Dose RTI Connext DDS Micro can communication with RTI Connext DDS?
Dose RTI Connext DDS Micro can communication with RTI Connext DDS? If I want RTI Connext DDS Micro to communication with RTI Connext DDS, What do I need to do?
Yes, they can. If you have configured your Connext Micro app with the DPDE discovery plugin, then there is nothing that you generally need to do. Please read the documentation for the Micro version that you are using about configuring the DPDE plugin such as:
Yes, they can. If you have configured your Connext Micro app with the DPDE discovery plugin, then there is nothing that you generally need to do. Please read the documentation for the Micro version that you are using about configuring the DPDE plugin such as:
Also, there is a section that describes the interperability of Connext Micro with Connext Pro: