4. Installing and Running Observability Framework

RTI Connext Observability Framework is not installed as part of RTI Connext Professional Edition. Observability Framework must be downloaded and installed separately. For information on how to obtain the Observability Framework package, check the RTI Customer portal, contact support@rti.com, or contact your account team.

There are two Observability Framework packages, as outlined in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Observability Framework Packages

Package Name

Package Contents

Use Case

Supported Platform

rti_observability-7.1.0-target-<your platform>.rtipkg

The target package installs Observability Library in your target platform(s).

Install this package if you need to collect and distribute telemetry data emitted by DDS applications on the target platform.

Observability Library is supported in all Connext platforms.


The host package contains the files required to run the Observability Framework collection, storage, and visualization components using Docker and Docker Compose. This package also includes Observability Framework documentation.

Install this package if you need to run the collection, storage, and visualization components.

These components are only supported in Linux.

In the rest of this chapter, <installdir> refers to the installation directory for Connext.


Observability Framework is an experimental product that includes example configuration files for use with several third-party components (Prometheus, Grafana Loki, and Grafana). This release is an evaluation distribution; use it to explore the new observability features that support Connext applications.

Do not deploy any Observability Framework components in production.

4.1. Installing the Target Package

There are two ways to install Observability Library: using RTI Launcher or the rtipkginstall command-line utility.


For detailed information about Observability Library, see the MONITORING QosPolicy (DDS Extension).

4.1.1. Install from RTI Launcher

To install the Observability Framework target package from RTI Launcher:

  1. Start Launcher from the Start menu, or from the command line using <installdir>/bin/rtilauncher.

  2. From the Configuration tab, click Install RTI Packages.

  3. Use the plus (+) sign to add the rti_observability-7.1.0-target-<your platform>.rtipkg file.

  4. Click Install.

4.1.2. Install from the Command Line

To install the Observability Framework target package from the command line, run:

$ <installdir>/bin/rtipkginstall /<path-to-observability-framework-file>/rti_observability-7.1.0-target-<your platform>.rtipkg

4.2. Installing the Host Package

There are two ways to install the documentation and files supporting the Docker containers used by Observability Framework: using RTI Launcher or the rtipkginstall command-line utility.

4.2.1. Prerequisites

The following applications must be installed before installing the experimental Observability Framework product.

4.2.2. Install from RTI Launcher

To install the Observability Framework host package from RTI Launcher:

  1. Start Launcher from the Start menu, or from the command line using: <installdir>/bin/rtilauncher.

  2. From the Configuration tab, click Install RTI Packages.

  3. Use the plus (+) sign to add the rti_observability-7.1.0-host-x64Linux.rtipkg file.

  4. Click Install.

4.2.3. Install from the Command Line

To install the Observability Framework host package from the command line, run:

$ <installdir>/bin/rtipkginstall /<path-to-observability-framework-file>/rti_observability-7.1.0-host-x64Linux.rtipkg

4.3. Configuring and Running Observability Framework Components

The telemetry data emitted by Observability Library is collected, stored, and visualized using the following components:

  • RTI Observability Collector Service

  • Prometheus

  • Grafana Loki

  • Grafana

The files required to run these components are installed by the Observability Framework host package. In this release, the collection, storage, and visualization components only run in a single Linux host using Docker and Docker Compose. Future releases will offer the ability to install the components independently without using Docker.

Observability Docker Containers

Your use of the Docker images for Prometheus, Grafana Loki, and Grafana must comply with the applicable license terms for each of those components.

Before creating and running the Docker containers for Observability Framework, the associated configuration files that comprise the Docker workspace must be created and copied to the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory. This is done using the <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability script.

The <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability script has two modes of operation, SETUP and RUN.

  • SETUP mode creates and copies the configuration files required for the Docker containers used in Observability Framework to the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory.

  • RUN mode controls creating and running the Docker containers used in Observability Framework.

To view the options for the <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability script, run <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability -h:

Rtiobservability Help Options

The Docker containers for Observability Framework created by the <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability script (see Configure the Docker Workspace for Observability Framework) include software from third parties, including:



4.3.1. Configure the Docker Workspace for Observability Framework

The Docker workspace is composed of the set of files that are used to create and configure the Docker containers required to run Observability Framework. The Docker workspace files used by Observability Framework must be created and copied into the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory before running the Docker containers for Observability Framework.


After configuring the Docker workspace, you will have to delete the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory to change the Docker workspace configuration.

To configure the workspace, run the <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability script and, optionally, include one or more of the following command-line switches.

Table 4.2 Optional SETUP Command-Line Options


Data Type





Name of the machine hosting Grafana

hostname of the machine where Docker containers for Observability Framework will be installed



Name of the machine hosting Grafana Loki

hostname of the machine where Docker containers for Observability Framework will be installed



Port used by Observability Collector Service for the HTTP control.


