RTI Connext C API Version 7.4.0
Use these QoS fields to configure how much and how long data remains retrievable in the system.
Use these QoS fields to configure how much and how long data remains retrievable in the system.
DDS_AvailabilityQosPolicy | enable_required_subscriptions |
<<extension>> Enables support for required subscriptions in a DDS_DataWriter | |
DDS_AvailabilityQosPolicy | max_data_availability_waiting_time |
<<extension>> Defines how much time to wait before delivering a sample to the application without having received some of the previous samples. | |
DDS_AvailabilityQosPolicy | max_endpoint_availability_waiting_time |
<<extension>> Defines how much time to wait to discover DataWriters providing samples for the same data source (virtual GUID). | |
DDS_AvailabilityQosPolicy | required_matched_endpoint_groups |
<<extension>> A sequence of endpoint groups. | |
DDS_DurabilityQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The kind of durability. | |
DDS_DurabilityQosPolicy | direct_communication |
<<extension>> Indicates whether or not a TRANSIENT or PERSISTENT DDS_DataReader should receive samples directly from a TRANSIENT or PERSISTENT DDS_DataWriter | |
DDS_DurabilityQosPolicy | writer_depth |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Indicates the number of samples per instance that a durable DDS_DataWriter will send to a late-joining DDS_DataReader. | |
DDS_DurabilityQosPolicy | storage_settings |
<<extension>> Configures durable writer history and durable reader state. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | enable |
<<extension>> Enables durable writer history in a DDS_DataWriter and durable reader state in a DDS_DataReader. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | file_name |
<<extension>> The file name where the durable writer history or durable reader state will be stored. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | trace_file_name |
<<extension>> The file name where to store the SQL statements executed when loading and storing the durable writer history or durable reader state. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | journal_kind |
<<extension>> Sets the journal mode of the persistent storage. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | synchronization_kind |
<<extension>> Sets the level of synchronization with the physical disk. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | vacuum |
<<extension>> Sets the auto-vacuum status of the storage. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | restore |
<<extension>> Indicates if the persisted writer history or reader state must be restored. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | writer_instance_cache_allocation |
<<extension>> Configures the resource limits associated with the instance durable writer history cache. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | writer_sample_cache_allocation |
<<extension>> Configures the resource limits associated with the sample durable writer history cache. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | writer_memory_state |
<<extension>> Determines how much state will be kept in memory by the durable writer history in order to avoid accessing the persistent storage in disk. | |
DDS_PersistentStorageSettings | reader_checkpoint_frequency |
<<extension>> Controls how often the reader state is stored into the database. | |
DDS_DurabilityServiceQosPolicy | service_cleanup_delay |
<<spec>> Controls when the service is able to remove all information regarding a data instances. | |
DDS_DurabilityServiceQosPolicy | history_kind |
<<spec>> The kind of history to apply in recouping durable data. | |
DDS_DurabilityServiceQosPolicy | history_depth |
<<spec>> Setting to use for the DDS_DurabilityQosPolicy::writer_depth when recouping durable data. | |
DDS_DurabilityServiceQosPolicy | max_samples |
<<spec>> Part of resource limits QoS policy to apply when feeding a late joiner. | |
DDS_DurabilityServiceQosPolicy | max_instances |
<<spec>> Part of resource limits QoS policy to apply when feeding a late joiner. | |
DDS_DurabilityServiceQosPolicy | max_samples_per_instance |
<<spec>> Part of resource limits QoS policy to apply when feeding a late joiner. | |
DDS_ResourceLimitsQosPolicy | max_samples |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Represents the maximum samples the middleware can store for any one DDS_DataWriter (or DDS_DataReader). | |
DDS_ResourceLimitsQosPolicy | max_instances |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Represents the maximum number of instances a DDS_DataWriter (or DDS_DataReader) can manage. | |
DDS_ResourceLimitsQosPolicy | max_samples_per_instance |
<<spec>> Represents the maximum number of samples of any one instance a DDS_DataWriter (or DDS_DataReader) can manage. | |
DDS_LifespanQosPolicy | duration |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Maximum duration for the data's validity. | |
DDS_DataWriterProtocolQosPolicy | propagate_app_ack_with_no_response |
<<extension>> Controls whether or not a DDS_DataWriter receives DDS_DataWriterListener::on_application_acknowledgment notifications with an empty or invalid response. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | disable_positive_acks_enable_adaptive_sample_keep_duration |
[DEPRECATED] <<extension>> Enables dynamic adjustment of sample keep duration in response to congestion. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | disable_positive_acks_min_sample_keep_duration |
<<extension>> The minimum duration a sample is queued for ACK-disabled readers. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | disable_positive_acks_max_sample_keep_duration |
<<extension>> The maximum duration a sample is queued for ACK-disabled readers. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | disable_positive_acks_decrease_sample_keep_duration_factor |
[DEPRECATED] <<extension>> Controls rate of contraction of dynamic sample keep duration. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | disable_positive_acks_increase_sample_keep_duration_factor |
[DEPRECATED] <<extension>> Controls rate of growth of dynamic sample keep duration. | |
DDS_BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits_t | initial_samples |
<<extension>> Initial number of samples. | |
DDS_BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits_t | max_samples |
<<extension>> Maximum number of samples. | |
DDS_EntityNameQosPolicy | role_name |
<<extension>> The entity role name. | |