Logs and log location for routing service

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/12/2015
Posts: 5
Logs and log location for routing service

Does rti routing service generates any logs ? If yes, what will be location for these logs. 

Also, if there are no logs what is way to debug the actions of routing service. 



Fernando Garcia's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago
Joined: 05/18/2011
Posts: 200

Hi Biswanath,

There are different ways in which you can access RTI Routing Service's logging messages. Here are two simple options:

  • By default logging messages should be printed out in the terminal where you are running the service, but the default verbosity level does not debugging information. To increase the verbosity level running RTI Routing Service as follows:
    rtiroutingservice -cfgFile<cfg_file> -cfgName <cfg_name> -verbosity <verbosity_level>
    There are 7 different verbosity levels:
    • 0 - silent
    • 1 - exceptions (DDS and service)
    • 2 - warnings (service)
    • 3 - information (service)
    • 4 - warnings (DDS and service)
    • 5 - tracing (service)
    • 6 - tracing (DDS and service)
  • If you enable RTI Distributed Logger you can publish logging messages over DDS and subscribe to these with RTI Admin Console or RTI Monitor. To enable RTI Distributed Logger add the following to your configuration:
    <routing_service name="<your_configuration_name>"
    Note that filter level will set the verbosity level that is published (e.g., WARNING, DEBUG, NOTICE, INFO, or ERROR).

Please, let me know if this helps you find the data you need.


Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/12/2015
Posts: 5

Thanks Fernando, I used to verbosity level to get holds of the logs. Thanks again.