License-free version?

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Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 03/08/2013
Posts: 8
License-free version?


I just wanted to quickly check whether there is a version of RTI DDS to download which does not require a license file. I do have a valid license, yet we would require a more lightweight, license-free installation for some scenarios.
Unfortunately I am a bit overwhelmed with the different options to download in the customer center and I cannot find a document which explains what these different versions actually do.

We only require :

  • rtiddsgen to parse IDL files
  • c++ headers and libs to build applications which run basic data communication + distributed logging service

No GUI's/Tools required whatsoever.

I would appreciate it if you could point me to the correct file to download. If there is no license-free installation for my usecase, I would alsp appreciate a hint to a more lightweight installation for my above described needs, the "RTI Connext DDS Professional 5.0.0 for Linux" installation takes up 1.6 GB on my drive.


Thanks, Ulrich

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Last seen: 3 days 12 hours ago
Joined: 04/06/2012
Posts: 324

Hi Ulrich,

The answer to that is going to be dependent on when the question is asked -- we do occasionally change our business practices and licensing models, and so any answer I give here may no longer be valid, if someone searches the forum with a similar question at a later date.

So, please contact your local account manager to get an up-to-date response.

And, since that's me, check your email :) as I've answered there first.
