Documentation Conventions | |
User Manuals | |
 Transport Configuration | |
 Porting RTI Connext DDS Micro | |
  Introduction | |
  Configuration files | |
  Heap Porting Guide | |
  Mutex Porting Guide | |
  Semaphore Porting Guide | |
  Process Porting Guide | |
  System Porting Guide | |
   Migrating a 2.2.x port to 2.3.x | |
  Thread Porting Guide | |
 Configuring Discovery and Transports | |
 Building for iOS | |
 Configuring and Interpreting Log Messages | |
  DDS_C | DDS C. ModuleID = 7 |
  REDA | Real-time Efficient Data Structures and Algorithms. ModuleID = 1 |
  OSAPI | OS API. ModuleID = 0 |
  DB | Database. ModuleID = 2 |
  RT | RT. ModuleID = 3 |
  NETIO | Network I/O. ModuleID = 4 |
  RTPS | Real-Time Publish-Subscribe. ModuleID = 6 |
  RH | Reader History. ModuleID = 8 |
  WH | Writer History. ModuleID = 9 |
  DPSE | DPSE. ModuleID = 10 |
  DPDE | DPDE. ModuleID = 11 |
 Generating Type Support with rtiddsgen | |
 Threading Model | |
 UDP Transport | |
 INTRA Transport | |
 Building against FACE Conformance Libraries | |
 Configuring Resource Limits | |
  DomainParticipantFactoryQos | |
   max_components | |
   max_participants | |
  DomainParticipantQos | |
   local_topic_allocation | |
   local_type_allocation | |
   local_publisher_allocation | |
   local_subscriber_allocation | |
   local_reader_allocation | |
   local_writer_allocation | |
   matching_writer_reader_pair_allocation | |
   remote_participant_allocation | |
   remote_writer_allocation | |
   remote_reader_allocation | |
   max_destination_ports | |
   max_receive_ports | |
  DataReaderQos | |
   max_instances | |
   max_remote_writers_per_instance | |
   max_samples | |
   max_samples_per_instance | |
   max_remote_writers | |
   max_samples_per_remote_writer | |
   max_routes_per_writer | |
   max_outstanding_reads | |
  DataWriterQos | |
   max_samples | |
   max_samples_per_instance | |
   max_instances | |
   max_routes_per_reader | |
   max_remote_readers | |
  OSAPI | |
   max_buffer_size | |
  UDP Transport | |
   max_message_size | |
  Dynamic Participant Static Endpoint (DPSE) | |
   max_participant_locators | |
   max_locators_per_discovered_participant | |
  Dynamic Participant Dynamic Endpoint (DPDE) | |
   max_participant_locators | |
   max_locators_per_discovered_participant | |
   max_samples_per_builtin_endpoint_reader | |
 Working with Sequences | |
 RTI Connext DDS Micro and other RTI Products | |
Reference Manuals | |
 DDS C API | RTI Connext Micro modules following the DDS module definitions |
  Domain Module | Contains the DDS_DomainParticipant class that acts as an entrypoint of RTI Connext Micro and acts as a factory for many of the classes. The DDS_DomainParticipant also acts as a container for the other objects that make up RTI Connext Micro |
   DomainParticipantFactory | DDS_DomainParticipantFactory entity and associated elements |
   DomainParticipant | DDS_DomainParticipant entity and associated elements |
   Discovery | Descriptions of remote entities used for discovery |
    Publication Built-in Topic | Builtin topic for configuring information about the Publications to be discovered by RTI Connext Micro |
    Subscription Built-in Topic | Builtin topic for configuring information about the Subscriptions to be discovered by RTI Connext Micro |
  Topic | Contains the DDS_Topic, the DDS_TopicListener interface, and more generally, all that is needed by an application to define DDS_Topic objects and the data types that are associated with DDS_Topic objects |
   DDS-Specific Primitive Types | Basic DDS value types for use in user data types |
   Topic | DDS_Topic entity and associated elements |
   User-Defined Types | Generic Type entity and associated elements |
  Publication Module | Contains the DDS_Publisher, and DDS_DataWriter classes, and more generally, all that is needed on the publication side |
   Publisher | DDS_Publisher entity and associated elements |
   DataWriter | DDS_DataWriter entity and associated elements |
  Subscription Module | Contains the DDS_Subscriber, and DDS_DataReader classes, and more generally, all that is needed on the subscription side |
   Subscriber | DDS_Subscriber entity and associated elements |
   DataReader | DDS_DataReader entity and associated elements |
