
Endpoint Discovery uses either unicast or multicast, depending on the situation. First, some background: Endpoint Discovery is the process used by endpoints (that is, DataReaders and DataWriters ) to locate each other before they can begin to communicate user data. When a DomainParticipant is ...
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In short, by default, one copy of a sample is sent per transport locator, where a transport locator uniquely identifies a transport-level destination and is composed of <transport class>://<transport address>: <communication port> . For example, for UDPv4 a transport locator could ...
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Note: The ports used are different between RTI Connext 4.x and NDDS 3.x. RTI Connext The built-in UDP transport in RTI Connext 4.x and above uses port numbers that are based on the domain ID and participant ID. Because the RTPS spec changed, the mapping is different before and after Version 4.2 of ...
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