4.7. Create DataWriter¶
DDS_DataWriter *datawriter = NULL;
struct DDS_DataWriterQos dw_qos = DDS_DataWriterQos_INITIALIZER;
struct DDS_DataWriterListener dw_listener = DDS_DataWriterListener_INITIALIZER;
/* Configure writer Qos */
dw_qos.protocol.rtps_object_id = 100;
dw_qos.reliability.kind = DDS_RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
dw_qos.resource_limits.max_samples_per_instance = 2;
dw_qos.resource_limits.max_instances = 2;
dw_qos.resource_limits.max_samples =
dw_qos.resource_limits.max_samples_per_instance * dw_qos.resource_limits.max_instances;
dw_qos.history.depth = 1;
dw_qos.durability.kind = DDS_VOLATILE_DURABILITY_QOS;
dw_qos.protocol.rtps_reliable_writer.heartbeat_period.sec = 0;
dw_qos.protocol.rtps_reliable_writer.heartbeat_period.nanosec = 250000000;
/* Set enabled listener callbacks */
dw_listener.on_publication_matched = HelloWorldPublisher_on_publication_matched;
datawriter =
if (datawriter == NULL)
/* failure */
The DataWriterListener has its callbacks selectively enabled by the DDS status mask. In the example, the mask has set the on_publication_matched status, and accordingly the DataWriterListener has its on_publication_matched assigned to a callback function.
void HelloWorldPublisher_on_publication_matched(void *listener_data,
DDS_DataWriter * writer,
const struct DDS_PublicationMatchedStatus *status)
/* Print on match/unmatch */
if (status->current_count_change > 0)
printf("Matched a subscriber\n");
printf("Unmatched a subscriber\n");
4.7.1. DPSE Discovery: Assert Remote Subscription¶
A publishing application using DPSE discovery must specify the other DataReaders that its DataWriters are allowed to discover. Like the API for asserting a remote participant, the DPSE API for asserting a remote subscription must be called for each remote DataReader that a DataWriter may discover.
Whereas asserting a remote participant requires only the remote Participant’s name, asserting a remote subscription requires more configuration, as all QoS policies of the subscription necessary to determine matching must be known and thus specified.
struct DDS_SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData rem_subscription_data =
/* Set Reader's protocol.rtps_object_id */
rem_subscription_data.key.value[DDS_BUILTIN_TOPIC_KEY_OBJECT_ID] = 200;
rem_subscription_data.topic_name = DDS_String_dup("Example HelloWorld");
rem_subscription_data.type_name = DDS_String_dup("HelloWorld");
rem_subscription_data.reliability.kind = DDS_RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
retcode = DPSE_RemoteSubscription_assert(participant,
if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK)
/* failure */
4.7.2. Writing Samples¶
Within the generated type support code are declarations of the type-specific DataWriter. For the HelloWorld type, this is the HelloWorldDataWriter.
Writing a HelloWorld sample is done by calling the write API of the HelloWorldDataWriter.
HelloWorldDataWriter *hw_datawriter;
DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode;
HelloWorld *sample = NULL;
/* Create and set sample */
sample = HelloWorld_create();
if (sample == NULL)
/* failure */
sprintf(sample->msg, "Hello World!");
/* Write sample */
hw_datawriter = HelloWorldDataWriter_narrow(datawriter);
retcode = HelloWorldDataWriter_write(hw_datawriter, sample, &DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK)
/* failure */
For more information, see the Sending Data section in the User’s Manual.