Adjusting RTI_RECORDER XML to Write a single topic's data to separate tables based on some criteria

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Joined: 08/03/2017
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Adjusting RTI_RECORDER XML to Write a single topic's data to separate tables based on some criteria

We have an existing RTI_Recorder XML file that writes individual topic data to a corresponding table in a database. It does it for the majority of our topics but I was wondering if it is possible to set this XML to split a particular topic's data into multiple tables based on some criteria. In this instance a machineId (which is part of the DDS topic). 

So I have a Topic AnalogInputs. This topic's data can come from various machines with different machine IDs. The table on domain 3 (that receives data from all machines connected to the network) is getting to large to manage and query effectively. I am wondering if it is possible to split this table up into several tables based on machineID? 

Thanks for any guidance.

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/15/2013
Posts: 94


SQLite offers indexing and view capabilities, as you may already know. Recorder allows you to create indexes while recording, on selected fields (e.g. your machineID). This can help speed up your SELECT queries based on machineID. Take a look at section 4.8.1 in Recording Service's User's Manual.

If this is not an option, you can also take advantage of SQL itself, by creating a view. SQLite allows the creation of views, this is, virtual tables based on some criteria. This criteria could be a machineID. See the CREATE VIEW syntax in SQLite (

Outside of these two mechanisms, I don't think much can be done, because you would need to use content-filtered topics and Recorder doesn't offer an integration with them.

I hope this helps. Thanks,
