind for this Locator.

property port

Get/set the port for this Locator.

class rti.connextdds.LocatorFilter

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property filter_name

The filter name.

property locator_filters

The locator filters.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElement

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property filter_expression

The filter expression.

property locators

The locators associated with this filter.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq, x: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElement) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq, x: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElement) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq, L: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElement) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq) -> rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElement

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElement

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElementSeq, x: rti.connextdds.LocatorFilterElement) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.LocatorKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ANY = <LocatorKind.ANY: 0>
DTLS = <LocatorKind.DTLS: 6>
INTRA = <LocatorKind.INTRA: 3>
INVALID = <LocatorKind.INVALID: -1>
class LocatorKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


INVALID : An invalid locator

ANY : A special value for any kind of locator.

UDPv4 : A locator for a UDPv4 address.

SHMEM : A locator for an address accessed via shared memory.

SHMEM_510 : A locator for an address accessed via shared memory with backwards compatibility for Connext 5.1.0 or earlier.

INTRA : A locator for the Connext INTRA transport.

UDPv6 : A locator for a UDPv6 address.

UDPv6_510 : A locator for a UDPv6 address with backwards compatibility for Connext 5.1.0 or earlier.

DTLS : A locator for an address that communicates over DTLS.

WAN : A locator for an address that communicates using the Secure WAN plugin.

TCPV4_LAN : A locator for an address that communicates using TCP on a LAN.

TCPV4_WAN : A locator for an address that communicates using TCP over a WAN.

TLSV4_LAN : A locator for an address that communicates using TLS over a LAN.

TLSV4_WAN : A locator for an address that communicates using TLS over a WAN.

RESERVED : Reserved locator kind.

ANY = <LocatorKind.ANY: 0>
DTLS = <LocatorKind.DTLS: 6>
INTRA = <LocatorKind.INTRA: 3>
INVALID = <LocatorKind.INVALID: -1>
RESERVED = <LocatorKind.RESERVED: 1000>
SHMEM = <LocatorKind.SHMEM: 16777216>
SHMEM_510 = <LocatorKind.SHMEM_510: 2>
TCPV4_LAN = <LocatorKind.TCPV4_LAN: 8>
TCPV4_WAN = <LocatorKind.TCPV4_WAN: 9>
TLSV4_LAN = <LocatorKind.TLSV4_LAN: 10>
TLSV4_WAN = <LocatorKind.TLSV4_WAN: 11>
UDPv4 = <LocatorKind.UDPv4: 1>
UDPv6 = <LocatorKind.SHMEM_510: 2>
UDPv6_510 = <LocatorKind.UDPv6_510: 5>
WAN = <LocatorKind.WAN: 7>
property name
property value
RESERVED = <LocatorKind.RESERVED: 1000>
SHMEM = <LocatorKind.SHMEM: 16777216>
SHMEM_510 = <LocatorKind.SHMEM_510: 2>
TCPV4_LAN = <LocatorKind.TCPV4_LAN: 8>
TCPV4_WAN = <LocatorKind.TCPV4_WAN: 9>
TLSV4_LAN = <LocatorKind.TLSV4_LAN: 10>
TLSV4_WAN = <LocatorKind.TLSV4_WAN: 11>
UDPv4 = <LocatorKind.UDPv4: 1>
UDPv6 = <LocatorKind.SHMEM_510: 2>
UDPv6_510 = <LocatorKind.UDPv6_510: 5>
WAN = <LocatorKind.WAN: 7>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Locator) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Locator) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq, L: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Locator) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq) -> rti.connextdds.Locator

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Locator

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Locator) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.LocatorVector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

A DDS standard container with functionality similar to a C++ vector.

clear(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorVector) → None

Resize LocatorVector to 0.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.LocatorVector, size: int) → None

Resize LocatorVector.

class rti.connextdds.LogCategory

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

API = <LogCategory.API: 4>
DATABASE = <LogCategory.DATABASE: 2>
ENTITIES = <LogCategory.ENTITIES: 3>
class LogCategory

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


PLATFORM : Log messages pertaining to the underlying platform (hardware and OS) on which RTI Connext is running are in this category.

COMMUNICATION : Log messages pertaining to data serialization and deserialization and network traffic are in this category.

DATABASE : Log messages pertaining to the internal database in which RTI Connext objects are stored are in this category.

ENTITIES : Log messages pertaining to local and remote entities and to the discovery process are in this category.

API : Log messages pertaining to the API layer of RTI Connext (such as method argument validation) are in this category.

ALL_CATEGORIES : Log messages pertaining to all category of RTI Connext.

API = <LogCategory.API: 4>
DATABASE = <LogCategory.DATABASE: 2>
ENTITIES = <LogCategory.ENTITIES: 3>
PLATFORM = <LogCategory.PLATFORM: 0>
property name
property value
PLATFORM = <LogCategory.PLATFORM: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.Logger

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

instance = <rti.connextdds.Logger object>
output_file(self: rti.connextdds.Logger, arg0: str) → None

Set the name of the file to which the logged output is redirected.

output_file_set(self: rti.connextdds.Logger, file_prefix: str, file_suffix: str, max_bytes: int, max_files: int = LENGTH_UNLIMITED) → None

Set the name of the file to which the logged output is redirected.

output_handler(self: rti.connextdds.Logger, callable_handler: object) → None

Assigns a callable to which log messages (strings) are directed

property print_format

The message format that RTI Connext will use to log diagnostic information.

reset_output_handler(self: rti.connextdds.Logger) → None

Removes the current log handler and sends logging back to the standard output.

property verbosity

The verbosity at which RTI Connext is currently logging diagnostic information.

verbosity_by_category(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. verbosity_by_category(self: rti.connextdds.Logger, arg0: rti.connextdds.LogCategory) -> rti.connextdds.Verbosity

Get the verbosity at which RTI Connext is currently logging diagnostic information in the given category.

  1. verbosity_by_category(self: rti.connextdds.Logger, arg0: rti.connextdds.LogCategory, arg1: rti.connextdds.Verbosity) -> None

Set the verbosity at which RTI Connext will log diagnostic information in the given category.

class rti.connextdds.LongDouble

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


alias of rti.connextdds.Float128Type


alias of rti.connextdds.Int64Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Int64Type


alias of rti.connextdds.Int32Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Int32Type

class rti.connextdds.Member

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

INVALID_ID = 2147483647
property bitset

Checks if member is a bitset

property id

The member ID.

property is_key

Member key field status.

property name

The member name.

property optional

Member optional status

property pointer

Member pointer status

set_name(self: rti.connextdds.Member, arg0: str) → rti.connextdds.Member

Set the member name.

property type

Gets the member type.

class rti.connextdds.MemberSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Member) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Member) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq, L: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Member) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq) -> rti.connextdds.Member

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Member

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Member) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.MultiChannel

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property channels

A sequence of ChannelSettings used to configure the channels’ properties. If the length of the sequence is zero, the QoS policy will be ignored.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property filter_name

Name of the filter class used to describe the filter expressions of a MultiChannel DataWriter.

sql_filter_name = 'DDSSQL'
stringmatch_filter_name = 'DDSSTRINGMATCH'
class rti.connextdds.MulticastMapping

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property addresses

Multicast mapping addresses.

property mapping_function

The mapping function.

property topic_expression

The topic expression.

class rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq, x: rti.connextdds.MulticastMapping) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq, x: rti.connextdds.MulticastMapping) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq, L: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.MulticastMapping) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq) -> rti.connextdds.MulticastMapping

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.MulticastMapping

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.MulticastMappingSeq, x: rti.connextdds.MulticastMapping) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.AnyTopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpAnyTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.AnyTopic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class rti.connextdds.NoOpDomainParticipantListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantListener

class rti.connextdds.NoOpPublisherListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.PublisherListener

class rti.connextdds.NoOpSubscriberListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.SubscriberListener

on_data_on_readers(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpSubscriberListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) → None

Data on datareaders callback.

class rti.connextdds.NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

exception rti.connextdds.NotAllowedBySecurityError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

exception rti.connextdds.NotEnabledError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

exception rti.connextdds.NullReferenceError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint8Type

class rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property last_instance_handle

Handle to the last instance in the DataWriter for which an offered deadline was missed.

property total_count

The count of a DataWriter’s failures to meet write deadlines.

property total_count_change

The delta in total_count since the last time the listener was called or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property last_policy

The policy class of one of the policies that was found to be incompatible the last time an incompatibility was detected.

property policies

A list containing for each policy the total number of times that the concerned DataWriter discovered a DataReader for the same Topic and common partition with a requested QoS that is incompatible with that offered by the DataWriter.

property total_count

Total number of times the concerned DataWriter discovered a DataReader for the same Topic, common partition with a requested QoS that is incompatible with that offered by the DataWriter.

property total_count_change

The delta in total_count since the last time the listener was called or the status was read.

exception rti.connextdds.OutOfResourcesError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.Ownership

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

exclusive = <rti.connextdds.Ownership object>
property kind

The ownership kind.

shared = <rti.connextdds.Ownership object>
class rti.connextdds.OwnershipKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

EXCLUSIVE = <OwnershipKind.EXCLUSIVE: 1>
class OwnershipKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


SHARED : [default] Indicates shared ownership for each instance.

Multiple writers are allowed to update the same instance and all the updates are made available to the readers. In other words there is no concept of an owner for the instances.

This is the default behavior if the OWNERSHIP policy is not specified or supported.

EXCLUSIVE : Indicates each instance can only be owned by one DataWriter, but the owner of an instance can change dynamically.

The selection of the owner is controlled by the setting of the OWNERSHIP_STRENGTH policy. The owner is always set to be the highest-strength DataWriter object among the ones currently active (as determined by the LIVELINESS).

EXCLUSIVE = <OwnershipKind.EXCLUSIVE: 1>
SHARED = <OwnershipKind.SHARED: 0>
property name
property value
SHARED = <OwnershipKind.SHARED: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.OwnershipStrength

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property value

The ownership kind.

class rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TParticipantBuiltinTopicData<rti::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

property dds_builtin_endpoints

Bitmap of builtin endpoints supported by the participant.

property default_unicast_locators

Get the unicast locators used when individual entities do not specify unicast locators.

property domain_id

Get the domain ID associated with the discovered DomainParticipant.

property key

Get the DCPS key to distinguish entries.

property participant_name

Get the participant name and role name.

property product_version

Get the current version for RTI Connext.

property property

Get the Property policy of the corresponding DomainParticipant.

property reachability_lease_duration

The reachability lease duration.

property rtps_protocol_version

Get the version number of the RTPS wire protocol used.

property rtps_vendor_id

Get the ID of the vendor implementing the RTPS wire protocol.

topic_name = 'DCPSParticipant'
property transport_info

Get the sequence of TransportInfo containing information about each of the installed transports of the discovered DomainParticipant.

property user_data

Get the UserData policy of the corresponding DomainParticipant.

property vendor_builtin_endpoints

Bitmap of vendor-specific builtin endpoints supported by the participant.

class rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.Partition

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property name

The partition names specified in a sequence.

exception rti.connextdds.PreconditionNotMetError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.Presentation

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property access_scope

Determines the largest scope spanning the entities for which the order and coherency of changes can be preserved.

property coherent_access

Controls whether coherent access is supported within the access_scope.

static group_access_scope(coherent: bool, ordered: bool) → rti.connextdds.Presentation

Creates a Presentation instance with group access scope.

static instance_access_scope(coherent: bool, ordered: bool) → rti.connextdds.Presentation

Creates a Presentation instance with instance access scope.

property ordered_access

Controls whether ordered access is supported within the access_scope.

static topic_access_scope(coherent: bool, ordered: bool) → rti.connextdds.Presentation

Creates a Presentation instance with topic access scope.

class rti.connextdds.PresentationAccessScopeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

GROUP = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.GROUP: 2>
HIGHEST_OFFERED = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.HIGHEST_OFFERED: 3>
INSTANCE = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.INSTANCE: 0>
class PresentationAccessScopeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


INSTANCE : [default] Scope spans only a single instance.

Indicates that changes to one instance need not be coherent nor ordered with respect to changes to any other instance. In other words, order and coherent changes apply to each instance separately.

