22. Support for RTI Observability Framework


This chapter demonstrates how to configure the Security Plugins to secure DDS communications between RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 and RTI Collector Service. Therefore, it assumes you already configured RTI Observability Framework in your system. For information about configuration, usage, and components of Observability Framework, refer to the RTI Connext Observability Framework User’s Manual.

If your Connext applications use RTI Observability Framework, you may want to secure the DDS traffic published by Monitoring Library 2.0 and control which Collector Service can subscribe to it. Telemetry data may contain sensitive information about your system (for example, logging messages) that must be protected from unauthorized access.

Monitoring Library 2.0 uses a DomainParticipant, Topics, and DataWriters to publish telemetry data. Collector Service uses a DomainParticipant, Topics, and DataReaders to subscribe to that data. Therefore, the Security Plugins can be used to secure the communications between them as if they were regular Connext applications. The Governance Document and the Permissions Document provide specific XML tags for Observability.

Configuring security for telemetry data does not affect your application data. You can secure telemetry data independently from your application data and vice versa.


22.1. Creating a Governance Document for Observability Framework

The first thing you need to determine is the level of protection you want for telemetry data (ENCRYPT, ENCRYPT_WITH_ORIGIN_AUTHENTICATION, SIGN, SIGN_WITH_ORIGIN_AUTHENTICATION, or NONE). Metrics and logs can have different levels of sensitivity, so you may want to protect them differently. Use the monitoring_metrics_protection_kind and monitoring_logging_protection_kind tags to set the protection level for metrics and logs, respectively. For example, if you want to encrypt logs but not metrics:

Listing 22.1 Example Governance Document for Observability Framework
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dds xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"


monitoring_metrics_protection_kind applies to both event and periodic metrics.

If one of these tags is not present in the Governance Document, the protection level for that data (metrics or logs) is inherited from discovery_protection_kind. Both tags are optional.


Protection kinds for Observability Topics must be configured using the XML tags described in this section. If they are configured using the Topic names in the topic_expression tag, an error will occur.

Using wildcards will not result in an error. However, even if the wildcard matches a Topic name, the rule will not be applied.


If you also want to secure remote administration commands, you need to protect the ServiceRequest channel using the service_request_protection_kind XML tag. See service_request_protection_kind (domain_rule) for further information.

22.2. Creating a Permissions Document for Collector Service

The second thing you need to determine is which Collector Services can subscribe to telemetry data and which data they can subscribe to. For example, you may want to allow one Collector Service to subscribe to all telemetry data, while another subscribes only to metrics. Use the subscribe_monitoring XML tag in the Permissions Document to set which data a Collector Service instance can subscribe to. In the following example Permissions Document, the Collector Service subscribes to all telemetry data:

Listing 22.2 Example Permissions Document for Collector Service
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dds xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        <grant name="Participant_Monitoring">
            <subject_name>/C=US/ST=CA/O=Real Time Innovations/emailAddress=ecdsa01Peer01@rti.com/CN=RTI ECDSA01 (p256) PEER01</subject_name>

Valid values for subscribe_monitoring are ALL (logging and metrics), METRICS, and NONE. Note that a Collector Service cannot subscribe to logging data only. Also, this tag can only be used in allow rules.


  • The default rule for Observability Framework endpoints is always DENY regardless of the value configured in the Permissions Document.

  • The METRICS value for the subscribe_monitoring tag is not currently supported.

  • Observability endpoint permissions must be configured using the subscribe_monitoring XML tag. If these permissions are configured using the Topic names in topics, an error will occur. Using wildcards will not result in an error. However, even if the wildcard matches a Topic name, the rule will not be applied.

Allow rules in the Permissions Document are evaluated in order. If the Observability Domain ID matches the allowed domains, the Security Plugins will check the subscribe_monitoring tag in that allow rule. The rule will be ignored, and the next rule will be evaluated, if the tag is not present, if the tag is set to NONE, or if the current Topic is the logging Topic and the tag is set to METRICS. The process continues until a rule applies. If none of the allow rules apply, the default rule will be applied (always DENY).

