Using TPM 1.2 with DDS Secure

The attached PDF describes all the steps required to use a hardware Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 1.2 to protect the identity of domain participants in a system built on top of RTI Connext DDS Secure.

The attached PDF gives step by step instructions on how to use the TPM 1.2 chip available in many business-class PCs. Note that modern computers might have a chipset implementing the newer specification of the TPM (2.0). Refer to the separate HOWTO document to work with TPM 2.0.


Table of contents:

1. Introduction
2. Preparing the hardware
    2.1. Reset the TPM to factory default
    2.2. Verify the OS can access the TPM
    2.3. Install the required software
    2.4. Activate the TPM
3. Build DDS Secure (for RTI Connext DDS Secure versions older than 6.0.1)
4. Certificate creation
5. Prepare the test application
6. Run the test application
    6.1. Remove the SRK Prompt
7. Conclusions