TOPIC : Scope spans to all instances within the same DataWriter (or DataReader), but not across instances in different DataWriter (or DataReader).

GROUP : Scope spans to all instances belonging to DataWriter (or DataReader) entities within the same Publisher (or Subscriber).

HIGHEST_OFFERED : This value only applies to a Subscriber. The Subscriber will use the access scope specified by each remote Publisher.

GROUP = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.GROUP: 2>
HIGHEST_OFFERED = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.HIGHEST_OFFERED: 3>
INSTANCE = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.INSTANCE: 0>
TOPIC = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.TOPIC: 1>
property name
property value
TOPIC = <PresentationAccessScopeKind.TOPIC: 1>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.PrintFormat

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

DEBUG = <PrintFormat.DEBUG: 13935>
DEFAULT = <PrintFormat.DEFAULT: 13330>
MAXIMAL = <PrintFormat.MAXIMAL: 16255>
MINIMAL = <PrintFormat.MINIMAL: 17>
class PrintFormat

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


DEFAULT : Print message, method name, and activity context (default).

TIMESTAMPED : Print message, method name, activity context, and timestamp.

VERBOSE : Print message with all available context information (includes thread identifier, activity context).

VERBOSE_TIMESTAMPED : Print message with all available context information, and timestamp.

DEBUG : Print a set of field that may be useful for internal debug.

MINIMAL : Print only message number and method name.

MAXIMAL : Print all available fields.

DEBUG = <PrintFormat.DEBUG: 13935>
DEFAULT = <PrintFormat.DEFAULT: 13330>
MAXIMAL = <PrintFormat.MAXIMAL: 16255>
MINIMAL = <PrintFormat.MINIMAL: 17>
VERBOSE = <PrintFormat.VERBOSE: 15894>
property name
property value
VERBOSE = <PrintFormat.VERBOSE: 15894>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.PrintFormatKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

DEFAULT = <PrintFormatKind.DEFAULT: 0>
JSON = <PrintFormatKind.JSON: 2>
class PrintFormatKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


DEFAULT : Use a default format specific to RTI Connext to represent the data when converting a data sample to a string.

XML : Use an XML format to represent the data when converting a data sample to a string.

JSON : Use an JSON format to represent the data when converting a data sample to a string.

DEFAULT = <PrintFormatKind.DEFAULT: 0>
JSON = <PrintFormatKind.JSON: 2>
XML = <PrintFormatKind.XML: 1>
property name
property value
XML = <PrintFormatKind.XML: 1>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.PrintFormatProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

default = <rti.connextdds.PrintFormatProperty object>
property enum_as_int

Get/set the value of enum_as_int.

property include_root_elements

Get/set the value of include_root_elements.

json = <rti.connextdds.PrintFormatProperty object>
property kind

Get/set the kind value.

property pretty_print

Get/set the value of pretty_print.

xml = <rti.connextdds.PrintFormatProperty object>
class rti.connextdds.ProductVersion

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

current = <rti.connextdds.ProductVersion object>
property major_version

The major product version.

property minor_version

The minor product version.

property native_build_id

A string with the build ID of the native Connext libraries.

property release_version

The release letter of the product version.

property revision_version

The revision number of product.

unknown = <rti.connextdds.ProductVersion object>
class rti.connextdds.Property

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

exists(self: rti.connextdds.Property, key: str) → bool

Returns true if a property exists.

get(self: rti.connextdds.Property, key: str) → str

Returns the value of a property identified by a key if it exists.

get_all(self: rti.connextdds.Property) → rti.connextdds.StringMap

Retrieves a copy of all the entries in a map.

propagate(self: rti.connextdds.Property, key: str) → bool

Returns whether the ‘propagate’ attribute for a property is set or not.

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Property, key: str) → bool

Removes the property identified by a key.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.Property, entry: Tuple[str, str], propagate: bool = False) -> rti.connextdds.Property

Adds or assigns a property from a pair of strings.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.Property, key: str, value: str, propagate: bool = False) -> rti.connextdds.Property

Adds or assigns a property from a key and a value.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.Property, entries: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, propagate: bool) -> rti.connextdds.Property

Adds a range of properties.

size(self: rti.connextdds.Property) → int

Returns the number of properties.

try_get(self: rti.connextdds.Property, key: str) → Optional[str]

Returns the value of a property identified by a key if it exists.

class rti.connextdds.ProtocolVersion

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

current = <rti.connextdds.ProtocolVersion object>
property major_version

The major version number.

property minor_version

The minor version number.

class rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TPublicationBuiltinTopicData<rti::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicDataImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

builtin_topic_name = 'DCPSPublication'
property data_tag

The DataTag policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property deadline

The Deadline policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property destination_order

The DestinationOrder policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property disable_positive_acks

See whether or not a matching DataReader will send positive acknowledgments for reliability.

property durability

The Durability policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property durability_service

The DurabilityService policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property group_data

The GroupData policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property key

The DCPS key to distinguish entries.

property latency_budget

The LatencyBudget policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property lifespan

The Lifespan policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property liveliness

The Liveliness policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property locator_filter

The locator filters of the corresponding DataWriter.

property ownership

The Ownership policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property ownership_strength

The OwnershipStrength policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property participant_key

The DCPS key of the DomainParticipant to which the DataWriter belongs.

property partition

The Partition policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property presentation

The Presentation policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property product_version

The current version for RTI Connext.

property property

The propagated name-value properties of the corresponding DataWriter.

property publication_name

The publication name and role name.

property publisher_key

The DCPS key of the Publisher to which the DataWriter belongs.

property reliability

The Reliability policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property representation

The Representation policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property rtps_protocol_version

The version number of the RTPS wire protocol used.

property rtps_vendor_id

The ID of the vendor implementing the RTPS wire protocol.

property service

The Service policy

property topic_data

The TopicData policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property topic_name

The name of the related Topic.

property type

The type.

property type_name

The name of the type attached to the Topic.

property unicast_locators

The custom unicast locators that the endpoint can specify.

property user_data

The UserData policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property virtual_guid

The virtual Guid associated to the DataWriter.

class rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property current_count

The number of DataReaders that are currently matched with this DataWriter.

property current_count_change

The delta for the current count since the last time the listener fired or the status was read.

property current_count_peak

The highest value that the current count has reached.

property last_subscription_handle

A handle to the DataReader that caused the most recent change to to this status.

property total_count

Total count of times the DataWriter matched with a DataReader.

property total_count_change

The delta in the total count since the last time the listener fired or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.PublishMode

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

static asynchronous(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. asynchronous() -> rti.connextdds.PublishMode

Creates a PublishMode qos policy of asynchronous kind with default flow controller and undefined priority.

  1. asynchronous(flow_controller_name: str) -> rti.connextdds.PublishMode

Creates a PublishMode qos policy of asynchronous kind with a specific flow controller and undefined priority.

  1. asynchronous(flow_controller_name: str, priority: int) -> rti.connextdds.PublishMode

Creates a PublishMode qos policy of asynchronous kind with specific flow controller and priority.

property flow_controller_name

The flow controller name associated to a DataWriter.

property kind

The publish mode (synchronous or asynchronous) for a DataWriter.

property priority

The priority of all samples written by a DataWriter.

synchronous = <rti.connextdds.PublishMode object>
class rti.connextdds.PublishModeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class PublishModeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


SYNCHRONOUS : Indicates to send data synchronously.

If DataWriterProtocol.push_on_write is true, data is sent immediately in the context of DataWriter.write().

As data is sent immediately in the context of the user thread, no flow control is applied.

ASYNCHRONOUS : Indicates to send data asynchronously.

Configures the DataWriter to delegate the task of data transmission to a separate publishing thread. The DataWriter.write() call does not send the data, but instead schedules the data to be sent later by its associated Publisher.

Each Publisher uses its dedicated publishing thread (AsynchronousPublisher) to send data for all its asynchronous DataWriters. For each asynchronous DataWriter, the associated FlowController determines when the publishing thread is allowed to send the data.

DataWriter.wait_for_asynchronous_publishing and Publisher.wait_for_asynchronous_publishing enable you to determine when the data has actually been sent.

property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.Publisher

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property default_datawriter_qos

The default DataWriterQos.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

find_datawriter(self: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter]

Find a DataWriter in this Publisher by its name.

find_datawriter_by_topic_name(self: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriter]

Find a DataWriter in this Publisher by its topic name. If more than one exists for this Topic, the first one found is returned.

find_datawriters(self: rti.connextdds.Publisher) → rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterSeq

Find all DataWriters in the Publisher.

property listener

Get/set the listener.

property participant

Get the parent DomainParticipant of this Publisher.

property qos

The PublisherQos for this Publisher.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.Publisher, listener: rti.connextdds.PublisherListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Bind the listener and event mask to the Publisher.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.Publisher, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks until all data written by this Publisher’s reliable DataWriters is acknowledged or the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.Publisher, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks until asynchronous sending is complete or timeout expires.

class rti.connextdds.PublisherListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.AnyDataWriterListener

class rti.connextdds.PublisherQos

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property asynchronous_publisher

Get/set AsynchronousPublisher QoS.

property entity_factory

Get/set EntityFactory QoS.

property entity_name

Get/set EntityName QoS.

property exclusive_area

Get/set ExclusiveArea QoS.

property group_data

Get/set GroupData QoS.

property partition

Get/set Partition QoS.

property presentation

Get/set Presentation QoS.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherQos, format: rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat = QosPrintFormat(), base: Optional[rti.connextdds.PublisherQos] = None, print_all: bool = False) → str

Convert QoS to string based on params.

class rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Publisher) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Publisher) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq, L: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Publisher) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq) -> rti.connextdds.Publisher

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Publisher

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.PublisherSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Publisher) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCount

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property count

The counter.

property policy

The policy class.

class rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq, x: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCount) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq, x: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCount) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq, L: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCount) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq) -> rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCount

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCount

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCountSeq, x: rti.connextdds.QosPolicyCount) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property indent

The value of indent.

property is_standalone

Print XML preample toggle.

property print_private

Print private QoS field toggle.

class rti.connextdds.QosProvider

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

create_participant_from_config(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. create_participant_from_config(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, config: str) -> rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant

Create a DomainParticipant given a configuration name from a description provided in an XML configuration file that has been loaded by this QosProvider with default parameters.

  1. create_participant_from_config(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, config: str, params: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantConfigParams) -> rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant

Create a DomainParticipant given a configuration name from a description provided in an XML configuration file that has been loaded by this QosProvider.

property datareader_qos

Get a copy of the DataReaderQos currently associated with the QosProvider.

datareader_qos_from_profile(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile: str) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderQos

Get the DataReaderQos from a qos profile.

property datawriter_qos

Get a copy of the DataWriterQos currently associated with the QosProvider.

datawriter_qos_from_profile(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile: str) → rti.connextdds.DataWriterQos

Get the DataWriterQos from a qos profile.

default = <rti.connextdds.QosProvider object>
property default_library

The default library associated with this QosProvider (None if not set).

property default_profile

The default profile associated with this QosProvider (None if not set).

property default_profile_library

The library of the default profile associated with this QosProvider (None if not set).

default_provider_params = <rti.connextdds.QosProviderParams object>
get_topic_datareader_qos(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderQos

Get the DataReaderQos associated with a given Topic name.

get_topic_datawriter_qos(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.DataWriterQos

Get the DataWriterQos associated with a given Topic name.

get_topic_name_qos(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.TopicQos

Get the TopicQos associated with a given Topic name.

load_profiles(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider) → None

Load the XML QoS profiles from this QosProvider.

property participant_qos

Get a copy of the DomainParticipantQos currently associated with the QosProvider.

participant_qos_from_profile(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile_name: str) → rti.connextdds.DomainParticipantQos

Get the DomainParticipantQos from a qos profile.

property profiles_loaded

Check if the profiles from this QosProvider have been loaded.

property provider_params

Get a copy of or set the QosProviderParams for this QosProvider.

property publisher_qos

Get a copy of the PublisherQos currently associated with the QosProvider.

publisher_qos_from_profile(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile: str) → rti.connextdds.PublisherQos

Get the PublisherQos from a qos profile.

property qos_profile_libraries

Get a list of the QoS profile libraries loaded by the QosProvider.

qos_profiles(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, library: str) → rti.connextdds.StringSeq

Get a list of the QoS profiles loaded the specified library of the QosProvider.

reload_profiles(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider) → None

Reload the XML QoS profiles from this QosProvider.

static reset_default() → None

Reset the settings of the default QosProvider.

set_topic_datareader_qos(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile_name: str, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderQos

Set the DataReaderQos for a given Topic name.

set_topic_datawriter_qos(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile_name: str, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.DataWriterQos

Set the DataWriterQos for a given Topic name.

set_topic_name_qos(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile_name: str, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.TopicQos

Set the TopicQos for a given Topic name.

property subscriber_qos

Get a copy of the SubscriberQos currently associated with this QosProvider.

subscriber_qos_from_profile(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile: str) → rti.connextdds.SubscriberQos

Get the SubscriberQos from a qos profile.

property topic_qos

Get a copy of the TopicQos currently associated with the QosProvider.

topic_qos_from_profile(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, profile_name: str) → rti.connextdds.TopicQos

Get the TopicQos from a qos profile.

type(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. type(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, library: str, name: str) -> object

Get a DynamicType from a type library in the QosProvider.

