I am testing the example "using_qos_profile" in Eclipse and it works perfect, but when I open a terminal and run "./profile_publisher" it gives me errors?
Is it something that I miss in configuring the environment? I have the NDDSHOME as /home/jtnguyen/rti_connext_dds-5.2.3, and my license.dat is in that directory also.
Any ideas? Thanks
Hi Joseph,
Can you share the error message that you get when you run your
executable? Note that Connext DDS only loads automatically USER_QOS_PROFILE.xml files when they are contained in the working directory, so you need to run from there. Likewise, in the example code the example is expecting my_custom_qos_profiles.xml to be in the working directory:Therefore, you must run the executable from the folder that contains both XML. Here is how:
Alternatively, you can load the files from a different directory specifying the path to the files that you load into url_profile.
Let me know if this works for you.
Oh wow, you are so right, and I've been digging everywhere else for the whole day. Yep, one has to run from the directory where the xml file is resided.
Thanks Fernando.