This page contains a set of short informal recipes to help you solve common challenges you may face when using RTI Connext DDS. This recipes include topics such as configuring favorite IDE to work with our libraries, tuning the performance of your application, or configuring your firewall to let DDS traffic through.

You can contribute by commenting on existing HOWTOs or creating your own here (requires logging in).

By default RTI Connext DDS will use multicast to discover other DDS Participants in the network. This post explains how to disable multicast in your applications.
21040 reads — 1 comment
Step by step instructions to setup XCode to develop DDS applications. The installation of DDS comes with many sample application code in the $NDDSHOME/example folder. We will use the Hello_simple C application as an example, and we will setup the XCode environment to build and run the publisher of Hello_simple
8486 reads — 0 comments
DDS provides a reliability protocol that can be tuned for optimum performance on a per data stream basis. The reliability protocol is configured and tuned by these QoS policies: Reliability, History, Resource Limits, DataWriter Protocol, and DataReader Protocol.
30714 reads — 1 comment

I have noticed in our support forums a common question regarding the use of WaitSets and the fact that sometimes they don't behave as people initially expect. Often the question is posed along the lines of "Why does my WaitSet not block? Why does my subscriber using WaitSets consume so much CPU?

13915 reads — 2 comments
There are many aspects of the Linux kernel configuration that can affect performance. This HOWTO attempts to gather some of these.
23278 reads — 0 comments
In a machine with multiple NICs RTI will automatically use all available interfaces for both discovery and data-distribution. This is good for fault tolerance and ensures the data is sent to all subscribers reachable from the sender. However there are situations when an application developer might want to control or limit which interfaces are used.
15002 reads — 3 comments
