Routing Service behavior on LAN Disconnect

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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 06/10/2014
Posts: 49
Routing Service behavior on LAN Disconnect


We're using routing service to bridge between domains in our system.  I'm creating an auto topic route to forward all topics both ways between domains.  But I'm having an issue getting Routing Service to propagate disposed/unregistered samples when I disconnect the LAN.  

I'm using a simple test with 2 computers (running Ubuntu). Each computer is connected to the same LAN with a dhcp server.  I have a single DDS application running on each computer that creates a participant in domain 2 and discovery is configured so that the application can only discover participants running on the same host.  I also have routing service running on each computer with a route to bridge both ways between domain 2 and 3.  (The "outward" facing participants of route are configured so that they will discover each other). I have one application that publishes samples to a topic and the other subscribes to that topic.  When the LAN is connected everything works and I'm able to get data through the routing service bridge.  If I stop the publishing application, routing service propagates a "disposed" sample that the subscriber receives.  However, If I disconnect the LAN cable from the computer running the subscribing application, the application does not get a "disposed" sample.  If I run rtiddsspy, I don't see any changes in the writer or data.  When I reconnect the LAN cable, the subscribing application then gets a "disposed" sample, followed by an "alive" sample.   It seems like routing service is holding onto the disposed sample.  In the documentation it says that propagate_dispose and propagate_unregister are true by default so I don't understand why the reader isn't getting a disposed sample.

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has any ideas on this.

Thanks in advance,

Anne Fiore


Last seen: 1 month 6 days ago
Joined: 04/02/2013
Posts: 196

Hi Anne,

Are you disconnecting the cable from the computer running the subscribing application or the publishing application?


Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 06/10/2014
Posts: 49

Hi Alex,

I am disconnecting the lan cable from the computer running the subscribing application. I've tried some other QOS settings (publish_with_original_info, publish_with_original_timestamp) but am still not getting a dispose/unregister on disconnect. But it does get sent after lan reconnect.