Typically, if you run the Docker containers for Observability Framework within a LAN, you will not need to use any of the above options because the default configuration will work. However, if you plan to the deploy the Docker containers for Observability Framework in a WAN environment (for example, an AWS instance), use the -g option to specify the public IP of the host where the Docker containers are run to configure Grafana.

Run the <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability script to configure the Docker workspace.

Rtiobservability License Acknowledge

Select Y (or simply enter) to acknowledge the license statement.

Rtiobservability Setup

Select Y (or simply enter) to create and configure the Docker workspace for Observability Framework.

Rtiobservability Create Docker Workspace

If you attempt to create and configure the Docker workspace for Observability Framework and it already exists, you will see the following warning.

Rtiobservability Workspace Exists Configuring Ports Used by Observability Components

The Docker Components in Observability Framework use dedicated ports for the collection and distribution of metrics and log data. The default configuration of these ports is shown in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Default Ports Used by Observability Components

Component Name


Prometheus Server




Grafana Loki


Observability Collector Service Prometheus Client


Observability Collector Service Control Server


If these port definitions conflict with existing port usage in your system, you may have to change them to de-conflict so that the Docker components for Observability Framework can run. Configuring the Prometheus Server Port

To change the default port of 9090 for the Prometheus Server in Observability Framework, you need to modify the files in Table 4.4. These files are located in the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory and the paths in the table are relative to this directory.

Table 4.4 Prometheus Server Port Configuration Files

File Name





If the Prometheus Server port is changed, all files listed in Table 4.4 must be updated using your preferred port.

In the file grafana/datasource/datasource.yml, modify the port for the Prometheus datasources url as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Change 9090 to your preferred port.

  - name: Prometheus
    type: prometheus
    access: proxy
    orgId: 1
    uid: PBFA97CFB590B2093
    url: http://localhost:9090
    isDefault: true
    timeInterval: 10s

In the file prometheus/prometheus.yml, modify the targets port for the prometheus job_name as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Change 9090 to your preferred port.

# Scrape configuration
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
# Configuration for Prometheus exporter in a system
- job_name: 'prometheus'

   # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
   # scheme defaults to 'http'.

   - targets:
      - localhost:9090 # Prometheus metrics

In file docker-compose.yml, add the highlighted line shown in the snippet below. Change 9090 to your preferred port.

   image: prom/prometheus:v2.37.5
   container_name: prometheus_observability
      - ./prometheus:/etc/prometheus
      - prometheus_data:/prometheus
      - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'
      - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus'
      - '--web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries'
      - '--web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles'
      - '--storage.tsdb.retention.time=200h'
      - '--query.lookback-delta=30s'
      - '--web.enable-lifecycle'
      - '--web.enable-admin-api'
      - '--web.listen-address='
   restart: unless-stopped Configuring the Grafana Port

To change the default port of 3000 for Grafana in Observability Framework, you need to modify the files in Table 4.5. These files are located in the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory and the paths in the table are relative to this directory.

Table 4.5 Grafana Port Configuration Files

File Name





If the Grafana port is changed, all files listed in Table 4.5 must be updated using your preferred port.

In the file grafana/grafana.ini, modify the port for http_addr as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Uncomment the line by removing the preceding ; and change 3000 to your preferred port.

#################################### Server ####################################
# Protocol (http, https, h2, socket)
;protocol = http

# The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces
;http_addr =

# The http port  to use
;http_port = 3000

# The public facing domain name used to access grafana from a browser
;domain = localhost

In the file prometheus/prometheus.yml, modify the targets port for the grafana job_name as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Change 3000 to your preferred port.

# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
# Configuration for Grafana exporter in a system
- job_name: 'grafana'

   # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
   # scheme defaults to 'http'.

   - targets:
     - localhost:3000 # Grafana metrics

In the grafana/dashboards/General/*.json files, modify all occurrences of http://${grafana_server_name}:3000, highlighted in the snippet below. Change 3000 to your preferred port.

"links": [
    "title": "DataReader List",
    "url": "http://${grafana_server_name}:3000/d/6qjWHdPnk/datareader-list?orgId=1&${__url_time_range}&refresh=10s"
], Configuring Grafana Loki Port

To change the default port of 3100 for Grafana Loki in Observability Framework, you need to modify the files listed in Table 4.6. These files are located in the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory and the paths in the table are relative to this directory.

Table 4.6 Grafana Loki Port Configuration Files

File Name





If the Grafana Loki port is changed, all files listed in Table 4.6 must be updated using your preferred port.

In the file grafana/datasource/datasource.yml, modify the port for the Loki datasources url as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Change 3100 to your preferred port.