  1. type(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider, name: str) -> object

Get a DynamicType from the QosProvider.

property type_libraries

Get a list of the type libraries loaded by this QosProvider.

unload_profiles(self: rti.connextdds.QosProvider) → None

Unload the XML QoS profiles from this QosProvider.

class rti.connextdds.QosProviderParams

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property ignore_environment_profile

Choose whether or not to ignore the NDDS_QOS_PROFILES.

property ignore_resource_profile

Choose whether or not to ignore NDDS_QOS_PROFILES.xml.

property ignore_user_profile

Choose whether or not to ignore USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml.

property string_profile

The current list of string profiles stored by this QosProviderParams.

property url_profile

The current list of URL groups stored by this QosProviderParams.

class rti.connextdds.Query

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

add_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.Query, arg0: str) → None

Appends a parameter.

property data_reader

The DataReader as an AnyDataReader.

property expression

The expression.

property name

The filter name.

property parameters

The parameters for the expression.

property parameters_length

The parameter sequence length.

class rti.connextdds.QueryCondition

Bases: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition

property expression

The expression.

property parameters

The parameters for the expression.

property parameters_length

The parameter sequence length.

reset_handler(self: rti.connextdds.QueryCondition) → None

Resets the handler for this QueryCondition.

set_handler_no_args(self: rti.connextdds.QueryCondition, func: Callable[[], None]) → None

Set a handler function receiving no arguments.

class rti.connextdds.Rank

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property absolute_generation

Get the absolute generation rank of the sample.

property generation

Get the generation rank of the sample.

property sample

Get the sample rank of the sample.

class rti.connextdds.ReadCondition

Bases: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition

reset_handler(self: rti.connextdds.ReadCondition) → None

Resets the handler for this ReadCondition.

set_handler_no_args(self: rti.connextdds.ReadCondition, func: Callable[[], None]) → None

Set a handler function receiving no arguments.

class rti.connextdds.ReaderDataLifecycle

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

static auto_purge_disposed_samples(delay: rti.connextdds.Duration) → rti.connextdds.ReaderDataLifecycle

Returns a policy where only the disposed-samples purge delay is enabled with a specified duration.

static auto_purge_no_writer_samples(delay: rti.connextdds.Duration) → rti.connextdds.ReaderDataLifecycle

Returns a policy where only the no-writer purge delay is enabled with a specified duration.

property autopurge_disposed_instances_delay

Minimum duration for which the DataReader will maintain an instance once its instance_state becomes InstanceStateKind.NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property autopurge_disposed_samples_delay

Minimum duration for which the DataReader will maintain information regarding an instance once its instance_state becomes InstanceStateKind.NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property autopurge_unregistered_instances_delay

Minimum duration for which the DataReader will maintain information regarding an instance once its instance_state becomes InstanceStateKind.NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

no_auto_purge = <rti.connextdds.ReaderDataLifecycle object>
class rti.connextdds.ReceiverPool

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property buffer_alignment

The receive buffer alignment.

property buffer_size

The length of the buffer used to store the incoming raw data.

property thread

Configures the receiver pool thread(s).

class rti.connextdds.Reliability

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property acknowledgment_kind

The kind of reliable acknowledgment.

best_effort = <rti.connextdds.Reliability object>
property kind

The reliability kind.

property max_blocking_time

The maximum time a DataWriter may block on a call to write().

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

static reliable(max_blocking_time: rti.connextdds.Duration = Duration.from_milliseconds(100)) → rti.connextdds.Reliability

Creates a policy with ReliabilityKind.RELIABLE and optionally a max blocking time.

class rti.connextdds.ReliabilityKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

BEST_EFFORT = <ReliabilityKind.BEST_EFFORT: 0>
RELIABLE = <ReliabilityKind.RELIABLE: 1>
class ReliabilityKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


BEST_EFFORT : Indicates that it is acceptable to not retry propagation of any samples.

Presumably new values for the samples are generated often enough that it is not necessary to re-send or acknowledge any samples.

[default] for DataReader and Topic.

RELIABLE : Specifies that RTI Connext will attempt to deliver all samples in its history. Missed samples may be retried.

In steady-state (no modifications communicated via the DataWriter), RTI Connext guarantees that all samples in the DataWriter history will eventually be delivered to all the DataReader objects (subject to timeouts that indicate loss of communication with a particular Subscriber).

Outside steady state, the HISTORY and RESOURCE_LIMITS policies will determine how samples become part of the history and whether samples can be discarded from it.

[default] for DataWriter.

BEST_EFFORT = <ReliabilityKind.BEST_EFFORT: 0>
RELIABLE = <ReliabilityKind.RELIABLE: 1>
property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property active_count

The current number of reliable DataReaders currently matched with this reliable DataWriter.

property inactive_count

The number of reliable DataReaders that have been dropped by this reliable DataWriter because they failed to send acknowledgments in a timely fashion.

property last_instance_handle

The instance handle of the last reliable remote DataReader to be determined inactive.

class rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property empty_reliable_writer_cache

The number of times the reliable DataWriters’s cache of unacknowledged samples has become empty.

property full_reliable_writer_cache

The number of times the reliable DataWriters’s cache (or send window) of unacknowledged samples has become full.

property high_watermark_reliable_writer_cache

The number of times the reliable DataWriter’s cache of unacknowledged samples has risen to the high watermark.

property low_watermark_reliable_writer_cache

The number of times the reliable DataWriter’s cache of unacknowledged samples has fallen to the low watermark.

property replaced_unacknowledged_sample_count

The number of unacknowledged samples that have been replaced in the writer’s cache.

property unacknowledged_sample_count

The current number of unacknowledged samples in the DataWriter’s cache.

property unacknowledged_sample_count_peak

The highest value that unacknowledged_sample_count has reached until now.

class rti.connextdds.RemoteParticipantPurgeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

NO_PURGE = <RemoteParticipantPurgeKind.NO_PURGE: 1>
class RemoteParticipantPurgeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


LIVELINESS_BASED : [default] Maintain knowledge of the remote participant for as long as it maintains its liveliness contract.

A participant will continue attempting communication with its peers, even if discovery communication with them is lost, as long as the remote participants maintain their liveliness. If both discovery communication and participant liveliness are lost, however, the local participant will remove all records of the remote participant and its contained endpoints, and no further data communication with them will occur until and unless they are rediscovered.

The liveliness contract a participant promises to its peers (its “liveliness lease duration”) is specified in its DiscoveryConfig.participant_liveliness_lease_duration QoS field. It maintains that contract by writing data to those other participants with a writer that has a LivelinessKind of LivelinessKind.AUTOMATIC or LivelinessKind.MANUAL_BY_PARTICIPANT and by asserting itself (at the DiscoveryConfig.participant_liveliness_assert_period) over the Simple Discovery Protocol.

NO_PURGE : Never “forget” a remote participant with which discovery communication has been lost.

If a participant with this behavior loses discovery communication with a remote participant, it will nevertheless remember that remote participant and its endpoints and continue attempting to communicate with them indefinitely.

This value has consequences for a participant’s resource usage. If discovery communication with a remote participant is lost, but the same participant is later rediscovered, any relevant records that remain in the database will be reused. However, if it is not rediscovered, the records will continue to take up space in the database for as long as the local participant remains in existence.

NO_PURGE = <RemoteParticipantPurgeKind.NO_PURGE: 1>
property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property last_instance_handle

Handle to the last instance in the DataReader for which a missed deadline was detected.

property total_count

Total count of the missed deadlines detected for any instance read by the DataReader.

property total_count_change

The delta in missed deadlines detected since the last time the listener was called or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property last_policy

The policy class of one of the policies that was found to be incompatible the last time an incompatibility was detected.

property policies

A list containing, for each policy, the total number of times that the concerned DataReader discovered a DataWriter for the same Topic with an offered QoS that is incompatible with that requested by the DataReader.

total_count(self: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → int

Total count of how many times the concerned DataReader discovered a DataWriter for the same Topic with an offered QoS that is incompatible with that requested by the DataReader.

property total_count_change

The delta in total_count since the last time the listener was called or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.ResourceLimits

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property initial_instances

The number of instances that a DataWriter or a DataWriter will preallocate.

property initial_samples

The maximum number of data samples per instance that a DataWriter or a DataReader can manage.

property instance_hash_buckets

The number of instances that a DataWriter or a DataWriter will preallocate.

property max_instances

Sets the maximum number of instances that a DataWriter or a DataReader can manage.

property max_samples

Sets the maximum number of data samples that a DataWriter or a DataReader can manage across all instances.

property max_samples_per_instance

Sets the maximum number of data samples per instance that a DataWriter or a DataReader can manage.

class rti.connextdds.RtpsReliableReaderProtocol

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property app_ack_period

Get/set the period at which application-level acknowledgment messages are sent.

property heartbeat_suppression_duration

Get/set the duration to ignore consecutive heartbeats from a DataWriter.

property max_heartbeat_response_delay

Get/set the maximum time to respond with an ACKNACK to a DataWriter’s heartbeat.

property min_heartbeat_response_delay

Get/set the minimum time to respond with an ACKNACK to a DataWriter’s heartbeat.

property nack_period

Get/set the period at which to send NACKs for receiving historical data.

property receive_window_size

Get/set the number of received out-of-order samples a reader can keep at a time.

property round_trip_time

Get/set the estimated duration from sending a NACK to receiving a repair of a sample.

property samples_per_app_ack

Get/set the minimum number of samples acknowledged by one application-level acknowledgment message.

class rti.connextdds.RtpsReliableWriterProtocol

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property disable_positive_acks_decrease_sample_keep_duration_factor

Controls rate of contraction of dynamic sample keep duration.

property disable_positive_acks_enable_adaptive_sample_keep_duration

Enables dynamic adjustment of sample keep duration in response to congestion.

property disable_positive_acks_increase_sample_keep_duration_factor

Controls rate of growth of dynamic sample keep duration.

property disable_positive_acks_max_sample_keep_duration

The maximum duration a sample is queued for ACK-disabled readers.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property disable_positive_acks_min_sample_keep_duration

The minimum duration a sample is queued for ACK-disabled readers.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property disable_repair_piggyback_heartbeat

Prevents piggyback heartbeats from being sent with repair samples.

property enable_multicast_periodic_heartbeat

Whether periodic heartbeat messages are sent over multicast.

property fast_heartbeat_period

An alternative heartbeat period used when a reliable writer needs to flush its unacknowledged samples more quickly.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property heartbeat_period

The period at which to send heartbeats.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property heartbeats_per_max_samples

The number of heartbeats per current send window.

property high_watermark

When the number of unacknowledged samples in the current send window of a reliable writer meets or exceeds this threshold, StatusMask.reliable_writer_cache_changed is considered to have changed.

