14.3. What’s New in 7.3.0 LTS

Connext 7.3.0 LTS is a long-term support release that is built upon and combines all of the features in releases 7.0.0, 7.1.0, and 7.2.0 (see Previous Releases). See the Connext Releases page on the RTI website for more information on RTI’s software release model.

14.3.1. Routes that cross two instances of Routing Service now work by default

The <route_types> XML configuration tag is now true by default for Routes and Topic Routes. As a result, routes now provide the required type when discovered by the input or the output and passes it to the other side. In previous Connext versions, <route_types> was false by default, which made chaining Routing Services more difficult because it required providing types via XML for the routes connecting two Routing Service instances.

14.3.2. Support for RTI FlatData and Zero Copy Transfer Over Shared Memory with Discovered Types

Previously, enabling Routing Service to function with RTI FlatData language binding and Zero Copy transfer over shared memory required manual type definition in the XML configuration, including proper annotations. Also, the type had to be registered manually in each DomainParticipant.

Routing Service can now use FlatData and Zero Copy without manual configuration, even if the types are dynamically discovered. Therefore, there’s no need to know the types in advance.

For more information, see Support for RTI FlatData and Zero Copy Transfer Over Shared Memory.

14.3.3. C++ API class rti::apputils::LogConfig deprecated

The Routing Service C++ API class rti::apputils::LogConfig has been deprecated.

Any existing code using that class must be updated to use the class rti::routing::log::LogConfig instead.