- name: Prometheus
   type: prometheus
   access: proxy
   orgId: 1
   uid: PBFA97CFB590B2093
   url: http://localhost:9080
   isDefault: true
      timeInterval: 10s

- name: Loki
   type: loki
   access: proxy
   orgId: 1
   uid: JQEOIVGJB590B2093
   url: http://localhost:3100
   isDefault: false

In the file loki/loki-config.yml, modify the http_listen_port as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Change 3100 to your preferred port.

auth_enabled: false

http_listen_port: 3100

In file docker-compose.yml, modify the port for the LOKI_SERVER_ADDRESS as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Change 3100 to your preferred port.

   image: rticom/collector_service:7.1.0
   container_name: collector_service_observability
   stop_signal: SIGINT
      - $RTI_LICENSE_FILE:/rti/rti_license.dat
      - LOKI_SERVER_ADDRESS=${LOKI_SERVER_ADDRESS-http://localhost:3100}
      - ARGS="-verbosity WARNING"
   restart: unless-stopped Configuring Observability Collector Service Prometheus Client Port

The Observability Collector Service Prometheus Client Port is for the HTTP Server created by the Prometheus client and scraped by the Prometheus server. To change the default port of 19090 for Observability Collector Service Prometheus Client port in Observability Framework, you need to modify the files in Table 4.7. These files are located in the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory and the paths in the table are relative to this directory.

Table 4.7 Observability Collector Service Port Configuration Files

File Name




If the Observability Collector Service Proemtheus Client port is changed, all files in this section must be updated using your preferred port.

In the file prometheus/prometheus.yml, modify the targets port for the dds job_name as shown in the highlighted line in the snippet below. Change 19090 to your preferred port.

 # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
 # Configuration for DDS exporter in a system
 - job_name: 'dds'

   # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
   # scheme defaults to 'http'.

   - targets:
     - localhost:19090 # dds metrics

In file docker-compose.yml, modify the port for the PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_ADDRESS in the highlighted line shown in the snippet below. Change 19090 to your preferred port.

   image: rticom/collector_service:7.1.0
   container_name: collector_service_observability
   stop_signal: SIGINT
      - $RTI_LICENSE_FILE:/rti/rti_license.dat
      - LOKI_SERVER_ADDRESS=${LOKI_SERVER_ADDRESS-http://localhost:3100}
      - ARGS="-verbosity WARNING"
   restart: unless-stopped Configuring Observability Collector Service Control Server Port

The Observability Collector Service Control Server Port is where the HTTP server for Log Control is located. To change the default port of 19098 for Observability Collector Service Control Server Port in the Observability Framework, you need to modify the files in Table 4.8. These files are located in the rti_workspace/7.1.0/user_config/observability directory and the paths in the table are relative to this directory.

Table 4.8 Observability Collector Service Control Server Port Configuration Files

File Name




If the Observability Collector Service Control Server port is changed, all files listed in Table 4.8 must be updated using your preferred port.

In file docker-compose.yml, modify the port for the COLLECTOR_EXPORTER_ADDRESS in the highlighted line shown in the snippet below. Change 19098 to your preferred port.

   image: rticom/collector_service:7.1.0
   container_name: collector_service_observability
   stop_signal: SIGINT
      - $RTI_LICENSE_FILE:/rti/rti_license.dat
      - LOKI_SERVER_ADDRESS=${LOKI_SERVER_ADDRESS-http://localhost:3100}
      - ARGS="-verbosity WARNING"
   restart: unless-stopped

In the grafana/dashboards/General/rti-log-control.json file, modify all occurrences of 19098 as shown in the highlighted lines in the snippet below. Change 19098 to your preferred port.

  "current": {
    "selected": false,
    "text": "19098",
    "value": "19098"
  "description": "Log Control Port",
  "hide": 2,
  "label": "Log Control Port",
  "name": "log_control_port",
  "query": "19098",
  "skipUrlSync": false,
  "type": "constant"

4.3.2. Initialize and Run Docker Containers


An RTI license is required to run Observability Collector Service in a Docker container:

  • If you plan to send telemetry data to an Observability Collector Service instance running on the WAN (for example, AWS) using RTI Real-Time WAN Transport, you need a valid Connext Anywhere license.

  • Otherwise, you need a valid Connext Professional license.

For instructions on how to install a license file, see Installing the License File in the RTI Connext Installation Guide.

After the Docker workspace is configured, run <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability -i to create and start the Docker containers for Observability Framework. The -i option calls docker compose up -d to create the required storage volumes and containers, then starts the containers.

Rtiobservability Start Docker Containers

Three things happen upon running <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability with the -i option.

  1. The Docker images for Grafana Loki, Prometheus, Grafana, and Observability Collector Service are pulled from Docker Hub to your local Docker image store. Note that this will only happen if there are no local images found.