   Data Sample | DDS_SampleInfo, DDS_SampleStateKind, DDS_ViewStateKind, DDS_InstanceStateKind and associated elements |
    Sample States | DDS_SampleStateKind and associated elements |
    View States | DDS_ViewStateKind and associated elements |
    Instance States | DDS_InstanceStateKind and associated elements |
  Infrastructure Module | Defines the abstract classes and the interfaces that are refined by the other modules. Contains common definitions such as return codes, status values, and QoS policies |
   Time Support | Time and duration types and defines |
   GUID Support | GUID type and defines |
   Sequence Number Support | Sequence number type and defines |
   Return Codes | Types of return codes |
   Status Kinds | Kinds of communication status |
   QoS Policies | Quality of Service (QoS) policies |
    DISCOVERY | <<eXtension>> Specifies the attributes required to discover participants in the domain |
    DEADLINE | Expresses the maximum duration (deadline) within which an instance is expected to be updated |
    OWNERSHIP | Specifies whether it is allowed for multiple DDS_DataWriter (s) to write the same instance of the data and if so, how these modifications should be arbitrated |
    OWNERSHIP_STRENGTH | Specifies the value of the strength used to arbitrate among multiple DDS_DataWriter objects that attempt to modify the same instance of a data type (identified by DDS_Topic + key) |
    LIVELINESS | Determines the mechanism and parameters used by the application to determine whether a DDS_Entity is alive |
    RELIABILITY | Indicates the level of reliability offered/requested by RTI Connext Micro |
    HISTORY | Specifies the behavior of RTI Connext Micro in the case where the value of an instance changes (one or more times) before it can be successfully communicated to one or more existing subscribers |
    DURABILITY | <<eXtension>> Specifies the Durability properties used by a DDS_DataWriter and/or DDS_DataReader |
    RESOURCE_LIMITS | Specifies the resources that RTI Connext Micro can consume in order to meet the requested QoS |
    ENTITY_FACTORY | A QoS policy for all DDS_Entity types that can act as factories for one or more other DDS_Entity types |
    Extended Qos Support | <<eXtension>> Types and defines used in extended QoS policies |
     DataReader Resource Limits | <<eXtension>> Specifies the DataReader-specific resources that RTI Connext Micro can use |
     DataWriter Resource Limits | <<eXtension>> Specifies the DatWriter-specific resources that RTI Connext Micro can use |
    SYSTEM_RESOURCE_LIMITS | <<eXtension>> Specifies the system-specific resources that RTI Connext Micro can use |
    WIRE_PROTOCOL | <<eXtension>> Specifies the wire protocol related attributes for the DDS_DomainParticipant |
    DATA_READER_PROTOCOL | <<eXtension>> Specifies the DataReader-specific protocol QoS |
    DATA_WRITER_PROTOCOL | <<eXtension>> Specifies the DataWriter-specific protocol QoS |
    TRANSPORT | <<eXtension>> <<cert>> Specify transport settings |
    DOMAIN_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_LIMITS | <<eXtension>> Specifies the DomainParticipant-specific resources that RTI Connext Micro can use |
    ENTITY_NAME | <<eXtension>> Name of the entity |
   Conditions and WaitSets | DDS_Condition and DDS_WaitSet and related items |
   Entity Support | DDS_Entity, DDS_Listener and related items |
   Sequence Support | Defines sequence interface and primitive data types sequences |
   String Support | String creation, cloning, assignment, and deletion |
 DDS C++ API | Description of RTI Connext DDS Micro C++ support |
  Supported API | A list of APIs natively supported in C++ |
 DPSE Static Discovery API | |
 DPDE Dynamic Discovery API | |
 CDR Stream API | |
 RT Run-Time API | |
 RHSM Reader History API | |
 WHSM Writer History API | |
 UDP Transport API | |
 OS API | |
  OSAPI Heap | |
  OSAPI Mutex | Mutex API |
  OSAPI Semaphore | Abstract Semaphore API |
  OSAPI Memory | These are utilities for OS-independent memory manipulation such as filling and copying |
  OSAPI System | Abstract System API |
  OSAPI Thread | |
  OSAPI Time | |
  OSAPI Timer | |
  OSAPI Types | |
 Log API | |
 Resource Limits | |
 Datasheets | |
  Datasheet for armv6leLinux2.6gcc4.6.3 | |
  Datasheet for i86Linux2.6gcc4.1.1 | |