
This example shows how to configure a datawriter for asynchronous publication. This means that instead of sending a sample before returning from write(), the data is enqueued and sent according to a flow controller.
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This example shows how to define listeners for different entity classes (i.e., DomainParticipant, Topic, Publisher, DataWriter, Subscriber, and DataReader), adding methods for handling entity-specific statuses.
15982 reads — 0 comments
The Property QosPolicy is used to specify name/value pairs of data and attach them to an entity. This example shows how to use the Property QosPolicy to modify the send and receive socket buffer transport properties.
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This second example on Keyed Data shows how the Ownership QoS interacts with the registration, unregistration, and disposal of instance of multiple DataWriters. It also illustrates how the on_data_available callback on the DataReader can delegate to ther handlers based on instance state changes, and explains filtering mechanisms to read only certain keys.
7171 reads — 0 comments
Built-in Topics allow us to access some relevant information about Connext DDS entities, such as the access to application specific data in discovery. This example shows how USER_DATA QoS for security during discovery phase.
13989 reads — 1 comment
This example shows the combined use of Content Filters with the Deadline QoS, which specifies the updates you expect for a particular instance within a given period of time.
7341 reads — 0 comments
In this example we illustrate how to use the Partition QoS, which provides a way to control which DataWriters will match—and thus communicate with—which Data Writers.
16156 reads — 0 comments
This example illustrate how to use keyed data. In particular, in this example a single DataWriter creates three instances differentiated by the field "code", which is the field used as key.
8917 reads — 0 comments
get_publishers() allows the application to access all the publishers the participant has.
5881 reads — 0 comments
In this example, we create a publisher and a subscriber application that communicate using QoS profiles. We illustrate how to load XML-specified QoS from different files and how to create DDS entities using the profiles specified in them.
32842 reads — 0 comments


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