A Cloud-enabled Coordination Service for Internet-scale OMG DDS applications
The OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS), which is a standard specification for data-centric publish/subscribe communications, has shown promise for use in internet of things (IoT) applications because of its loosely coupled and scalable nature, and support for multiple QoS properties, such as reliable and real-time message delivery in dynamic environments. However, the current OMG DDS specification does not define coordination and discovery services for DDS message brokers, which are used in wide area network deployments of DDS. This paper describes preliminary research on a cloud-enabled coordination service for DDS message brokers, PubSubCoord, to overcome these limitations. Our approach provides a novel solution that brings together (a) ZooKeeper, which is used for the distributed coordination logic between message brokers, (b) DDS Routing Service, which is used to bridge DDS endpoints connected to different networks, and (c) BlueDove, which is used to provide a single-hop message delivery between brokers. Our design can support publishers and subscribers that dynamically join and leave their subnetworks.