property inactivate_nonprogressing_readers

Whether to treat remote readers as inactive when their NACKs do not progress.

property late_joiner_heartbeat_period

An alternative heartbeat period used when a reliable reader joins late and needs to be caught up on cached samples of a reliable writer more quickly than the normal heartbeat rate.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property low_watermark

When the number of unacknowledged samples in the current send window of a reliable writer meets or falls below this threshold, the StatusMask.reliable_writer_cache_changed is considered to have changed.

property max_bytes_per_nack_response

The maximum total message size when resending dropped samples.

property max_heartbeat_retries

The maximum number of periodic heartbeat retries before marking a remote reader as inactive.

property max_nack_response_delay

The maximum delay to respond to a NACK.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property max_send_window_size

Maximum size of send window of unacknowledged samples.

property min_nack_response_delay

The minimum delay to respond to a NACK.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property min_send_window_size

Minimum size of send window of unacknowledged samples.

property multicast_resend_threshold

The minimum number of requesting readers needed to trigger a multicast resend.

property nack_suppression_duration

The duration for ignoring consecutive NACKs that may trigger redundant repairs.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property samples_per_virtual_heartbeat

The number of samples that a reliable writer has to publish before sending a virtual heartbeat.

property send_window_decrease_factor

Decreases send window size by this percentage when reacting dynamically to network conditions.

property send_window_increase_factor

Increases send window size by this percentage when reacting dynamically to network conditions.

property send_window_update_period

Period in which send window may be dynamically changed.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property virtual_heartbeat_period

The period at which to send virtual heartbeats. Virtual heartbeats inform the reliable reader about the range of samples currently present, for each virtual GUID, in the reliable writer’s queue.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALL = <rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask object>
BUILTIN_MULTICAST = <rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask object>
BUILTIN_UNICAST = <rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask object>
DEFAULT_MASK = <rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask object>
NONE = <rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask object>
USER_MULTICAST = <rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask object>
USER_UNICAST = <rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask) → rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask) → rti.connextdds.RtpsReservedPortKindMask

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.RtpsWellKnownPorts

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

backwards_compatible = <rti.connextdds.RtpsWellKnownPorts object>
property builtin_multicast_port_offset

Additional offset for metatraffic multicast port.

property builtin_unicast_port_offset

Additional offset for metatraffic unicast port.

property domain_id_gain

Tunable domain gain parameter.

interoperable = <rti.connextdds.RtpsWellKnownPorts object>
property participant_id_gain

Tunable participant gain parameter.

property port_base

The port base offset.

property user_multicast_port_offset

Additional offset for usertraffic multicast port.

property user_unicast_port_offset

Additional offset for usertraffic unicast port.

class rti.connextdds.SampleFlag

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

INTERMEDIATE_REPLY_SEQUENCE = <rti.connextdds.SampleFlag object>
INTERMEDIATE_TOPIC_QUERY_SAMPLE = <rti.connextdds.SampleFlag object>
LAST_SHARED_READER_QUEUE = <rti.connextdds.SampleFlag object>
REDELIVERED = <rti.connextdds.SampleFlag object>
REPLICATE = <rti.connextdds.SampleFlag object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag) -> rti.connextdds.SampleFlag

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleFlag

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag) -> rti.connextdds.SampleFlag

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleFlag

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag) -> rti.connextdds.SampleFlag

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.SampleFlag

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.SampleFlag) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

automatic = <rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity object>
property sequence_number

Get the monotonically increasing 64-bit SequenceNumber that identifies the sample in the data source.

unknown = <rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity object>
property writer_guid

Get the 16-byte identifier identifying the virtual Guid.

class rti.connextdds.SampleInfo

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property coherent_set_info

TWhen set, this field provides the information about the coherent set associated with the sample.

property encapsulation_id

The encapsulation kind.

property flag

Flags associated with the sample.

property generation_count

The GenerationCount of the sample.

property instance_handle

Identifies locally the corresponding instance.

property original_publication_virtual_guid

Original publication virtual GUID.

If the Publisher’s access_scope is GROUP, this field contains the Publisher virtual GUID that uniquely identifies the DataWriter group.

property original_publication_virtual_sample_identity

Retrieves the information provided by original_publication_virtual_guid and original_publication_virtual_sequence_number combined in a SampleIdentity instance.

property original_publication_virtual_sequence_number

Original publication virtual sequence number.

If the Publisher’s access_scope is GROUP, this field contains the Publisher virtual sequence number that uniquely identifies a DDS sample within the DataWriter group.

property publication_handle

Identifies locally the DataWriter that modified the instance.

property publication_sequence_number

Publication sequence number assigned when the DDS sample was written by the DataWriter.

property rank

Get the Rank of the sample.

property reception_sequence_number

Reception sequence number assigned when the DDS sample was committed by the DataReader.

property reception_timestamp

The timestamp when the sample was committed by a DataReader.

property related_original_publication_virtual_guid

The original publication virtual GUID of a related sample.

property related_original_publication_virtual_sample_identity

Retrieves the information provided by related_original_publication_virtual_guid and related_original_publication_virtual_sequence_number combined in a SampleIdentity instance.

property related_original_publication_virtual_sequence_number

The original publication virtual sequence number of a related sample.

property related_source_guid

The application logical data source that is related to the sample.

property related_subscription_guid

The related_reader_guid associated with the sample.

property source_guid

The application logical data source associated with the sample.

property source_timestamp

The DataWriter’s write timestamp.

property state

Get the DataState of the sample.

property topic_query_guid

The GUID of the TopicQuery that is related to the sample.

property valid

Indicates whether the DataSample contains data or else it is only used to communicate a change in the InstanceState of the instance.

class rti.connextdds.SampleLostState

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

LOST_BY_AVAILABILITY_WAITING_TIME = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_DECODE_FAILURE = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_DESERIALIZATION_FAILURE = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_INCOMPLETE_COHERENT_SET = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_INSTANCES_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_LARGE_COHERENT_SET = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_OUT_OF_MEMORY = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_REMOTE_WRITERS_PER_INSTANCE_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_REMOTE_WRITERS_PER_SAMPLE_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_REMOTE_WRITERS_PER_VIRTUAL_QUEUE_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_SAMPLES_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_SAMPLES_PER_INSTANCE_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_SAMPLES_PER_REMOTE_WRITER_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_VIRTUAL_WRITERS_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
LOST_BY_WRITER = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
NOT_LOST = <rti.connextdds.SampleLostState object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleLostState

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleLostState

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleLostState

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleLostState

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleLostState

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.SampleLostState

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.SampleLostState) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property last_reason

The reason for the most recent sample loss.

property total_count

Total count of all samples lost across all instances of data published under the Topic.

property total_count_change

The incremental number of samples lost since the last time the listener was called or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

NOT_REJECTED = <rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState object>
REJECTED_BY_DECODE_FAILURE = <rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState object>
REJECTED_BY_INSTANCES_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState object>
REJECTED_BY_REMOTE_WRITERS_PER_VIRTUAL_QUEUE_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState object>
REJECTED_BY_SAMPLES_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState object>
REJECTED_BY_SAMPLES_PER_INSTANCE_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState object>
REJECTED_BY_SAMPLES_PER_REMOTE_WRITER_LIMIT = <rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedState) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property last_instance_handle

Handle for the instance of the sample that was most recently rejected.

property last_reason

Reason for the DataReader’s most recent sample rejection.

property total_count

Total count of samples rejected by the DataReader.

property total_count_change

The delta number of samples rejected since the last time the listener fired or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.SampleState

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ANY = <rti.connextdds.SampleState object>
NOT_READ = <rti.connextdds.SampleState object>
READ = <rti.connextdds.SampleState object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleState

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleState

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleState

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.SampleState

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState) -> rti.connextdds.SampleState

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.SampleState

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState) → rti.connextdds.SampleState

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.SampleState) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.SequenceNumber

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

automatic = -1
maximum = 9223372036854775807
unknown = -1
property value

Get/set the SequenceNumber value.

zero = 0
class rti.connextdds.SequenceType

Bases: rti.connextdds.UnidimensionalCollectionType

class rti.connextdds.Service

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property kind

The service kind.

class rti.connextdds.ServiceKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

NO_SERVICE = <ServiceKind.NO_SERVICE: 0>
QUEUING = <ServiceKind.QUEUING: 2>
REPLAY = <ServiceKind.REPLAY: 5>
ROUTING = <ServiceKind.ROUTING: 3>
class ServiceKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


NO_SERVICE : There is no service associated to the Entity.

PERSISTENCE : The Entity is associated to RTI Persistence Service.

QUEUING : The Entity is associated to RTI Queuing Service.

ROUTING : The Entity is associated to RTI Routing Service.

RECORDING : The Entity is associated to RTI Recording Service.

REPLAY : The Entity is associated to RTI Replay Service.

DATABASE_INTEGRATION : The Entity is associated to RTI Database Integration Service.

WEB_INTEGRATION : The Entity is associated to RTI Web Integration Service.

NO_SERVICE = <ServiceKind.NO_SERVICE: 0>
QUEUING = <ServiceKind.QUEUING: 2>
REPLAY = <ServiceKind.REPLAY: 5>
ROUTING = <ServiceKind.ROUTING: 3>
property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<rti::topic::ServiceRequest, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

property instance_id

Get the instance id of the request.

property request_body

Get the request body of the request.

property service_id

The service id of the request.

topic_name = 'DDSServiceRequest'
class rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Information about the service_request_accepted status Currently, the only service that causes the ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus to be triggered is TopicQuery service. A ServiceRequest is accepted when a DataWriter matches with a DataReader that has created a TopicQuery. This status is also changed (and the listener, if any, called) when a ServiceRequest has been cancelled, or deleted. This will happen when a DataReader deletes a TopicQuery using TopicQuery.close().

property current_count

The current number of ServiceRequests that have been accepted by this DataWriter.

property last_request_handle

A handle to the last ServiceRequest that caused the DataWriter’s status to change.

property service_id

ID of the service to which the accepted Request belongs.

property total_count

The total number of ServiceRequests that have been accepted by this DataWriter.

class rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestId

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ServiceRequestId

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


UNKNOWN : An unknown service.

TOPIC_QUERY : The topic query service.

LOCATOR_REACHABILITY : The locator reachability service.

TOPIC_QUERY = <ServiceRequestId.TOPIC_QUERY: 1>
UNKNOWN = <ServiceRequestId.UNKNOWN: 0>
property name
property value
TOPIC_QUERY = <ServiceRequestId.TOPIC_QUERY: 1>
UNKNOWN = <ServiceRequestId.UNKNOWN: 0>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestSeq, x: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.


alias of rti.connextdds.Int16Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Int16Type

class rti.connextdds.StatusCondition

Bases: rti.connextdds.ICondition

dispatch(self: rti.connextdds.StatusCondition) → None

Dispatches the functions registered with the condition.

property enabled_statuses

Get/set the enabled statuses for this condition.

property entity

Get the Entity associated with this StatusCondition.

reset_handler(self: rti.connextdds.StatusCondition) → None

Resets the handler for this StatusCondition.

set_handler(self: rti.connextdds.StatusCondition, func: Callable[[rti.connextdds.ICondition], None]) → None

Set a handler function for this StatusCondition.

property trigger_value

The trigger value of the condition.

class rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

A set of statuses.

