domain id locked

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Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 05/20/2020
Posts: 7
domain id locked

is it possible for a domain id getting locked?

app A is publishing msg on domain id 23 but on app B admin console unable to receive d msg, 

however when i change app A to pub on another domain 24, now app B admin console is able to receive the msg.

i am wondering what is happening to domain id 23?

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Last seen: 12 hours 9 min ago
Joined: 11/29/2012
Posts: 626

Are the apps and Admin Console running on the same host?  How many apps are running in the same domain?  On a single host, how many apps are running in that domain?

Are the apps and Admin Console all using the default Discovery and transport configuration?  If you are configuring the apps not to use multicast on UDP, then you may be running into a max participant index discovery issue.

See this post:

(but it doesn't apply if your apps are using multicast for discovery...which is on by default)

Otherwise, there is no "locking" of a domain ID.