Weird discovery problem

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Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 06/20/2019
Posts: 2
Weird discovery problem


I have a weird problem with discovery. Using DDS 6.0 java.

I have 2 computers each running DDS app and both having trouble discovering each other reliably, I have to restart the apps a couple of times to make them connect to each other. To determine their connectivity, I print out the the SubscriptionMatchedStatus to see the alive_count_change. Sometimes there is matches sometimes there isn't.   

However, I have a workaround for this. If i create a participant for each topic, both computer will be able to reliably discover and communicate with each other without any issues but I am trying to avoid using this workaround as I will need to create 50 participants as I have 50 topics. 

Could it be my QoS settings? Any tips on how to debug this issues. Thanks.

jmorales's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 08/28/2013
Posts: 61

Could you add some information about the network topology? Is this just a simple LAN with the 2 laptops connected to the same switch? Are you using multicast for the discovery? Can you reproduce the same behavior with a simple hello World application for Connext DDS 6.0.0 and Java?