RTI Connext DDS Micro  Version 2.4.6
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Sequence Support

Defines sequence interface and primitive data types sequences. More...

Data Structures

struct  FooSeq
 <<interface>> <<generic>> <<cert>> A type-safe, ordered collection of elements. The type of these elements is referred to in this documentation as "Foo". More...


 An initializer for new sequence instances. More...


DDS_Boolean FooSeq_initialize (struct FooSeq *self)
 <<cert>> Initialize sequence instances. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_finalize (struct FooSeq *self)
 Finalize sequence instances. More...
DDS_Long FooSeq_get_maximum (const struct FooSeq *self)
 <<cert>> Get the current maximum number of elements that can be stored in this sequence. The maximum of the sequence represents the maximum number of elements that the underlying buffer can hold. It does not represent the current number of elements. The maximum is a non-negative number. It is initialized when the sequence is first created and can only be changed by mean of the FooSeq_set_maximum operation. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_maximum (struct FooSeq *self, DDS_Long new_max)
 <<cert>> Resize this sequence to a new desired maximum. More...
DDS_Long FooSeq_get_length (const struct FooSeq *self)
 <<cert>> Get the logical length of this sequence. Get the length that was last set, or zero if the length has never been set. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_length (struct FooSeq *self, DDS_Long new_length)
 <<cert>> Change the length of this sequence. More...
Foo * FooSeq_get_reference (const struct FooSeq *self, DDS_Long i)
 <<cert>> Get the pointer to the i-th element of this sequence. More...
struct FooSeqFooSeq_copy (struct FooSeq *self, const struct FooSeq *src_seq)
 Copy elements from another sequence, resizing the sequence if necessary. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_is_equal (struct FooSeq *self, struct FooSeq *other)
 Checks whether two sequences have the same contents. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_loan_contiguous (struct FooSeq *self, void *buffer, DDS_Long new_length, DDS_Long new_max)
 Loan a contiguous buffer to this sequence. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_loan_discontiguous (struct FooSeq *self, void *buffer, DDS_Long new_length, DDS_Long new_max)
 Loan a discontiguous buffer to this sequence. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_unloan (struct FooSeq *self)
 Return the loaned buffer in the sequence and set the maximum to 0. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_has_ownership (const struct FooSeq *self)
 Return the value of the owned flag. More...
Foo * FooSeq_get_contiguous_buffer (struct FooSeq *self)
 Access the internal buffer of a sequence. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_contiguous_buffer (struct FooSeq *self, Foo *buffer)
 Set the internal buffer of a sequence. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_has_discontiguous_buffer (const struct FooSeq *self)
 Check whether a sequence uses a contiguous or discontiguous buffer for its elements. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_token (const struct FooSeq *self, void *token1, void *token2)
 Sets tokens on a sequence. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_get_token (const struct FooSeq *self, void **token1, void **token2)
 Gets tokens of a sequence. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_ensure_length (struct FooSeq *self, DDS_Long length, DDS_Long max)
 Set the sequence to the desired length, and resize the sequence if necessary. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_from_array (struct FooSeq *self, const Foo array[], RTI_INT32 length)
 Copy elements from an array of elements, resizing the sequence if necessary. The original contents of the sequence (if any) are replaced. More...
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_to_array (struct FooSeq *self, const Foo array[], RTI_INT32 length)
 Copy elements to an array of elements. The original contents of the array (if any) are replaced. More...

Detailed Description

Defines sequence interface and primitive data types sequences.

Macro Definition Documentation


An initializer for new sequence instances.

This constant will initialize a new sequence to a valid empty state. C language users should assign it to uninitialized sequence instances before using them, at the time they are declared, or use FooSeq_initialize as an alternative functionto initialize new sequences.

Function Documentation

DDS_Boolean FooSeq_initialize ( struct FooSeq self)

<<cert>> Initialize sequence instances.

Use this function to initialize new sequences to a valid emptu state. C users should initialize sequences before using them.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
See Also
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_finalize ( struct FooSeq self)

Finalize sequence instances.

