[Edit, my bad performance was related to printf, so no issue with performance]
Hi everyone,
I am measuring memory leak of my system on vxWorks with RTI ME 2.2.3.
I construct a participant, a datareader and writer using dpse and when cleaning all, it seems that certain ressources are not freed.
I will add some logs.
So i make a test where i create a participant, a subscriber, a datareader, a topic plus entities like udp_properties, dpde discovery as in helloworld.
When deleting all, it seems some ressources are not free'd.
I am using memory analyzer of vxworks.
For example, it says that all ressources allocated in DDS_DomainParticipant_db_init is not free'd.
Lest do it by order of potential leaks (with same test as above):
1/ in DPDE_DiscoveryPlugin_after_local_participant_created -> DPDE_SubscriptionDiscovery_after_local_participant_created (4504 Bytes not free'd)
--> WHSM_HistoryFactory_create_component
--> DDS_DatawriterInterfaceFactory_create_component
Hi Rodolf,
Can you confirm that all of your function calls to delete DDS entities are returning DDS_RETCODE_OK? Your leak may be indicative of an unsuccessful delete. Feel free to share any of your code for me to review.
Hi Edward,
All calls to delete/finalize are OK.
As it is a bit old, I have to redo the test.