Use of Recording Service collected data for component test

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 09/16/2015
Posts: 27
Use of Recording Service collected data for component test

Hi there,

we are planning to use data recorded via the Recording Service to support component level tests. Using the Replay service does not seem to be suitable because during playback the replay tool should publish topics in a synchronized way. Example: the component under test publishes topic A and, as a consequence, a subscriber (the test tool) should publish topic B that is subscribed to by the component under test. If I've well understool, the replay tool allows to configure the publication rate (same as recorded or different rate), but it does not allow to define such correlation rules. In addition the test tool we're thinkng of should check the data published by the component under test against expected data (that is, the data recorded by the Recording Service in a previous live run).

The test tool we're planning to develop should use the data collected by the Recording Service and stored in a SQLLite database file. A further complication is that we need to record the topic in their serialized form (some are too big due to the presence of sequences and cannot be stored in their deserialized format). We see two different solutions:

  1. the tool should be able to publish the topic passing to the data writer the topic instance in its serialized form
  2. a topic level API allows to create a topic instance from its serialized form (a helper method like: T dds::topic::deserialize(const u_char* ser_buff, const size_t ser_length))

Is that possible, even using RTI specific extension ? Any suggestion of different approach that can be adopted ?

Best regards