ALL = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATAREADER_CACHE = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATAREADER_PROTOCOL = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATAWRITER_APPLICATION_ACKNOWLEDGMENT = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATAWRITER_CACHE = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATAWRITER_INSTANCE_REPLACED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATAWRITER_PROTOCOL = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATA_AVAILABLE = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DATA_ON_READERS = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
INCONSISTENT_TOPIC = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
LIVELINESS_CHANGED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
LIVELINESS_LOST = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
NONE = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
OFFERED_DEADLINE_MISSED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
OFFERED_INCOMPATIBLE_QOS = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
PUBLICATION_MATCHED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
RELIABLE_READER_ACTIVITY_CHANGED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
RELIABLE_WRITER_CACHE_CHANGED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
REQUESTED_DEADLINE_MISSED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
REQUESTED_INCOMPATIBLE_QOS = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
SAMPLE_LOST = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
SAMPLE_REJECTED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
SAMPLE_REMOVED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
SERVICE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
SUBSCRIPTION_MATCHED = <rti.connextdds.StatusMask object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) -> rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) -> rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) -> rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → rti.connextdds.StatusMask

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ANY = <rti.connextdds.StreamKind object>
LIVE = <rti.connextdds.StreamKind object>
TOPIC_QUERY = <rti.connextdds.StreamKind object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind) -> rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind) -> rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind) -> rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind) → rti.connextdds.StreamKind

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.StreamKind) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.StringMap

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

items(self: rti.connextdds.StringMap) → rti.connextdds.ItemsView[StringMap]
keys(self: rti.connextdds.StringMap) → rti.connextdds.KeysView[StringMap]
values(self: rti.connextdds.StringMap) → rti.connextdds.ValuesView[StringMap]
class rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, x: Tuple[str, str]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, x: Tuple[str, str]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[str, str]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq) -> Tuple[str, str]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[str, str]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringPairSeq, x: Tuple[str, str]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.StringSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, x: str) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, x: str) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, i: int, x: str) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq) -> str

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, i: int) -> str

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, x: str) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.StringTopicType

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::core::TStringTopicType<rti::core::StringTopicTypeImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

property data

The sample’s string data.

class rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.StringTopicType

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeSeq, x: rti.connextdds.StringTopicType) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.StringTopicTypeTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.StringTopicType, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.StringType

Bases: rti.connextdds.UnidimensionalCollectionType

class rti.connextdds.StructType

Bases: rti.connextdds.ACTMember

add_member(self: rti.connextdds.StructType, member: rti.connextdds.Member) → rti.connextdds.StructType

Adds a member at the end.

add_members(self: rti.connextdds.StructType, members: rti.connextdds.MemberSeq) → rti.connextdds.StructType

Adds all members of the sequence to the end.

property extensibility_kind

Struct’s extensibility kind.

find_member_by_id(self: rti.connextdds.StructType, member_id: int) → int

Get the index of the member with a specfic ID.

property has_parent

Indicates if this type has a base type.

property parent

Retrieve the base type.

class rti.connextdds.Subscriber

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property default_datareader_qos

The default DataReaderQos.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

find_datareader(self: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader]

Find a DataReader in this Subscriber by its name.

find_datareader_by_topic_name(self: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.AnyDataReader]

Find a DataReader in this Subscriber by its topic name. If more than one exists for this Topic, the first one found is returned.

find_datareaders(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_datareaders(self: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) -> rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq

Find all DataReaders in the Subscriber.

  1. find_datareaders(self: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, arg0: rti.connextdds.DataState) -> rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq

Find all DataReaders that contain samples of the given DataState in the Subscriber.

  1. find_datareaders(self: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, arg0: str) -> rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderSeq

Find all DataReaders for a given topic name

property listener

Get the listener.

notify_datareaders(self: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) → None

This operation invokes the operation on_data_available on the DataReaderListener objects attached to contained DataReader entities with a DATA_AVAILABLE status that is considered changed

property participant

Get the parent DomainParticipant for this Subscriber.

property qos

The SubscriberQos for this Subscriber.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, listener: rti.connextdds.SubscriberListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Bind the listener and event mask to the Subscriber.

class rti.connextdds.SubscriberListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.AnyDataReaderListener

on_data_on_readers(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) → None

Data on datareaders callback.

class rti.connextdds.SubscriberQos

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property entity_factory

Get/set EntityFactory QoS.

property entity_name

Get/set EntityName QoS.

property exclusive_area

Get/set ExclusiveArea QoS.

property group_data

Get/set GroupData QoS.

property partition

Get/set Partition QoS.

property presentation

Get/set Presentation QoS.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberQos, format: rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat = QosPrintFormat(), base: Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriberQos] = None, print_all: bool = False) → str

Convert QoS to string based on params.

class rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq) -> rti.connextdds.Subscriber

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Subscriber

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.Subscriber) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TSubscriptionBuiltinTopicData<rti::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

builtin_topic_name = 'DCPSSubscription'
property content_filter_property

The custom multicast locators that the endpoint can specify.

property data_tag

The DataTag policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property deadline

The Deadline policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property destination_order

The DestinationOrder policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property disable_positive_acks

See whether or not a matching DataReader will send positive acknowledgments for reliability.

property durability

The Durability policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property group_data

The GroupData policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property key

The DCPS key to distinguish entries.

property latency_budget

The LatencyBudget policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property liveliness

The Liveliness policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property multicast_locators

The custom multicast locators that the endpoint can specify.

property ownership

The Ownership policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property participant_key

The DCPS key of the DomainParticipant to which the DataWriter belongs.

property partition

The Partition policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property presentation

The Presentation policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property product_version

The current version for RTI Connext.

property property

The propagated name-value properties of the corresponding DataWriter.

property reliability

The Reliability policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property representation

The Representation policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property rtps_protocol_version

The version number of the RTPS wire protocol used.

property rtps_vendor_id

The ID of the vendor implementing the RTPS wire protocol.

property service

The Service policy

property subscriber_key

The DCPS key of the Publisher to which the DataWriter belongs.

property subscription_name

The subscription name and role name.

property time_based_filter

The TimeBasedFilter policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property topic_data

The TopicData policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property topic_name

The name of the related Topic.

property type

The type.

property type_name

The name of the type attached to the Topic.

property unicast_locators

The custom unicast locators that the endpoint can specify.

property user_data

The UserData policy of the corresponding DataWriter.

property virtual_guid

The virtual Guid associated to the DataWriter.

class rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property current_count

The number of DataWriters that are currently matched with this DataReader.

property current_count_change

The delta for the current count since the last time the listener fired or the status was read.

property current_count_peak

The highest value that the current count has reached.

property last_publication_handle

A handle to the DataWriter that caused the most recent change to to this status.

property total_count

Total count of times the DataReader matched with a DataWriter.

property total_count_change

The delta in the total count since the last time the listener fired or the status was read.

class rti.connextdds.SuspendedPublication

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

resume(self: rti.connextdds.SuspendedPublication) → None

Indicates that the application has completed these changes.

class rti.connextdds.SystemResourceLimits

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property max_objects_per_thread

The maximum number of objects that can be stored per thread.

class rti.connextdds.ThreadContext

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class rti.connextdds.ThreadSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property cpu_list

Get/set a copy of the list of CPUs available to the thread.

property cpu_rotation

Get/set a copy of the thread settings mask.

property mask

Get/set a copy of the thread settings mask.

property priority

Get/set a copy of the thread priority.

property stack_size

Get/set a copy of the thread stack size.

class rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsCpuRotationKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

NO_ROTATION = <ThreadSettingsCpuRotationKind.NO_ROTATION: 0>
ROUND_ROBIN = <ThreadSettingsCpuRotationKind.ROUND_ROBIN: 1>
class ThreadSettingsCpuRotationKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


NO_ROTATION : Any thread controlled by this QoS can run on any listed processor, as determined by OS scheduling.

ROUND_ROBIN : Threads controlled by this QoS will be assigned one processor from the list in round-robin order.

NO_ROTATION = <ThreadSettingsCpuRotationKind.NO_ROTATION: 0>
ROUND_ROBIN = <ThreadSettingsCpuRotationKind.ROUND_ROBIN: 1>
property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS = <rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask object>
FLOATING_POINT = <rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask object>
PRIORITY_ENFORCE = <rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask object>
REALTIME_PRIORITY = <rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask object>
STDIO = <rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask) -> rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.ThreadSettingsKindMask) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.Time

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

compare(self: rti.connextdds.Time, other: rti.connextdds.Time) → int

Compare two Time objects.

static from_microsecs(microseconds: int) → rti.connextdds.Time

Create a Time object from microseconds.

static from_millisecs(milliseconds: int) → rti.connextdds.Time

Create a Time object from millisecs.

static from_secs(seconds: float) → rti.connextdds.Time

Create a Time object from seconds.

invalid = <rti.connextdds.Time object>
maximum = <rti.connextdds.Time object>
property nanosec

The number of nanoseconds that are represented by this Time object.

property sec

The number of seconds that are represented by this Time object.

to_microsecs(self: rti.connextdds.Time) → int

Convert this Time to microseconds.

to_millisecs(self: rti.connextdds.Time) → int

Convert this Time to milliseconds.

to_secs(self: rti.connextdds.Time) → float

Convert this Time to seconds.

zero = <rti.connextdds.Time object>
class rti.connextdds.TimeBasedFilter

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property minimum_separation

The minimum separation between subsequent samples.

exception rti.connextdds.TimeoutError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.Topic, listener: pyrti::PyTopicListener<rti::topic::cdr::CSampleWrapper>, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

property type

Get the type associated with the topic.

property type_support

Get the type_support object associated with the topic.

class rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class ContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilterBase

compile(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, old_compile_data: Optional[object]) → Optional[object]

Compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters of the given data type.

evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → bool

Evaluate whether the sample is passing the filter or not according to the sample content.

finalize(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilter, compile_data: Optional[object]) → None

A previously compiled instance of the content filter is no longer in use and resources can now be cleaned up.

class ContentFilteredTopic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

append_to_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, extension: str) → None

Append the extension to the end of parameter at the provided index, separated by a comma.

property filter_expression

Get the filter expression

property filter_parameters

Get/set the filter parameters.

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic]

Look up a ContentFilteredTopic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

remove_from_expression_parameter(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, index: int, remove_term: str) → None

Removes the specified term from the parameter at the provided index.

set_filter(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic, arg0: rti.connextdds.Filter) → None

Set the filter.

property topic

Get the underlying Topic.

class ContentFilteredTopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ContentFilteredTopic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataReader

Bases: rti.connextdds.IDataReader

class Selector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

condition(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, condition: rti.connextdds.IReadCondition) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a ReadCondition.

content(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, query: rti.connextdds.Query) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples based on a Query.

instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select a specific instance to read/take.

max_samples(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, max: int) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Limit the number of samples read/taken by the Select.

next_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, previous: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select the instance after the specified instance to read/take.

read(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read samples based on Selector settings.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read valid samples based on Selector settings.

state(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector, state: rti.connextdds.DataState) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector

Select samples with a specified data state.

take(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take samples based on Selector settings.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader.Selector) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take valid samples based on Selector settings.

acknowledge_all(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

  1. acknowledge_all(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.AckResponseData) -> None

Acknowledge all previously accessed samples.

acknowledge_sample(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) → None

Acknowledge a single sample.

close(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Close this DataReader.

property datareader_cache_status

Get the DataReaderCacheStatus for the DataReader.

property datareader_protocol_status

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader.

property default_filter_state

Returns the filter state for the read/take operations.

static find_all_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq

Retrieve all DataReaders for the given topic name in the subscriber.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in DomainParticipant with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(subscriber: rti.connextdds.Subscriber, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader]

Find DataReader in Subscriber with a topic name, returning the first found.

is_data_consistent(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample_data: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, sample_info: rti.connextdds.SampleInfo) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Sample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

  1. is_data_consistent(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSample) -> bool

Checks if the sample has been overwritten by the DataWriter.

is_matched_publication_alive(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

Check if a matched publication is alive.

key_value(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Gets or sets the listener with StatusMask.ALL

property liveliness_changed_status

Get the LivelinessChangedStatus for this DataReader.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_publication_data(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.PublicationBuiltinTopicData

Get the PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, publication_handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.DataReaderProtocolStatus

Get the DataReaderProtocolStatus for the DataReader based on the matched publication handle.

matched_publication_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a publication matched to this DataReader.

property matched_publications

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched publication handles.

property qos

The DataReaderQos for this DataReader.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

read(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Read all samples using the default filter state

read_next(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a read operation.

read_valid(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Read only valid samples.

property requested_deadline_missed_status

Get the RequestedDeadlineMissed status for the DataReader

property requested_incompatible_qos_status

Get the RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_lost_status

Get the SampleLostStatus for the DataReader.

property sample_rejected_status

Get the SampleRejectedStatus for the DataReader.

select(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TTopicBuiltinTopicData<rti::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicDataImpl>, rti::sub::DataReaderImpl>::Selector

Get a Selector to perform complex data selections, such as per-instance selection, content, and status filtering.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, listener: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and associated event mask.

property subscriber

Returns the parent Subscriber of the DataReader.

property subscription_matched_status

Get the SubscriptionMatchedStatus for the DataReader.

take(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples

Take all samples using the default filter state

take_next(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Sample]

Copy the next not-previously-accessed data value from the DataReader via a take operation.

take_valid(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.ValidLoanedSamples

Take only valid samples.

property topic_description

Returns the TopicDescription associated with the DataReader.

topic_instance_key_value(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataReader.

property type_name

Get the type name associated with this DataReader.

wait_for_historical_data(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind.

wait_for_historical_data_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

Waits until all “historical” data is received for DataReaders that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class DataReaderListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class DataReaderSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReaderSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class DataWriter

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity, rti.connextdds.IAnyDataWriter

assert_liveliness(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter.

close(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Close this DataWriter.

create_data(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Create data of the writer’s associated type and initialize it.

property datawriter_cache_status

Get a copy of the cache status for this writer.

property datawriter_protocol_status

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer.

dispose_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Dispose an instance with params.

dispose_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Dispose an instance.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose an instance with a timestamp.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Dispose the instance associated with key_holder using a timestamp

  1. dispose_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Dispose an instance with params.

static find_all_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, topic_name: str) → rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq

Retrieve all DataWriters for the given topic name in the publisher.

static find_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. find_by_name(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in DomainParticipant with the provided name, returning the first found.

