2.4. Managing Projects

System Designer uses project files (.rtisdproj) to save your application’s XML configuration files. The Projects menu in the toolbar provides all operations related to project management.

Projects Menu

Use the Projects menu to:

2.4.1. Create a New Project

To create a new project after opening System Designer, select Create New… from the Projects menu. For details about completing the New Project dialog, see Creating New Projects.

Creating a new project

2.4.2. Open an Existing Project

To open an existing project, select the Open… option in the Project menu. In the File Browser – rtisdproj files dialog, browse to and select the project you want to open.

File Browser on Open

2.4.3. Open a Recent Project

To open a recent project, select Open Recent from the Projects Menu. In the Open Recent Project dialog, select the desired project and click Open Selected.

Seeing recent projects

2.4.4. Import a Project from a Zip File

To import a project from a Zip file, select Import Zip… from the Projects menu, then browse to and select the desired file.

In the Select a destination for the imported project dialog, browse to and select the directory where you want to unzip and store the imported project. Press OK to import and open the project in System Designer.

Selecting a destination for the imported project

2.4.5. Export a Project to a Zip File

To export the active project to a Zip file, open the project and then select Export Zip… from the Projects menu.

The Zip file is downloaded in your default download directory. It will contain the project file and all the XML files used in that project.


Some browsers (such as Safari) will automatically unzip the exported file. To maintain and share a Zip file of the exported project, disable this browser behavior or zip the directory again.

2.4.6. Remove a Project from the List of Recent Projects

To remove a project from the list of recently accessed projects, select Remove… from the Projects menu. Select the project you want to remove from the list and select Delete:

Selecting a project to remove from the list of recent projects

The Remove… command only deletes the project from the list of recent projects in System Designer, not in your filesystem. Use this command to clean up a crowded list of recent projects.

2.4.7. Validate Project

To validate your XML project files, select Validate… from the Projects menu. In the Validate Current Model dialog, select the Check for unbounded strings/sequences test. The test results display in the Output area.

Validating a project

This test checks if any Topics used by DataReaders or DataWriters include data types that use unbounded sequences or strings. If found, a warning displays in the Output area noting the limitations (and potential problems) of using unbounded sequences or strings. In future releases, System Designer will also analyze each Entity’s QoS to ensure the required resources are correctly declared.

2.4.8. Project Properties

To review and edit the open project’s System Designer properties, select Properties from the Projects menu. The Project Properties dialog includes many of the same options available in the New Project dialog when the project was created. For details, see Creating New Projects and use the help icon help_icon in the interface.

This dialog also displays the project’s creation and last saved dates.

Project Properties Dialog

In the Project Properties dialog, the Open Files tab is populated with all the files in use by the open project. To delete any custom project files that you no longer need, select Remove from project.

Seeing what files are open