Using QoS Profiles


A QoS profile is a collection of QoS settings, usually one per entity, specified in XML format. For example:

<qos_profile name="StrictReliableCommunicationProfile">




By using QoS profiles, you can change QoS settings without recompiling the application.

Example description

In this example, we create a publisher and a subscriber application that communicate using two different QoS profiles: volatile_profile and transient_local_profile.

In the publisher application we create a DomainParticipant and a Publisher. With this Publisher, we create two DataWriters that use volatile_profile and transient_local_profile QoS, respectively. Accordingly, in the subscriber application, we create a DomainParticipant and a Subscriber, from which we create two DataReaders that use volatile_profile and transient_local_profile QoS, respectively.

We have defined these two QoS profiles in two different files, USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml and my_custom_qos_profiles.xml, to illustrate some of the different ways in which the DomainParticipantFactory may load XML-specified QoS into your application.

USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml includes the definition of volatile_profile, which enables VOLATILE_DURABILITY QoS for both DataWriters and DataWriters. The DomainParticipantFactory loads this file automatically if it exists in the working directoy, i.e., if we run the application from the directory where USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml is. In the definition of volatile_profile, we set is_default_qos="true" to enable its policies as the default QoS. As a result, when we create an entity using DDS_<entity_name>_QOS_DEFAULT in our example, we implicitly using the volatile_profile.

my_custom_qos_profiles.xml includes the definition of transient_local_profile, which enables TRANSIENT_LOCAL_DURABILITY QoS for both DataWriters and DataWriter. We also include a profile called transient_profile. Although this profile is not used throughout the example, we use it to illustrate how an individual QoS or profile can inherit values from other QoSs or profiles described in the XML file. Unlike USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml, the XML-specified QoSs defined in my_custom_qos_profiles.xml are not loaded automatically by the DomainParticipantFactory. We need to modify the DDSTheParticipantFactory Profile QoSPolicy so it can find the QoS policies defined in different XML files.

 factory_qos.profile.url_profile[0] =

Note that url_profile is a sequence, so in the example above we are only adding an XML file to the first element of the sequence.

If you run the example you will see that the DataReader using volatile_profile reads the examples published by both volatile and transient_local_profile DataWriters, whereas the transient_local_profile DataReader reads only the samples published by the transient_local DataWriter. The reason behind this behavior the value offered is considered compatible with the value requested if and only if the inequality offered kind >= requested kind evaluates to 'TRUE'. For the purposes of this inequality, the values of DURABILITY kind are considered ordered such that:


For more information on Durability QoS check the API Reference documentation.

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