  2. The Docker data volumes are created for the Prometheus and Grafana data storage.

  3. Docker containers for Observability Framework are started for the four components (Loki, Prometheus, Grafana, and Observability Collector Service).

At this point, the Docker containers used by Observability Framework are started and all components should be running.

4.3.3. Verify Docker Containers are Running

To verify that all Docker containers used by Observability Framework are running, run the command docker ps -a. Examine the STATUS column and verify that all containers report a status of Up, as shown below.

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                    COMMAND                 CREATED        STATUS        NAMES
6651d7ed9810  prom/prometheus:v2.37.5                  "/bin/prometheus --c…"  5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes  prometheus_observability
25050d16b1b5  grafana/grafana-enterprise:9.2.1-ubuntu  "/run.sh"               5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes  grafana_observability
08611ea9b255  rticom/collector_service:7.1.0           "/rti_connext_dds-7.…"  5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes  collector_service_observability
55568de5120f  grafana/loki:2.7.0                       "/usr/bin/loki --con…"  5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes  loki_observability

When a container does not start, the STATUS column displays Restarting to indicate the prometheus-observability container failed to start and repeatedly tried to restart.

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                    COMMAND                 CREATED        STATUS                         NAMES
08f75e0fadb2  prom/prometheus:v2.37.5                  "/bin/prometheus --c…"  5 minutes ago  Restarting (1) 27 seconds ago  prometheus_observability
9a3964b561ec  grafana/loki:2.7.0                       "/usr/bin/loki --con…"  5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes                   loki_observability
b6a6ffa201f3  rticom/collector_service:7.1.0           "/rti_connext_dds-7.…"  5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes                   collector_service_observability
26658f76cfdc  grafana/grafana-enterprise:9.2.1-ubuntu  "/run.sh"               5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes                   grafana_observability

If a container fails to start, refer to section Docker Container[s] Failed to Start for troubleshooting suggestions.

4.3.4. Configure Grafana Initial Login

To access Observability Dashboards, open a new browser window and go to http://<hostname>:3000 to access Grafana. Log in using the credentials admin : admin, then change the password when prompted.

Grafana Login Screen

Once you are logged in you will see the RTI Alert Home dashboard.

Grafana Homne Dashboard Configuration Options

You can configure the Grafana dashboard to meet your specific needs. For more information, refer to the Grafana article Use dashboards. Create Accounts (Optional)

You can create additional users as needed. Refer to the Grafana article Manage Grafana Users for information about user roles and permissions. Change the Default Time Range (Optional)

The default visualization time range can be modified. The default relative time range is one hour. You may want to update the range as follows:

  1. Go to the Alert Home dashboard,

  2. From the toolbar, select the time picker.

  3. Select the desired time range from the dropdown list. The dashboard refreshes to display the selected time range.

    Grafana Dashboard Time Range
  4. From the toolbar, select Save dashboard.

    Grafana Save Icon
  5. In the Save dashboard dialog, select Save current time range as dashboard default and then click Save.

    Grafana Save Dashboard Dialog
  6. To confirm the new time range, navigate to another dashboard and then click the Home icon at the top left to go back to the Alert Home dashboard.

4.3.5. Stop Docker Containers

Once Observability Framework Docker containers are running, you can stop them by running <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability -t. The -t option terminates the running Docker containers for*Observability Framework* by calling docker compose stop.

Rtiobservability Stop Docker Containers

This command stops the existing Docker containers for*Observability Framework*, but leaves associated storage volumes and configuration for a future run.

4.3.6. Start Existing Docker Containers

To restart existing Docker containers used by Observability Framework, run <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability -s. The -s option starts existing Docker containers for Observability Framework by calling docker compose start.

Rtiobservability Start Existing Containers

This command starts any existing Docker containers created by Observability Framework.

4.3.7. Stop and Remove Docker Containers

To clean up, or stop and remove, all Docker containers and storage volumes used by Observability Framework, run <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability -c. The -c option stops and removes Docker containers for Observability Framework by calling docker compose down, and subsequently removes storage volumes.


Running <installdir>/bin/rtiobservability -c removes all Docker containers and storage volumes used by Observability Framework. This command removes all changes to your current Observability Framework Docker environment including:

  • metric data in Prometheus

  • log data in Loki

  • all Grafana user and dashboard configurations

Rtiobservability Confirm Cleanup Containers

When prompted to confirm that you want to remove all Docker containers and storage volumes for Observability Framework:

  • Select N (or simply enter) to cancel the cleanup.

    Rtiobservability Cancel Cleanup Containers
  • Select Y to proceed with the cleanup and remove all Docker containers and storage volumes used by Observability Framework.

    Rtiobservability Cleanup Containers