  1. find_by_name(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) -> Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in Publisher with the DataReader’s name, returning the first found.

static find_by_topic(publisher: rti.connextdds.Publisher, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter]

Find DataWriter in publisher with a topic name, returning the first found.

flush(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Flushes the batch in progress in the context of thecalling thread.

is_matched_subscription_active(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg0: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the matched subscription is active.

is_sample_app_acknowledged(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample_id: rti.connextdds.SampleIdentity) → bool

Indicates if a sample is considered application-acknowledged.

key_value(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Set the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

  1. key_value(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Retrieve the instance key that corresponds to an instance handle.

property listener

Get the listener associated with the DataWriter or set the listener.

property liveliness_lost_status

Get a copy of the LivelinessLostStatus.

lookup_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) → rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Retrieve the instance handle that corresponds to an instance key_holder

matched_subscription_data(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData

Get the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription handle.

  1. matched_subscription_datawriter_protocol_status(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, locator: rti.connextdds.Locator) -> rti.connextdds.DataWriterProtocolStatus

Get a copy of the protocol status for this writer per a matched subscription locator.

matched_subscription_participant_data(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → rti.connextdds.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData

Get the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a subscription matched to this DataWriter.

property matched_subscriptions

Get a copy of the list of the currently matched subscription handles.

property matched_subscriptions_locators

The locators used to communicate with matched DataReaders.

property offered_deadline_missed_status

Get a copy of the OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus.

property offered_incompatible_qos_status

Get a copy of the OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus

property publication_matched_status

Get a copy of the PublicationMatchedStatus

property publisher

Get the Publisher that owns this DataWriter.

property qos

The DataWriterQos for this DataWriter.This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

register_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Informs RTI Connext that the application will be modifying a particular instance and specified the timestamp.

  1. register_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle

Registers instance with parameters.

property reliable_reader_activity_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable reader activity changed status for this writer.

property reliable_writer_cache_changed_status

Get a copy of the reliable cache status for this writer.

property service_request_accepted_status

Get a copy of the service request accepted status for this writer.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, listener: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask for the DataWriter.

property topic

Get the Topic object associated with this DataWriter.

property topic_name

Get the topic name associated with this DataWriter.

property type_name

Get the type name for the topic object associated with this DataWriter.

unregister_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Unregister an instance with parameters.

unregister_instance_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Unregister an instance.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister an instance with timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Unregister the instance associated with key_holder.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, key_holder: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Unregister the instance associate with key_holder using a timestamp.

  1. unregister_instance_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Unregister an instance with parameters.

wait_for_acknowledgments(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Blocks the calling thread until all data written by a reliable DataWriter is acknowledged or until the timeout expires.

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

This operation blocks the calling thread (up to max_wait) until all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

wait_for_asynchronous_publishing_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, max_wait: rti.connextdds.Duration) → object

This function is awaitable until either a timeout of max_wait or all data written by the asynchronous DataWriter is sent and acknowledged (if reliable) by all matched DataReader entities. A successful completion indicates that all the samples written have been sent and acknowledged where applicable; a time out indicates that max_wait elapsed before all the data was sent and/or acknowledged.This function works with asyncio.

In other words, this guarantees that sending to best effort DataReader is complete in addition to what DataWriter.wait_for_acknowledgments() provides.

If the DataWriter does not have PublishMode kind set to PublishModeKind.ASYNCHRONOUS the operation will complete immediately

write(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Write a sequence of samples.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) -> None

Write a sample.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with a specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> None

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp.

  1. write(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> None

Write with advanced parameters.

write_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) -> object

Write a sample. This method is awaitable and is only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with a specified timestamp. This methods is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, handle: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sample with an instance handle and specified timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, samples: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, handles: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandleSeq, timestamp: rti.connextdds.Time) -> object

Write a sequence of samples with their instance handles and a timestamp. This method is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. write_async(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, params: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) -> object

Write with advanced parameters.

class DataWriterListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class DataWriterSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriterSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ITopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.IEntity

property name

The name of the entity conforming to the ITopicDescription interface.

property participant

The parent DomainParticipant.

property type_name

The name of the associated type.

class LoanedSample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

Get the data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class LoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property length

Get the number of samples in the loan.

return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.LoanedSamples) → None

Returns the loan to the DataReader.

class NoOpDataReaderListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataReaderListener

on_data_available(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader) → None

Data available callback.

on_liveliness_changed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessChangedStatus) → None

Liveliness changed callback.

on_requested_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Requested deadline missed callback.

on_requested_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Requested incompatible QoS callback.

on_sample_lost(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleLostStatus) → None

Sample lost callback.

on_sample_rejected(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SampleRejectedStatus) → None

Sample rejected callback.

on_subscription_matched(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataReaderListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.SubscriptionMatchedStatus) → None

Subscription matched callback.

class NoOpDataWriterListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.DataWriterListener

on_application_acknowledgment(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.AcknowledgmentInfo) → None

On application acknowledgment callback

on_instance_replaced(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.InstanceHandle) → None

On instance replaced callback.

on_liveliness_lost(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.LivelinessLostStatus) → None

Liveliness lost callback.

on_offered_deadline_missed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus) → None

Offered deadline missed callback.

on_offered_incompatible_qos(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus) → None

Offered incompatible QoS callback.

on_publication_matched(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.PublicationMatchedStatus) → None

Publication matched callback.

on_reliable_reader_activity_changed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus) → None

Reliable reader activity changed callback.

on_reliable_writer_cache_changed(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus) → None

Reliable writer cache changed callback.

on_service_request_accepted(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpDataWriterListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.DataWriter, arg1: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus) → None

On service request accepted callback.

class NoOpTopicListener

Bases: rti.connextdds.TopicListener

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.NoOpTopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class Sample

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data

The data associated with the sample.

property info

Get the info associated with the sample.

class SharedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class Topic

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription, rti.connextdds.IAnyTopic

static find(participant: rti.connextdds.DomainParticipant, name: str) → Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic]

Look up a Topic by its name in the DomainParticipant.

property inconsistent_topic_status

Get a copy of the current InconsistentTopicStatus for this Topic.

property listener

The listener.

property qos

Get the TopicQos for this Topic.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

set_listener(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic, listener: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, event_mask: rti.connextdds.StatusMask) → None

Set the listener and event mask.

class TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class TopicInstance

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property handle

Get/set the instance handle associated with this TopicInstance.

property sample

Get/set the sample associated with this TopicInstance.

class TopicInstanceSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstanceTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicInstance, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.TopicSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class ValidLoanedSamples

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WriterContentFilter

Bases: rti.connextdds.ContentFilter

writer_attach(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter) → Optional[object]

A writer-side filtering API to create some state that can facilitate filtering on the writer side.

writer_compile(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], property: rti.connextdds.ExpressionProperty, expression: str, parameters: rti.connextdds.StringSeq, type_code: Optional[rti.connextdds.DynamicType], type_class_name: str, cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_detach(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object]) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously created state using writer_attach.

writer_evaluate(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → rti.connextdds.CookieVector

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

writer_finalize(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookie: rti.connextdds.Cookie) → None

A writer-side filtering API to clean up a previously compiled instance of the content filter.

writer_return_loan(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilter, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], cookies: rti.connextdds.CookieVector) → None

A writer-side filtering API to return the loan on the list of DataReaders returned by writer_evaluate.

class WriterContentFilterHelper

Bases: rti.connextdds.WriterContentFilter

A helper function which will add a Cookie to the Cookie sequence that is then returned by the writer_evaluate function.

writer_evaluate_helper(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData.WriterContentFilterHelper, writer_filter_data: Optional[object], sample: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, meta_data: rti.connextdds.FilterSampleInfo) → None

A writer-side filtering API to compile an instance of the content filter according to the filter expression and parameters specified by a matching DataReader.

property deadline

Get the Deadline policy of the corresponding Topic.

property destination_order

Get the DestinationOrder policy of the corresponding Topic.

property durability

Get the Durability policy of the corresponding Topic.

property durability_service

Get the DurabilityService policy of the corresponding Topic.

property history

Get the History policy of the corresponding Topic.

property key

Get the DCPS key to distinguish entries.

property latency_budget

Get the LatencyBudget policy of the corresponding Topic.

property lifespan

Get the Lifespan policy of the corresponding Topic.

property liveliness

Get the Liveliness policy of the corresponding Topic.

property name

Get the name of the Topic.

property ownership

Get the Ownership policy of the corresponding Topic.

property reliability

Get the Reliability policy of the corresponding Topic.

property representation

Get the DataRepresentation policy of the corresponding Topic.

property resource_limits

Get the ResourceLimits policy of the corresponding Topic.

property topic_data

Get the TopicData policy of the corresponding Topic.

topic_name = 'DCPSTopic'
property transport_priority

Get the TransportPriority policy of the corresponding Topic.

property type_name

Get the name of the type attached to the Topic.

class rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, i: int) -> Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicDataTimestampedSeq, x: Tuple[rti.connextdds.TopicBuiltinTopicData, rti.connextdds.Time]) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.TopicData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property value

Get/set a copy of the TopicData value.

class rti.connextdds.TopicDescription

Bases: rti.connextdds.ITopicDescription

class rti.connextdds.TopicListener

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

on_inconsistent_topic(self: rti.connextdds.TopicListener, arg0: rti.connextdds.Topic, arg1: rti.connextdds.InconsistentTopicStatus) → None

Inconsistent topic callback.

class rti.connextdds.TopicQos

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property data_representation

Get/set DataRepresentation QoS.

property deadline

Get/set Deadline QoS.

property destination_order

Get/set DestinationOrder QoS.

property durability

Get/set Durability QoS.

property durability_service

Get/set DurabilityService QoS.

property history

Get/set History QoS.

property latency_budget

Get/set LatencyBudget QoS.

property lifespan

Get/set Lifespan QoS.

property liveliness

Get/set Liveliness QoS.

property ownership

Get/set Ownership QoS.

property reliability

Get/set Reliability QoS.

property resource_limits

Get/set ResourceLimits QoS.

to_string(self: rti.connextdds.TopicQos, format: rti.connextdds.QosPrintFormat = QosPrintFormat(), base: Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicQos] = None, print_all: bool = False) → str

Convert QoS to string based on params.

property topic_data

Get/set TopicData QoS.

property transport_priority

Get/set TransportPriority QoS.

class rti.connextdds.TopicQuery

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

close(self: rti.connextdds.TopicQuery) → None

Deletes and cancels this TopicQuery.

property closed

Indicates whether this TopicQuery has been closed with close().

property datareader

Gets the DataReader associated to this TopicQuery.

static find(arg0: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader, arg1: rti.connextdds.Guid) → Optional[rti.connextdds.TopicQuery]
property guid

The TopicQuery GUID.

retain(self: rti.connextdds.TopicQuery) → None

Disable automatic destruction of this TopicQuery.

static select_all(reader: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → rti.connextdds.TopicQuery

Create a TopicQuery that requests all data.

unretain(self: rti.connextdds.TopicQuery) → None
static use_reader_content_filter(reader: rti.connextdds.IAnyDataReader) → rti.connextdds.TopicQuery

Create a TopicQuery with a DataReader’s content filter.

class rti.connextdds.TopicQueryData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

static create_from_service_request(service_request: rti.connextdds.ServiceRequest) → rti.connextdds.TopicQueryData

Creates a TopicQueryData from a ServiceRequest.