22.3. Creating a Permissions Document for Monitoring Library 2.0

Publishing telemetry data is always allowed. Therefore, you do not need to create a special Permissions Document for Monitoring Library 2.0. You can reuse the same Permissions Document you created for Collector Service (although subscribe_monitoring is not required in this case).

22.4. Enabling Security Plugins in Collector Service

The enablement of the Security Plugins in Collector Service will depend on how you deployed Collector Service in your system.

22.4.1. Using Docker Compose (Prepackaged)

If you are using the prepackaged Docker Compose for your RTI Observability Framework deployment, the RTI Observability Framework components are configured using a JSON file the first time you run the rtiobservability script. Add the security artifacts to your JSON configuration file, as shown in the following example:

Listing 22.3 Example JSON configuration file for RTI Observability Framework with Security Plugins
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "securityConfig": {
          "basicAuthUsername": "...",
          "basicAuthPassword": "...",
          "httpsSecurity": {
              "caCertificate":     "...",
              "serverCertificate": "...",
              "serverKey":         "..."
          "ddsSecurity": {
              "identityCaCertificate":    "path/to/identityCaCert.pem",
              "permissionsCaCertificate": "path/to/permissionsCaCert.pem",
              "identityCertificate":      "path/to/identityCert.pem",
              "identityKey":              "path/to/identityKey.pem",
              "signedPermissionsFile":    "path/to/signedPermissions.p7s",
              "signedGovernanceFile":     "path/to/signedGovernance.p7s"

See Configure the JSON File in the RTI Connext Observability Framework User’s Manual for further information on the JSON configuration file syntax and usage.

If the JSON configuration contains the security artifacts, the Security Plugins will be enabled automatically in Collector Service.

22.4.2. Using Docker (Separate Deployment)

If you are using a separate Docker deployment, the security artifacts should be bind-mounted when running the Collector Service Docker container as follows:

Listing 22.4 Example bind-mounting of security artifacts for Collector Service
  -v path/to/identityCaCert.pem:/rti/security/dds/identity_ca.pem
  -v path/to/permissionsCaCert.pem:/rti/security/dds/permissions_ca.pem
  -v path/to/identityCert.pem:/rti/security/dds/identity_certificate.pem
  -v path/to/identityKey.pem:/rti/security/dds/private_key.pem
  -v path/to/signedPermissions.p7s:/rti/security/dds/permissions.p7s
  -v path/to/signedGovernance.p7s:/rti/security/dds/governance.p7s

In addition, you need to set the CFG_NAME environment variable to one of the provided Docker image’s builtin configurations that enable the Security Plugins in Collector Service. See Docker (Separate Deployment) in the RTI Connext Observability Framework User’s Manual for further information on the builtin configurations.

For additional information on how to use the Docker image included with Collector Service, refer to Docker’s Collector Service article.

22.5. Enabling Security Plugins in Monitoring Library 2.0

To enable the Security Plugins in Monitoring Library 2.0, you need to define a QoS profile with the properties related to security artifacts (Security Plugins enablement, certificates, Governance Document, and Permissions Document). Then, you need to set that profile name in participant_factory_qos.monitoring.distribution_settings.dedicated_participant.participant_qos_profile_name (see MONITORING QosPolicy (DDS Extension) for further information on this field). For example:

Listing 22.5 Example QoS configuration for enabling Security Plugins in Monitoring Library 2.0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dds xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <qos_library name="MyQosLibrary">
        <qos_profile name="MyObservabilityProfileWithSecurity" base_name="BuiltinQosLib::Generic.Monitoring2">
                        <!-- Load Security Plugins -->
                        <!-- Certificate Authorities -->
                        <!-- Participant Public Certificate and Private Key -->
                        <!-- Signed Governance and Permissions Documents -->
        <qos_profile name="MyApplicationProfile">


You can see an example of how to enable the Security Plugins in Monitoring Library 2.0 in the shipped Temperature example (<path to examples>/observability/c++). This example is described in detail in the RTI Connext Observability Framework Getting Started Guide.