I'm considering to use the abilties of DDS node.js package.
I saw the shapes example and it works just fine, but I couldn't find an array or buffers data passing between subscriber and publisher.
Is it possible to transfer a blob data between subscriber and publisher on node.js?
Thanks in advance
Hi Hadar,
Did you consider a type definition with a sequence of octets?
Yes, I used an octet in my xml, but I don’t know how to send it in node.js when I use the rti npm package.
There are two options (described here)
1) output.instance.setNumber("myArray[i]",x);
That sets the element i of a field called myArray to the value x.
2) Use output.setFromJson(value)
Where value is a json representation of a data sample, e.g. {"x":3, "myArray":[1, 2, 3, 4]}
Thank you, setNumber for each element worked.