2.2.9. Step 9: Working with RTI Security Plugins

Admin Console is prepared to work with the RTI Security Plugins, allowing you to subscribe to those topics just like any other Connext DDS entity. Before Using RTI Security Plugins in Admin Console

In order to use security in Admin Console, you must install the RTI Security Plugins; for more information see Security Preferences. Configuring Security in Admin Console

Admin Console will use the Security configuration specified on the Preferences page, under the “Security” section. The following image shows the Security Preferences page:

Security preferences

To use the Security Plugins with Admin Console, you must fill in the data on this page. The following list describes all the fields that appear in the Security Preferences dialog.

  • Enable Security for specified Domains: By default, security is disabled. This checkbox will enable security or not according to the provided domain filter.

  • Domain Filter: Provides the Domains on which security must be enabled in Admin Console. Only the domains specified in this field will use security. Use “*” to specify all the domains (this is the default value). To only use specific domains, specify each one separated by a comma, for example, “0,1,2”; or specify a range of domains, such as “0-2”.

  • Shared Secret Algorithm: The algorithm used to establish a shared secret during authentication.

  • Identity Certificate Authority: Provides Admin Console’s DomainParticipants with the Identity CA.

  • Certificate Revocation List: Provides a Certificate Revocation List to Admin Console with information about the digital certificates that have been revoked before their scheduled expiration date and should no longer be trusted.

  • Private key: Provides the Private Key that Admin Console’s DomainParticipants must use.

  • Identity Certificate: Provides Admin Console’s DomainParticipants with a Private Key.

  • Password required: Indicates if a specific password must be used to decrypt the private key. When checked, the password provided in the password field will be used.

  • Password: Provides the password that will be used to decrypt the Private Key. If the password is wrong, Admin Console will fail to create the secure participants and will report this through the Console log.

  • Permissions Certificate Authority: Provides Admin Console’s DomainParticipants with the Permissions CA.

  • Governance Document: Provides Admin Console’s DomainParticipants with the Governance Document.

  • Permissions Document: Provides Admin Console’s DomainParticipants with the Permissions Document.

  • Encryption Algorighm: Indicates the algorithm that the sender uses for encryption transformation.

  • Security Logging Verbosity: Indicates the logging verbosity level.

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