RTI Connext Java API Version 7.1.0
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 Documentation Roadmap
 RTI Connext DDS API ReferenceRTI Connext modules following the DDS module definitions
 Domain ModuleContains the com.rti.dds.domain.DomainParticipant class that acts as an entrypoint of RTI Connext and acts as a factory for many of the classes. The com.rti.dds.domain.DomainParticipant also acts as a container for the other objects that make up RTI Connext
 DomainParticipantFactoryCom.rti.dds.domain.DomainParticipantFactory entity and associated elements
 DomainParticipantsCom.rti.dds.domain.DomainParticipant entity and associated elements
 Built-in TopicsBuilt-in objects created by RTI Connext but accessible to the application
 Topic ModuleContains the com.rti.dds.topic.Topic, com.rti.dds.topic.ContentFilteredTopic, and com.rti.dds.topic.MultiTopic classes, the com.rti.dds.topic.TopicListener interface, and more generally, all that is needed by an application to define com.rti.dds.topic.Topic objects and attach QoS policies to them
 TopicsCom.rti.dds.topic.Topic entity and associated elements
 FlatData Topic-Types<<extension>> FlatData Language Binding for IDL topic-types
 Zero Copy Transfer Over Shared Memory<<extension>> Zero Copy transfer over shared memory
 User Data Type SupportDefines generic classes and macros to support user data types
 Type Code Support<<extension>> A com.rti.dds.typecode.TypeCode is a mechanism for representing a type at runtime. RTI Connext can use type codes to send type definitions on the network. You will need to understand this API in order to use the Dynamic Data capability or to inspect the type information you receive from remote readers and writers.
 Built-in TypesRTI Connext provides a set of very simple data types for you to use with the topics in your application
 Built-in Topic's Trust TypesTypes used as part of com.rti.dds.domain.builtin.ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, com.rti.dds.publication.builtin.PublicationBuiltinTopicData, com.rti.dds.subscription.builtin.SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData to describe Trust Plugins configuration
 Dynamic Data<<extension>> The Dynamic Data API provides a way to interact with arbitrarily complex data types at runtime without the need for code generation
 Publication ModuleContains the com.rti.dds.publication.FlowController, com.rti.dds.publication.Publisher, and com.rti.dds.publication.DataWriter classes as well as the com.rti.dds.publication.PublisherListener and com.rti.dds.publication.DataWriterListener interfaces, and more generally, all that is needed on the publication side
 PublishersCom.rti.dds.publication.Publisher entity and associated elements
 Data WritersCom.rti.dds.publication.DataWriter entity and associated elements
 Flow Controllers<<extension>> com.rti.dds.publication.FlowController and associated elements
 Multi-channel DataWritersAPIs related to Multi-channel DataWriters
 Subscription ModuleContains the com.rti.dds.subscription.Subscriber, com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader, com.rti.dds.subscription.ReadCondition, com.rti.dds.subscription.QueryCondition, and com.rti.dds.subscription.TopicQuery classes, as well as the com.rti.dds.subscription.SubscriberListener and com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReaderListener interfaces, and more generally, all that is needed on the subscription side
 SubscribersCom.rti.dds.subscription.Subscriber entity and associated elements
 DataReadersCom.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader entity and associated elements
 Data SamplesCom.rti.dds.subscription.SampleInfo, com.rti.dds.subscription.SampleStateKind, com.rti.dds.subscription.ViewStateKind, com.rti.dds.subscription.InstanceStateKind and associated elements
 Infrastructure ModuleDefines the abstract classes and the interfaces that are refined by the other modules. Contains common definitions such as return codes, status values, and QoS policies
 Clock SelectionAPIs related to clock selection
 Builtin Qos Profiles<<extension>> QoS libraries, profiles, and snippets that are automatically built into RTI Connext
 Conditions and WaitSetsCom.rti.dds.infrastructure.Condition and com.rti.dds.infrastructure.WaitSet and related items
 Time SupportTime and duration types and defines
 Entity SupportCom.rti.dds.infrastructure.Entity, com.rti.dds.infrastructure.Listener and related items
 GUID Support<<extension>> GUID type and defines
 Object Support<<extension>> Object related items
 QoS PoliciesQuality of Service (QoS) policies
 Return CodesTypes of return codes
 Sequence Number Support<<extension>> Sequence number type and defines
 Status KindsKinds of communication status
 Exception Codes<<extension>> Exception codes
 Sequence SupportThe com.rti.dds.infrastructure.com.rti.dds.util.Sequence interface allows you to work with variable-length collections of homogeneous data
 TransportsAPIs related to RTI Connext pluggable transports
 Installing Transport PluginsInstalling and configuring transports used by RTI Connext
 Built-in Transport PluginsTransport plugins delivered with RTI Connext
 Creating New Transport PluginsDeveloping new transport plugins for RTI Connext
 Queries and Filters Syntax
 Logging and VersionAPIs of troubleshooting utilities that configure the middleware
 LoggingConfigure how much debugging information is reported during runtime and where it is logged
 VersionRetrieve information for the RTI Connext product, the core library, and the C, C++ or Java libraries
 General UtilitiesAPI of general utilities used in the RTI Connext distribution
 Heap MonitoringMonitor memory allocations done by the middleware on the native heap
 Network CaptureSave network traffic into a capture file for further analysis
 Other UtilitiesOther Utilities, such as com.rti.ndds.utility.Utility.spin
 ObservabilityAPI of RTI Connext Observability Framework
 Observability LibraryRTI Observability Library
 Durability and PersistenceAPIs related to RTI Connext Durability and Persistence
 System PropertiesSystem Properties
 Configuring QoS Profiles with XMLAPIs related to XML QoS Profiles
 RTI Connext Messaging API ReferenceExtensions to the RTI Connext publish-subscribe functionality
 Request-Reply PatternSupport for the request-reply communication pattern
 InfrastructureInfrastructure types for RTI Connext Messaging
 UtilitiesUtilities for the RTI Connext Messaging module
 Programming How-To'sThese "How To"s illustrate how to apply RTI Connext APIs to common use cases
 Publication ExampleA data publication example
 Subscription ExampleA data subscription example
 Participant Use CasesWorking with domain participants
 Topic Use CasesWorking with topics
 FlowController Use CasesWorking with flow controllers
 Publisher Use CasesWorking with publishers
 DataWriter Use CasesWorking with data writers
 Subscriber Use CasesWorking with subscribers
 DataReader Use CasesWorking with data readers
 Entity Use CasesWorking with entities
 Waitset Use CasesUsing wait-sets and conditions
 Transport Use CasesWorking with pluggable transports
 Filter Use CasesWorking with data filters
 Creating Custom Content FiltersWorking with custom content filters
 Large Data Use CasesWorking with large data types
 Request-Reply ExamplesExamples on how to use the request-reply API