RTI Routing Service for DDS

This demo shows RTI Routing Service in use. RTI Routing Service is a component of RTI Data Distribution Service Professional Edition, the world's leading implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) standard. It provides a high-peformance messaging and integration infrastructure for real-time applications. RTI Routing Service extends DDS by providing a flexible solution for scaling DDS systems and for integrating disparate DDS applications. This includes applications that cannot directly communicate because they run on different networks (LAN and WAN), use different transport protocols (e.g., shared memory, IPv4 and IPv6), or are members of different security domains. It can also be used to integrate applications that natively use different DDS data types, such as new and legacy applications, individual systems within a System of Systems, and applications that support different Communities of Interest (COI).

Please visit http://www.rti.com/docs/RTI_Routing_Service.pdf for more product information.
