.net 2.0 examples depend upon .net 4.0

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Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/22/2014
Posts: 1
.net 2.0 examples depend upon .net 4.0

I can't seem to generate example C# code that doesn't depend upon .net 4.0.  Even the sample code, \rticonnextdds-examples\listeners\cd code, generates an example that gives me the following warnings for the publisher and subscriber code.

Warning 2 The referenced project 'listeners_type' is targeting a higher framework version (4.0) than this project’s current target framework version (2.0). This may lead to build failures if types from assemblies outside this project’s target framework are used by any project in the dependency chain. listeners_subscriber-csharp

My generation command is: rtiddsgen -language C# -ppDisable -inputIdl listeners.idl -example i86Win32dotnet2.0

Same problem when I generate using -example s64Win64dotnet2.0.

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and I have Visual Studio 2008 installed for .net 2.0 support.

Any thoughts?

Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/10/2010
Posts: 32


Are you building the resulting applications within VS2008 (SP1 installed)?  You will need to do this in order to support the .NET2.0.  Please refer to the Platform Notes guide for details on the specific versions of Visual Studio with regard to the generated code that rtiddsgen provides.

Here is a link to that manual:  PDF

