RTI Connext Traditional C++ API Version 7.2.0
▼Nconnext | Namespace for Connext |
CAlreadyDeletedException | The object target of this operation has already been deleted |
CBadParameterException | Illegal parameter value |
CIllegalOperationException | The operation was called under improper circumstances |
CImmutablePolicyException | Application attempted to modify an immutable QoS policy |
CInconsistentPolicyException | Application specified a set of QoS policies that are not consistent with each other |
CIsInvalidSamplePredicate | Predicate-class to determine if a sample contains invalid data |
CIsReplyRelatedPredicate | Predicate-class to match replies by their related request |
CIsValidSamplePredicate | Predicate-class to determine if a sample contains valid data |
▼CLoanedSamples | Provides access to a collection of middleware-loaned samples |
CLoanMemento | A simple value-type for the internal representation of the a LoanedSamples object |
CLogicException | Base class of all RTI Connext exceptions caused by a logic error |
CMessagingLibraryVersion | The Connext Messaging Library version |
CMessagingVersion | The Connext Messaging version |
CNotEnabledException | Operation invoked on a DDSEntity that is not yet enabled |
COutOfResourcesException | RTI Connext ran out of the resources needed to complete the operation |
CPreconditionNotMetException | A pre-condition for the operation was not met |
CReplier | Allows receiving requests and sending replies |
CReplierListener | Called when a connext::Replier has new available requests |
CReplierParams | Contains the parameters for creating a connext::Replier |
CRequester | Allows sending requests and receiving replies |
CRequesterParams | Contains the parameters for creating a connext::Requester |
CRuntimeException | Generic, unspecified error |
CSample | A data sample and related info received from the middleware |
CSampleIterator | STL-compliant random-access iterator for SampleRef<T> |
CSampleRef | A data sample and related information received from the middleware |
CSimpleReplier | A callback-based replier |
CSimpleReplierListener | The listener called by a SimpleReplier |
CSimpleReplierParams | Contains the parameters for creating a connext::SimpleReplier |
CTimeoutException | The operation timed out (does not apply to wait or receive operations) |
CUnsupportedException | Unsupported operation |
CWriteSample | A sample for writing data |
CWriteSampleRef | A reference to a data sample for writing |
▼Nrti | The RTI namespace |
▼Nflat | <<extension>> Support for FlatData Topic-Types |
CAbstractAlignedList | Base class of Offsets to sequences and arrays of non-primitive members |
CAbstractBuilder | Base class of all Builders |
CAbstractListBuilder | Base class of all array and sequence builders |
CAbstractPrimitiveList | Base class for Offsets to sequences and arrays of primitive types |
CAbstractSequenceBuilder | Base class of Builders for sequence members |
CAggregationBuilder | Base class of struct and union builders |
CFinalAlignedArrayOffset | Offset to an array of final elements |
CFinalArrayOffset | Offset to an array of final elements |
CFinalOffset | The base class of all Offsets to a final struct type |
CFinalSequenceBuilder | Builds a sequence member of fixed-size elements |
Cflat_type_traits | Given a Sample, an Offset or a Builder, it allows obtaining the other types |
CMutableArrayBuilder | Builds an array member of variable-size elements |
CMutableArrayOffset | Offset to an array of variable-size elements |
CMutableOffset | The base class of all Offsets to a final struct type |
CMutableSequenceBuilder | Builds a sequence member of variable-size elements |
COffsetBase | Base class of all Offset types |
CPrimitiveArrayOffset | Offset to an array of primitive elements |
CPrimitiveConstOffset | A const Offset to an optional primitive member |
CPrimitiveOffset | An Offset to an optional primitive member |
CPrimitiveSequenceBuilder | Builds a sequence of primitive members |
CPrimitiveSequenceOffset | Offset to a sequence of primitive elements |
CSample | The generic definition of FlatData topic-types |
CSequenceIterator | Iterator for collections of Offsets |
CSequenceOffset | Offset to a sequence of non-primitive elements |
CStringBuilder | Builds a string |
CStringOffset | Offset to a string |
CUnionBuilder | Base class of builders for user-defined mutable unions |