
By default, RTI Connext Micro will let the Network stack select the interface that will be used to receive multicast traffic. This is done by simply using INADDR_ANY (which translates to when setting the socket option to join a multicast group (that is IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP). While this works ...
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There are three steps to take to configure Connext Micro not to use multicast. Set disable_auto_interface_config to true. Micro will scan the system for available interfaces and use them. Note, however, when this is set to true, Micro relies on just the manually added interfaces. Add an interface ...
1376 reads — 0 comments
Unlike Connext DDS Professional, Connext DDS Micro only supports finite resource limits to ensure that memory growth is bounded. Configuring these limits is therefore an important part of the system design. Here are some considerations to help you determine the optimal resource limits: How many ...
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Some requirements for building a complex IIoT system are outside the scope of a stand-alone middleware. In order to support these system-level requirements, RTI created a suite of tools that accelerate development for the most complex use cases, including those using Connext DDS Micro due to ...
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In RTI Connext Micro , an external RTPS interface parses RTPS messages from other DomainParticipants and passes them to an internal RTPS session based on the received GUID. Each participant creates 1 external interface. Micro has a limit of 16 external RTPS interfaces, which implies a maximum of 16 ...
2545 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS Micro 3.x and above Configuration via external files often isn’t allowed in certified applications, such as those used by the automotive industry. In such cases, the keys, governance, and permissions configuration used by RTI Security Plugins should be specified ...
3008 reads — 2 comments
In RTI Connext DDS 6.0.0, the RTPS version has been changed to 2.3. This RTPS version is propagated during the discovery process and is verified by the receiving Connext DDS or Connext DDS Micro application to verify compatibility. In Connext DDS Micro 2.4.11 and earlier, this check is hard-coded ...
43269 reads — 0 comments
This solution describes steps to configure RTI Recording Service to record topics published by RTI Connext DDS Micro for post data-analysis and debugging. RTI Connext DDS Micro provides a small-footprint modular messaging solution for resource-limited devices. It supports a subset of the standard ...
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