Identifies the DataReader that created the TopicQuery.

property selection

The data selection.

property topic_name

The topic name of the DataReader.

class rti.connextdds.TopicQueryDispatch

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property enable

Allows this writer to dispatch TopicQueries.

property publication_period

The periodic interval at which samples are published.

property samples_per_period

The maximum number of samples to publish in each publication_period.

class rti.connextdds.TopicQuerySelection

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property filter

The filter.

property kind

Indicates whether the sample selection is limited to cached samples or not.

class rti.connextdds.TopicQuerySelectionKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

CONTINUOUS = <TopicQuerySelectionKind.CONTINUOUS: 1>
class TopicQuerySelectionKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


HISTORY_SNAPSHOT : [default] Indicates that the TopicQuery may only select samples that were in the DataWriter cache upon reception.

CONTINUOUS : Indicates that the TopicQuery may continue selecting samples published after its reception.

The subscribing application must explicitly delete the TopicQuery (see TopicQuery.close()) to signal the DataWriters to stop publishing samples for it.

CONTINUOUS = <TopicQuerySelectionKind.CONTINUOUS: 1>
property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.TopicSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic], x: rti.connextdds.Topic) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic]) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic], x: rti.connextdds.Topic) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic], L: List[rti.connextdds.Topic]) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic], L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic], i: int, x: rti.connextdds.Topic) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic]) -> rti.connextdds.Topic

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic], i: int) -> rti.connextdds.Topic

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: List[rti.connextdds.Topic], x: rti.connextdds.Topic) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltin

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

all = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltin object>
property mask

The selected transports through a mask.

none = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltin object>
shmem = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltin object>
udpv4 = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltin object>
udpv6 = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltin object>
class rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALL = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask object>
NONE = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask object>
SHMEM = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask object>
UDPv4 = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask object>
UDPv6 = <rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask) -> rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask) -> rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask) -> rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask) → rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask) → bool

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask) → rti.connextdds.TransportBuiltinMask

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.TransportClassId

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ANY = <TransportClassId.ANY: 0>
DTLS = <TransportClassId.DTLS: 6>
INTRA = <TransportClassId.INTRA: 3>
INVALID = <TransportClassId.INVALID: -1>
SHMEM = <TransportClassId.SHMEM: 16777216>
SHMEM_510 = <TransportClassId.SHMEM_510: 2>
TCPV4_LAN = <TransportClassId.TCPV4_LAN: 8>
TCPV4_WAN = <TransportClassId.TCPV4_WAN: 9>
TLSV4_LAN = <TransportClassId.TLSV4_LAN: 10>
TLSV4_WAN = <TransportClassId.TLSV4_WAN: 11>
class TransportClassId

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


INVALID : Invalid.

ANY : Any.

UDPv4 : UDPv4.


SHMEM : Shared memory.

SHMEM_510 : Shared Memory from 5.1.0 and earlier.

INTRA : Intra-participant.

UDPv6 : UDPv6.

UDPv6_510 : UDPv6 for 5.1.0 and earlier.



TCPV4_LAN : TCPv4 LAN mode.

TCPV4_WAN : TCPv4 WAN mode.

TLSV4_LAN : TCPv4 LAN mode with TLS.

TLSV4_WAN : TCPv4 WAN mode with TLS.

RESERVED_RANGE : eserved for additional user-defined transport plugins.

ANY = <TransportClassId.ANY: 0>
DTLS = <TransportClassId.DTLS: 6>
INTRA = <TransportClassId.INTRA: 3>
INVALID = <TransportClassId.INVALID: -1>
SHMEM = <TransportClassId.SHMEM: 16777216>
SHMEM_510 = <TransportClassId.SHMEM_510: 2>
TCPV4_LAN = <TransportClassId.TCPV4_LAN: 8>
TCPV4_WAN = <TransportClassId.TCPV4_WAN: 9>
TLSV4_LAN = <TransportClassId.TLSV4_LAN: 10>
TLSV4_WAN = <TransportClassId.TLSV4_WAN: 11>
UDPv4 = <TransportClassId.UDPv4: 1>
UDPv4_WAN = <TransportClassId.UDPv4_WAN: 16777217>
UDPv6 = <TransportClassId.SHMEM_510: 2>
UDPv6_510 = <TransportClassId.UDPv6_510: 5>
WAN = <TransportClassId.WAN: 7>
property name
property value
UDPv4 = <TransportClassId.UDPv4: 1>
UDPv4_WAN = <TransportClassId.UDPv4_WAN: 16777217>
UDPv6 = <TransportClassId.SHMEM_510: 2>
UDPv6_510 = <TransportClassId.UDPv6_510: 5>
WAN = <TransportClassId.WAN: 7>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.TransportInfo

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property class_id

The class_id identifies the transport associated with the message_size_max.

property message_size_max

The maximum size of an RTPS message in bytes that can be sent or received by the transport plugin identified by the class_id.

class rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportInfo) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportInfo) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TransportInfo) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TransportInfo

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TransportInfo

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportInfo) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.TransportInfoVector

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

A DDS standard container with functionality similar to a C++ vector.

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoVector) → None

Resize TransportInfoVector to 0.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.TransportInfoVector, size: int) → None

Resize TransportInfoVector.

class rti.connextdds.TransportMulticast

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property kind

A value that specifies a way to determine how to obtain the multicast address.

property settings

A sequence of multicast communications settings.

class rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

AUTOMATIC = <TransportMulticastKind.AUTOMATIC: 0>
class TransportMulticastKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


AUTOMATIC : Selects the multicast address automatically.

NOTE: This setting is required when using the TransportMulticastMapping.

UNICAST : Selects a unicast-only mode.

AUTOMATIC = <TransportMulticastKind.AUTOMATIC: 0>
UNICAST = <TransportMulticastKind.UNICAST: 1>
property name
property value
UNICAST = <TransportMulticastKind.UNICAST: 1>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastMapping

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property mappings

A sequence of transport multicast mappings.

class rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastMappingFunction

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property dll

The name of the dynamic library containing the mapping function.

property function_name

The name of the mapping function.

class rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticast) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticast) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticast) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TransportMulticast

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TransportMulticast

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticast) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property receive_address

The multicast group address on which the entity can receive data.

property receive_port

The multicast port on which the entity can receive data.

property transports

A sequence of transport aliases that specifies the transports on which to receive multicast traffic for the entity.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettings) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettings) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettings) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettings

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettings

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportMulticastSettings) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.TransportPriority

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property value

The priority.

class rti.connextdds.TransportSelection

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property enabled_transports

A sequence of transport aliases that specifies the transport instances available for use by the entity.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.TransportUnicast

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property settings

The unicast settings.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettings

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property receive_port

The unicast port on which the entity can receive data.

property transports

A sequence of transport aliases that specifies the unicast interfaces on which to receive unicast traffic for the entity.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettings) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettings) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq, L: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettings) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq) -> rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettings

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettings

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettingsSeq, x: rti.connextdds.TransportUnicastSettings) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.TriggeredConditions

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class rti.connextdds.TriggeredConditionsIterator

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class rti.connextdds.TypeConsistencyEnforcement

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

allow_type_coercion = <rti.connextdds.TypeConsistencyEnforcement object>
auto_type_coercion = <rti.connextdds.TypeConsistencyEnforcement object>
disallow_type_coercion = <rti.connextdds.TypeConsistencyEnforcement object>
property force_type_validation

Controls whether type validation is forced.

property ignore_enum_literal_names

Controls whether enumeration literal names are ignored.

property ignore_member_names

Controls whether member names are ignored.

property ignore_sequence_bounds

Controls whether sequence bounds are ignored.

property ignore_string_bounds

Controls whether string bounds are ignored.

property kind

The enforcement kind.

property prevent_type_widening

Controls whether type widening is prevented.

class rti.connextdds.TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALLOW_TYPE_COERCION = <TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind.ALLOW_TYPE_COERCION: 1>
AUTO_TYPE_COERCION = <TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind.AUTO_TYPE_COERCION: 2>
class TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


DISALLOW_TYPE_COERCION : The DataWriter and the DataReader must support the same data type in order for them to communicate.

ALLOW_TYPE_COERCION : The DataWriter and the DataReader need not support the same data type in order for them to communicate as long as the DataReader’s type is assignable from the DataWriter’s type.

AUTO_TYPE_COERCION : [default] This AUTO value will be applied as TypeConsistencyKind.DISALLOW_TYPE_COERCION when the data type is annotated with @transfer_mode(SHMEM_REF) while using C, Traditional C++, or Modern C++ APIs. In all other cases, this AUTO value will be applied as TypeConsistencyKind.ALLOW_TYPE_COERCION.

ALLOW_TYPE_COERCION = <TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind.ALLOW_TYPE_COERCION: 1>
AUTO_TYPE_COERCION = <TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind.AUTO_TYPE_COERCION: 2>
property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.TypeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ALIAS_TYPE = <TypeKind.ALIAS_TYPE: 32771>
ARRAY_TYPE = <TypeKind.ARRAY_TYPE: 33284>
CHAR_16_TYPE = <TypeKind.CHAR_16_TYPE: 16397>
CHAR_8_TYPE = <TypeKind.CHAR_8_TYPE: 16396>
FLOAT_128_TYPE = <TypeKind.FLOAT_128_TYPE: 16395>
FLOAT_32_TYPE = <TypeKind.FLOAT_32_TYPE: 16393>
FLOAT_64_TYPE = <TypeKind.FLOAT_64_TYPE: 16394>
INT_16_TYPE = <TypeKind.INT_16_TYPE: 16387>
INT_32_TYPE = <TypeKind.INT_32_TYPE: 16389>
INT_64_TYPE = <TypeKind.INT_64_TYPE: 16391>
MAP_TYPE = <TypeKind.MAP_TYPE: 33287>
NO_TYPE = <TypeKind.NO_TYPE: 0>
class TypeKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


NO_TYPE : Sentinel indicating no value.

PRIMITIVE_TYPE : Primitive type.

CONSTRUCTED_TYPE : Constructed type.

COLLECTION_TYPE : Collection type.

AGGREGATION_TYPE : Aggregation type.

ANNOTATION_TYPE : Annotation type.

BOOLEAN_TYPE : Boolean type.

UINT_8_TYPE : Unsigned 8-bit int type.

INT_16_TYPE : Signed 16-bit int type.

UINT_16_TYPE : Unsigned 16-bit int type.

INT_32_TYPE : Signed 32-bit int type.

UINT_32_TYPE : Unsigned 32-bit int type.

INT_64_TYPE : Signed 64-bit int type.

UINT_64_TYPE : Unsigned 64-bit int type

FLOAT_32_TYPE : 32-bit floating point type.

FLOAT_64_TYPE : 64-bit floating point type.

FLOAT_128_TYPE : 128-bit floating point type.

CHAR_8_TYPE : 8-bit character type.

CHAR_16_TYPE : 16-bit character type.

ENUMERATION_TYPE : Enumeration type.

BITSET_TYPE : Bitset type.

ALIAS_TYPE : Alias type.

ARRAY_TYPE : Array type.

