We are getting the below error while publishing messages from our application.
[1563684694.133998] U0000000000000f5c WriterHistoryVirtualWriterList_removeVirtualSample:RTI0x2000007:!virtual sample not found [1563684694.133998] U0000000000000f5c WriterHistoryVirtualWriterList_removeVirtualSample:RTI0x2000007:!virtual sample not found [1563684694.133998] U0000000000000f5c PRESWriterHistoryDriver_addWrite:RTI0x2000007:!out of resources [1563684694.133998] U0000000000000f5c PRESPsWriter_writeInternal:RTI0x2000005:collator out of resources
Our system does have 16 GB RAM and memory of 15 GB free but still we get the same error.
We have set history of datareader and datawriter in USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml as KEEP_LAST to avoid samples being stored in dataspace.
we have not set a limit for max samples or max instances in our USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml
Please let us know what needs to be done to resolve the same.
Please help its urgent
Thanks & Regards