
This example shows how to use WaitSets to read data. We define a set of read and status conditions on which to wait, and attach them to the Waitset.
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In this example we illustrate how sequences can "own" the memory associated with it, or "borrow" that memory. We also show how to use the sequences created, changing the sequence's length every time we send a sample of each instance, assigning a random value to each sequence's elements.
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A Content Filtered Topic is a Topic with filtering properties. In this example we illustrate how to enable a Content Filtered Topic using a parameterized expression. We also illustrate how to change the value of these parameters at runtime.
22705 reads — 1 comment
In this example we illustrate how to increase the resource limits for working with complex type codes. We also show how to manipulate metadata describing the message type.
11338 reads — 1 comment
In RTI Connext there are three ways to receive data. In this example we illustrate the method known as polling for data, where the application checks for new data calling DataReader's read() or take() method.
9652 reads — 0 comments
Time-based filters allow you to specify that data should be delivered more than once per specified period. In this example, we illustrate how to set up a time-based filter in your DataReader to achieve a minimum separation of 2 seconds between samples of the same instance.
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