SEQUENCE_TYPE : Sequence type.

STRING_TYPE : String type.

WSTRING_TYPE : Wide character string type.

MAP_TYPE : Map type

UNION_TYPE : Union type.

STRUCTURE_TYPE : Structure type.

UNION_FWD_DECL_TYPE : Forward declaration of a union type.

STRUCTURE_FWD_DECL_TYPE : Forward declaration of structure type.

ALIAS_TYPE = <TypeKind.ALIAS_TYPE: 32771>
ARRAY_TYPE = <TypeKind.ARRAY_TYPE: 33284>
CHAR_16_TYPE = <TypeKind.CHAR_16_TYPE: 16397>
CHAR_8_TYPE = <TypeKind.CHAR_8_TYPE: 16396>
FLOAT_128_TYPE = <TypeKind.FLOAT_128_TYPE: 16395>
FLOAT_32_TYPE = <TypeKind.FLOAT_32_TYPE: 16393>
FLOAT_64_TYPE = <TypeKind.FLOAT_64_TYPE: 16394>
INT_16_TYPE = <TypeKind.INT_16_TYPE: 16387>
INT_32_TYPE = <TypeKind.INT_32_TYPE: 16389>
INT_64_TYPE = <TypeKind.INT_64_TYPE: 16391>
MAP_TYPE = <TypeKind.MAP_TYPE: 33287>
NO_TYPE = <TypeKind.NO_TYPE: 0>
UINT_16_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_16_TYPE: 16388>
UINT_32_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_32_TYPE: 16390>
UINT_64_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_64_TYPE: 16392>
UINT_8_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_8_TYPE: 16386>
UNION_TYPE = <TypeKind.UNION_TYPE: 33032>
property name
property value
UINT_16_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_16_TYPE: 16388>
UINT_32_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_32_TYPE: 16390>
UINT_64_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_64_TYPE: 16392>
UINT_8_TYPE = <TypeKind.UINT_8_TYPE: 16386>
UNION_TYPE = <TypeKind.UNION_TYPE: 33032>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.TypeSupport

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property cdr_padding_kind

Determines whether or not the padding bytes will be set to zero during CDR serialization.


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint64Type


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint32Type


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint16Type

class rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Uint16Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Uint32Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Uint32Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Uint64Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Uint64Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, x: int) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, x: int) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, L: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, i: int, x: int) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq) -> int

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, i: int) -> int

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, x: int) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

resize(self: rti.connextdds.Uint8Seq, arg0: int) → None

resizes the vector to the given size

class rti.connextdds.Uint8Type

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.UnidimensionalCollectionType

Bases: rti.connextdds.CollectionType

UNBOUNDED = 2147483647
property bounds

Gets the maximum length of this collection.

class rti.connextdds.UnionMember

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

DEFAULT_LABEL = 1073741825
INVALID_ID = 2147483647
property has_id

Indicates if union member has an ID annotation.

property id

Returns the ID annotation of this member, or INVALID_ID if this member has no ID.

property label_count

Gets the number of labels that select this member.

property labels

The labels that select this member.

property name

The union member’s name.

property pointer

Boolean flag for pointer status of union member.

property type

Gets the union member’s type.

class rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.UnionMember) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.UnionMember) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq, L: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq, i: int, x: rti.connextdds.UnionMember) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq) -> rti.connextdds.UnionMember

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq, i: int) -> rti.connextdds.UnionMember

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq, x: rti.connextdds.UnionMember) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.UnionType

Bases: rti.connextdds.ACTUnionMember

add_members(self: rti.connextdds.UnionType, members: rti.connextdds.UnionMemberSeq) → rti.connextdds.UnionType

Adds all the members of a container at the end.

property discriminator

The union discriminator type.

property extensibility_kind

Union’s extensibility kind.

find_member_by_id(self: rti.connextdds.UnionType, id: int) → int

Gets the index of the member selected by an ID.

find_member_by_label(self: rti.connextdds.UnionType, label: int) → int

Gets the index of the member selected by a label.

exception rti.connextdds.UnsupportedError

Bases: rti.connextdds.Exception

class rti.connextdds.UserData

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property value

The user data.


alias of rti.connextdds.Uint16Seq

class rti.connextdds.VendorId

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

unknown = <rti.connextdds.VendorId object>
property value

Provides access to the bytes that represent the vendor id.

class rti.connextdds.Verbosity

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

SILENT = <Verbosity.SILENT: 0>
STATUS_ALL = <Verbosity.STATUS_ALL: 63>
class Verbosity

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


SILENT : No further output will be logged.

EXCEPTION : Only error messages will be logged.

An error indicates something wrong in the functioning of RTI Connext. The most common cause of errors is incorrect configuration.

WARNING : Both error and warning messages will be logged.

A warning indicates that RTI Connext is taking an action that may or may not be what you intended. Some configuration information is also logged at this verbosity to aid in debugging.

STATUS_LOCAL : Errors, warnings, and verbose information about the lifecycles of local RTI Connext objects will be logged.

STATUS_REMOTE : Errors, warnings, and verbose information about the lifecycles of remote RTI Connext objects will be logged.

STATUS_ALL : Errors, warnings, verbose information about the lifecycles of local and remote RTI Connext objects, and periodic information about RTI Connext threads will be logged.

SILENT = <Verbosity.SILENT: 0>
STATUS_ALL = <Verbosity.STATUS_ALL: 63>
WARNING = <Verbosity.WARNING: 7>
property name
property value
WARNING = <Verbosity.WARNING: 7>
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.ViewState

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

ANY = <rti.connextdds.ViewState object>
NEW_VIEW = <rti.connextdds.ViewState object>
NOT_NEW_VIEW = <rti.connextdds.ViewState object>
property count

Returns the number of bits set in the mask.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState) -> rti.connextdds.ViewState

Flip all bits in the mask.

  1. flip(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.ViewState

Flip the mask bit at the specified position.

reset(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState) -> rti.connextdds.ViewState

Clear all bits in the mask.

  1. reset(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState, pos: int) -> rti.connextdds.ViewState

Clear the mask bit at the specified position.

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState) -> rti.connextdds.ViewState

Set all bits in the mask.

  1. set(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState, pos: int, value: bool = True) -> rti.connextdds.ViewState

Set the mask bit at the specified position to the provided value (default: true).

property size

Returns the number of bits in the mask type.

test(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState, pos: int) → bool

Test whether the mask bit at postition “pos” is set.

test_all(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState) → bool

Test if all bits are set.

test_any(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState) → rti.connextdds.ViewState

Test if any bits are set.

test_none(self: rti.connextdds.ViewState) → bool

Test if none of the bits are set.

class rti.connextdds.WStringType

Bases: rti.connextdds.UnidimensionalCollectionType

class rti.connextdds.WaitSet

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

attach_condition(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet, condition: rti.connextdds.ICondition) → None

Attach a condition to the WaitSet.

property conditions

Get/set the attached conditions for the WaitSet.

detach_all(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet) → None

Detach all conditions from the WaitSet.

detach_condition(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet, condition: rti.connextdds.ICondition) → bool

Detach a condition from the WaitSet.

dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispatch(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet, timeout: rti.connextdds.Duration) -> None

Dispatch handlers for triggered conditions attached to this WaitSet with a timeout.

  1. dispatch(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet) -> None

Dispatch handlers for triggered conditions attached to this WaitSet with no timeout.

dispatch_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dispatch_async(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet, timeout: rti.connextdds.Duration) -> object

Dispatch handlers for triggered conditions attached to this WaitSet with a timeout. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. dispatch_async(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet) -> object

Dispatch handlers for triggered conditions attached to this WaitSet with no timeout. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

property property

Get/set the WaitSetProperty settings for the WaitSet.

wait(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. wait(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet, timeout: rti.connextdds.Duration) -> rti.connextdds.TriggeredConditions

Wait for conditions attached to this WaitSet to trigger with a timeout.

  1. wait(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet) -> rti.connextdds.TriggeredConditions

Wait indefinitely for conditions attached to this WaitSet to trigger.

wait_async(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. wait_async(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet, timeout: rti.connextdds.Duration) -> object

Wait for conditions attached to this WaitSet to trigger with a timeout. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

  1. wait_async(self: rti.connextdds.WaitSet) -> object

Wait indefinitely for conditions attached to this WaitSet to trigger. This call is awaitable and only for use with asyncio.

class rti.connextdds.WaitSetProperty

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property event_count

Get/set the event count that will wake the WaitSet.

property event_delay

Get/set the delay that will cause the WaitSet to wake even if the event count is not hit.

class rti.connextdds.WcharSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq, x: str) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq, x: str) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq, L: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq, i: int, x: str) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq) -> str

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq, i: int) -> str

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.WcharSeq, x: str) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

class rti.connextdds.WcharType

Bases: rti.connextdds.DynamicType

class rti.connextdds.WireProtocol

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property check_crc

Checks if the received RTPS message is valid by comparing the computed CRC with the received RTPS CRC submessage when this field is set to true.

property compute_crc

Adds RTPS CRC submessage to every message when this field is set to true.

property participant_id

A value used to distinguish among different participants belonging to the same domain on the same host.

property rtps_app_id

The RTPS App ID of the domain participant.

property rtps_auto_id_kind

Kind of auto mechanism used to calculate the GUID prefix.

property rtps_host_id

The RTPS Host ID of the domain participant.

property rtps_instance_id

The RTPS Instance ID of the domain participant.

property rtps_reserved_port_mask

Specifies which well-known ports to reserve when enabling the participant.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property rtps_well_known_ports

The RTPS well-known port mappings.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

class rti.connextdds.WireProtocolAutoKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

class WireProtocolAutoKind

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object


RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_IP : Select the IPv4 based algorithm.

RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_MAC : Select the MAC based algorithm.

RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_UUID : Select the UUID based algorithm.

property name
property value
property underlying

Retrieves the actual enumerated value.

class rti.connextdds.WriteParams

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

property cookie

The cookie for writing.

property flag

The sample flag for writing.

property handle

The instance handle for writing.

property identity

The sample identity.

property priortiy

The priority for writing.

property related_reader_guid

The related reader GUID for writing.

property related_sample_identity

The related sample identity.

property related_source_guid

The related source GUID for writing.

property replace_automatic_values

Indicates if the replacement of automatic values has been activated or not.

reset(self: rti.connextdds.WriteParams) → None

Reset all fields to their default values.

property source_guid

The source GUID for writing.

property source_timestamp

The source timestamp for writing.

class rti.connextdds.WriterDataLifecycle

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

auto_dispose_unregistered_instances = <rti.connextdds.WriterDataLifecycle object>
property autodispose_unregistered_instances

Indicates whether the DataWriter should automatically dispose an instance when it unregisters it.

property autopurge_disposed_instances_delay

Maximum duration for which the DataWriter will maintain information regarding an instance once it has disposed the instance.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

property autopurge_unregistered_instances_delay

Maximum duration for which the DataWriter will maintain information regarding an instance once it has unregistered the instance.

This property’s getter returns a deep copy.

manually_dispose_unregistered_instances = <rti.connextdds.WriterDataLifecycle object>
class rti.connextdds.WstringSeq

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

append(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq, x: str) → None

Add an item to the end of the list

clear(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq) → None

Clear the contents

count(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq, x: str) → int

Return the number of times x appears in the list

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq, L: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

  1. extend(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq, L: Iterable) -> None

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list

insert(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq, i: int, x: str) → None

Insert an item at a given position.

pop(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq) -> str

Remove and return the last item

  1. pop(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq, i: int) -> str

Remove and return the item at index i

remove(self: rti.connextdds.WstringSeq, x: str) → None

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

rti.connextdds.set_activity_context(attribute_mask: rti.connextdds.ActivityContextMask) → None

Set the activity context mask.

rti.connextdds.sleep(duration: rti.connextdds.Duration) → None

Sleep for a specified duration

rti.connextdds.spin(spin_count: int) → None

Performs a spin operation (active wait) as many times as indicated.

rti.connextdds.spin_per_microsecond() → int

Returns the number of spin operations neededto wait 1 microsecond

rti.connextdds.unregister_thread() → None

Unregister a thread with the middleware