ICS-CERT Security Notice ICS-VU-575352 / VU#770071

The security and integrity of the systems built using RTI Connext DDS is of the utmost importance to us. Periodically we will inform you of newly identified vulnerabilities in our software and about RTI-released fixes.

If you received ICS-CERT Security Notice ICS-VU-575352/ VU#770071, or are inquiring about OMG issue DDSIRTP26-6 or issues reported at Black Hat Europe 2021 or S4 conferences, please contact support@rti.com. RTI has a fix available for these issues, as well as for others discovered through our internal testing. We also have suggested mitigations if you are unable to apply a patch now.

RTI customers can subscribe to security notices by sending an email to security@rti.com.