RTI Connext Modern C++ API  Version 6.0.0
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Entity Use Cases

The following #includes are needed for the examples on this page

#include <dds/domain/ddsdomain.hpp>

Changing the QoS for an entity

The QoS for an entity can be specified at entity creation time. Once an entity has been created, its QoS can be manipulated as the following examples illustrate. A DataWriter is used in these examples, but the same can be applied to DomainParticipants, Subscribers, Publishers, DataReaders, and Topics.

Changing the listener and enabling/disabling statuses associated with it

The listener for an entity can be specified at the entity creation time. By default the listener is enabled for all the statuses supported by the entity.

Once an entity has been created, its listener and/or the statuses for which it is enabled can be manipulated as follows.

The following examples use a DomainParticipant but the same examples can be applied to all other entities (Subscribers, Publishers, DataReaders, DataWriters, and Topics)

Enabling/Disabling statuses associated with a status condition

Upon entity creation, by default, all the statuses are enabled for the DDS_StatusCondition associated with the entity.

Once an entity has been created, the list of statuses for which the DDS_StatusCondition is triggered can be manipulated as follows.

Ignoring Entities

A Topic is used in this example, but each of the other entities (DomainParticipants, Publishers, Subscribers, and DataWriters) also have an ignore() method which takes the DomainParticipant and InstanceHandle(s) of the entities that are to be ignored

Tearing Down An Entity

The following examples use a DomainParticipant to show the various patterns which exist to tear down an entity, but the same examples can also be applied when shutting down Subscribers, Publishers, DataReaders, DataWriters, and Topics

RTI Connext Modern C++ API Version 6.0.0 Copyright © Sun Mar 3 2019 Real-Time Innovations, Inc