This page contains a set of short informal recipes to help you solve common challenges you may face when using RTI Connext DDS. This recipes include topics such as configuring favorite IDE to work with our libraries, tuning the performance of your application, or configuring your firewall to let DDS traffic through.

You can contribute by commenting on existing HOWTOs or creating your own here (requires logging in).

If you are a Windows user and have ever needed to capture traffic from the loopback interface, you will probably have struggled to do so. Wireshark won't let you do it.

44865 reads — 1 comment
RTI Admin Console is compatible with RTI Security Plugins. Configuring security in Admin Console will allow you to visualize your secure DDS system. To configure security in Admin Console, follow the steps in this article.
4971 reads — 1 comment

This document describes how to check when the discovery process is completed. The tool that is going to be used is Wireshark. Before the analysis, these are some links that are of interest:

11836 reads — 5 comments
he Modern C++ API for RTI DDS uses shared pointer to implement “reference types,” which include all subclasses of dds::core::Entity, such as DomainParticipant or DataReader, and other classes, such as FlowController, QosProvider. For more information about how different types are implemented, here are the conventions we follow in the API.
6084 reads — 1 comment
This articles explains how to modify the logging buffer size and the method to write logs and traces in RTI Connext DDS Micro.
3973 reads — 0 comments
This HOWTO shows an utility to browse files generated by the Admin Console 5.3.0 “Export Discovery Data” feature. It styles the exported xml file into readable tables with expandable sections and dropdowns.
6512 reads — 1 comment
RTI Connector for Connext DDS is a convenient way of using scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, or Lua) to access a DDS Database. This article describes how to install it for the various programming languages.
7082 reads — 0 comments
