
Shared knowledge of the data types is a requirement for different applications to communicate with DDS. The applications must also share a way to identify what data is to be shared. Data (regardless of type) is uniquely distinguished by using a name called a Topic.

Topics allow for Publishers and Subscribers to communicate without knowing about each other. They dynamically discover each other through Topics. The data that the DataReader and DataWriter share is described by a Topic.

Topics are identified by a name, and they are associated with a type and a DomainParticipant.

The following code creates a Topic named “Car Position” for a type Point:

topic = dds.Topic(participant, "Car Position", Point)

Where Point can be defined in IDL as:

struct Point {
    int64 x;
    int64 y;

And in Python as follows:

import rti.types as idl

class Point:
    x: int = 0
    y: int = 0

Data Types explains how to define your types in more detail.

Special Topics

In addition to the class Topic, there are a few separate Topic classes for certain types: