2.3.4. Define Participants and Entities

The Participant view allows you to add Participants, DataReaders, and DataWriters. You have to organize them into Participant Libraries.

To add a new Participant Library to your model, click the add_library_icon button while Participant Libraries is selected or right-click Participant Libraries in the tree and select Add Library:

Adding a participant library

To add a Participant Library, enter the Library Name and the destination file:

Adding participant library details

You can then add a Participant to the newly created Library by using the add_participant_icon button or by right-clicking on the Participant Library in the tree and selecting Add Participant:

Adding a participant to a library

A dialog will guide you to pick a name and select one of the existing domains as the Domain Reference. You can also view and edit the QoS and select a file where the new participant will be stored:

Setting participant properties

Now you can configure Publications and Subscriptions in the structured view:

Configuring publications and subscriptions

To add a new Publisher, select the add_participant_icon button in the Publishers table. You can then select Name, Multiplicity, and QoS Policies in the presented dialog:

Setting publisher properties

Once you click OK, the new Publisher will be available in the Structured view and in the tree on the left:

Seeing the existing publishers

Now you can add DataWriters to the selected Publisher. Use the add_participant_icon button and in the pop-up window, select the topic reference, the name of the DataWriter, Multiplicity, and QoS:

Setting DataWriter properties

Follow the same logic to add Subscribers and DataReaders in the Subscriptions view.

As always, you can see and modify the XML file directly in the XML view:

Seeing the resulting XML