Problem in mutlicast address selection across subnets

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Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/10/2015
Posts: 9
Problem in mutlicast address selection across subnets


We have a setup where we have publishers and subscribers sending and receiving multicast data across to two different subnets.  We increased the TTL in our xml configuration file to 126, the TTL value returned from ping.  

We have configured our xml configuration file to have DDS automatically select the multicast address from a range based on the topic_expression.  All publishers and subscribers are using the same xml configuration file. 

We have encountered a problem where the publisher is sending multicast data on the IP address of the subscriber, instead of the auto-selected multicast address if the subscriber is on a different subnet from the publisher.  If both, the publisher and the subscriber are on the same subnet, the data is sent to the same auto-selected multicast IP address.

