I'm able to subscribe to a topic, and specify the partition in the "Create Subscription" dialog. I'm then able to see the messages arrive in the sample logs. If I set the partition to what I know is correct, I see the messages, and if I set it to something incorrect, I don't see the messages.
Is there a way to have Admin Console show which partition the messages are on? For example, Admin Console allows you to add Domain as one of the columns in the Sample Log, but I don't see an option to add Partition.
I'm often changing partitions around since I'm in development, and having admin console tell me which partition the message was received on would be helpful.
You can find the partition information in the QoS settings window in Admin Console. It is under the publisher/subscriber QoS section. You have to select the writer/reader in order to view its QoS settings.
So, the Partition QoS is not applied at the message level. There is no concept of "sending a message in a partition". Note that there can be multiple partition values set for the Partition QoS at the same time.
The Partition QoS is used in the connection logic of a DataWriter to a DataReader. Whether or not the data sent by a DataWriter is delivered to a DataReader depends on several factors including
1) must be same topic
2) must have compatible QoS settings
3) DataWriter's Publisher's Partitions must intersect with DataReader's Subscriber's Partitions
If all 3 are true, the DataWriter and DataReader are "matched" and then any data sent by the DataWriter will be received by the DataReader,
Again, there is no Partition attribute attached to data samples. Partitions are an attribute for the publication (Topic/DataWriter/Publisher) and subscription (Topic/DataReader/Subscriber).
So as Mike stated in his response, to find out this information, you need to figure out
1) what DataWriter sent the data
2) look up the DataWriter's Publisher
3) look at the Partition QoS set for the Publisher
Thanks, both of these comments were helpful.