I want to use the Baseline of default QoS config in the XML file in Version 6.0.1.Becasue as we known, LabVIEW toolkit 3.1.1 uses internally Connext DDS 6.0.1.
But I could not find it in RTI website or RTI Community.
Could anyone send me the file named BuiltinProfiles.documentationONLY.xml?Thanks so much.
Hi Chris, that file is available in your <installation directory>\rti_connext_dds-6.0.1\resource\xml\BuiltinProfiles.documentationONLY.xml
It is available on any commercial or trial installation of Connext DDS. So you can download a free trial and get the file that way, if you don't have Connext currently installed: https://www.rti.com/free-trial
Thank you for the response.