I have three different RTI's running with one of the RTI's putting out continuous data and I get the following error
NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_receive_rEA:OS recvfrom() failure, error 0
NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_receive_rEA:OS recvfrom() failure, error 0
NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_receive_rEA:OS recvfrom() failure, error 0
All reader and writers continue to match.
If I stop the RTI that is putting out continuous data the error stops repeating. The other two RTI's
reader and writers never disconnect. What is the significance of the above error?
check the size of the underlying IP stack's UDP recv buffer. There is an XML config setting for that.
Search for recv_socket_buffer_size in the manual.
You're probably overloading the socket receive buffer, and one of the incoming packets is fragmented and can't be correctly parsed by the UDP transport.