This page contains a set of short informal recipes to help you solve common challenges you may face when using RTI Connext DDS. This recipes include topics such as configuring favorite IDE to work with our libraries, tuning the performance of your application, or configuring your firewall to let DDS traffic through.

You can contribute by commenting on existing HOWTOs or creating your own here (requires logging in).

The message_size_max field in RTI Connext DDS specifies the maximum size of a message, in bytes, that can be sent or received by a transport plugin in the DomainParticipant.

248 reads — 0 comments
This article lists typical reasons for Discovery Issues with Connext DDS. For each issue also listed is a way to diagnose the issue and to solve the issue. Each issues is NOT gone into in detail but for each issue references are listed for further detail.
719 reads — 0 comments

In a trust chain, intermediates can be used and it can be hard to follow the chain. Here’s a few commands that can be helpful when debugging a chain:

  • openssl x509 -text -in <cert>

317 reads — 0 comments
TPMs (Trusted Platform Modules) are beneficial for storing private keys due to their hardware-based security features, which offer robust protection against various forms of cyber attacks. Additionally, TPMs provide a secure environment isolated from the main operating system, enhancing the confidentiality and integrity of stored private keys. This post explains how to use the OpenSSL TPM Provider with Security Plugins.
1636 reads — 0 comments
In today's technological landscape, addressing security concerns and implementing robust policies in distributed applications is crucial. To address those concerns, RTI provides Connext DDS Secure. It provides robust authentication, encryption, and access control mechanisms for Data Distribution Service (DDS) systems. With fine-grained control of the publication and subscription of topic data, data encryption, and data filtering, and integration with external security infrastructure, Connext DDS Secure restricts network access to authenticated and authorized participants, protecting the integrity and confidentiality of the data and data flows. It complies with security standards, offers performance optimization, and facilitates secure data caching and persistence.
2397 reads — 1 comment
Over the past decade, containerization has captured the attention of the engineering community across all verticals due to the compelling benefits it offers to software development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) teams. Containerization enhances and accelerates DevSecOps by promoting software consistency, test automation, fault reproducibility and early detection of security vulnerabilities, ultimately leading to more robust and secure service deployments.
1498 reads — 0 comments
Most RTI environments rely on specific environmental variables to be set, the most popular being NDDSHOME. Environmental variables are used for building DDS applications and for picking up QoS Files. This article discusses basic environmental variables used for building and linking.
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