Use this function to finalize sequences by releasing any resource claimed during initialization. C users should always finalize sequences before discarding references to them.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
DDS_Long FooSeq_get_maximum ( const struct FooSeq self)

<<cert>> Get the current maximum number of elements that can be stored in this sequence. The maximum of the sequence represents the maximum number of elements that the underlying buffer can hold. It does not represent the current number of elements. The maximum is a non-negative number. It is initialized when the sequence is first created and can only be changed by mean of the FooSeq_set_maximum operation.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
the current maximum of the sequence.
See Also
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_maximum ( struct FooSeq self,
DDS_Long  new_max 

<<cert>> Resize this sequence to a new desired maximum.

This operation does nothing if the new desired maximum matches the current maximum. If this sequence owns its buffer and the new maximum is not equal to the old maximum, then the existing buffer will be freed and re-allocated.

length == MINIMUM(original length, new_max)
self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
new_maxMust be >= 0.
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE on success, DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE if the preconditions are not met. In that case the sequence is not modified.
DDS_Long FooSeq_get_length ( const struct FooSeq self)

<<cert>> Get the logical length of this sequence. Get the length that was last set, or zero if the length has never been set.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
the length of the sequence
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_length ( struct FooSeq self,
DDS_Long  new_length 

<<cert>> Change the length of this sequence.

This functiondoes not allocate/deallocate memory. The new length must not exceed the maximum of this sequence as returned by the FooSeq_get_maximum operation. (Note that, if necessary, the maximum of this sequence can be increased manually by using the FooSeq_set_maximum operation.) The elements of the sequence are not modified by this operation. If the new length is larger than the original length, the new elements will be uninitialized; if the length is decreased, the old elements that are beyond the new length will physically remain in the sequence but will not be accessible.

length = new_length.
self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
new_lengththe new desired length. This value must be non-negative and cannot exceed maximum of the sequence. In other words 0 <= new_length <= maximum
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE on sucess or DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE on failure
Foo* FooSeq_get_reference ( const struct FooSeq self,
DDS_Long  i 

<<cert>> Get the pointer to the i-th element of this sequence.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
iindex of element to access, must be >= 0 and less than FooSeq_get_length
the i-th element
struct FooSeq* FooSeq_copy ( struct FooSeq self,
const struct FooSeq src_seq 

Copy elements from another sequence, resizing the sequence if necessary.

This functioninvokes copies the content of the specified sequence, after ensuring that this sequence has enough capacity to hold the elements to be copied. will allocate memory if this::maximum < src_seq::length. Therefore, to programatically detect the successful completion of the operator it is recommended that the application first sets the length of this sequence to zero, makes the assignment, and then checks that the length of this sequence matches that of src_seq.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
src_seq<<in>> the sequence from which to copy
self, this sequence
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_is_equal ( struct FooSeq self,
struct FooSeq other 

Checks whether two sequences have the same contents.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
other<<in>>. Sequence that will be compared to this one.
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE if the two sequences have the same contents, DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE otherwise or if an error occurred.
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_loan_contiguous ( struct FooSeq self,
void *  buffer,
DDS_Long  new_length,
DDS_Long  new_max 

Loan a contiguous buffer to this sequence.

This operation changes the owned flag of the sequence to DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE and also sets the underlying buffer used by the sequence. See the user's manual for more information about sequences and memory ownership. Use this functionif you want to manage the memory used by the sequence yourself. You must provide an array of elements and integers indicating how many elements are allocated in that array (i.e. the maximum) and how many elements are valid (i.e. the length). The sequence will subsequently use the memory you provide and will not permit it to be freed by a call to FooSeq_set_maximum. to wrap stack memory with a sequence interface, thereby avoiding dynamic memory allocation. Create a FooSeq and an array of type Foo and then loan the array to the sequence:

struct Foo fooArray[10];
struct ::FooSeq fooSeq = ::DDS_SEQUENCE_INITIALIZER;
::FooSeq_loan_contiguous(&fooSeq, fooArray, 0, 10);

By default, a sequence you create owns its memory unless you explicitly loan memory of your own to it. In a very few cases, RTI Connext Micro will return a sequence to you that has a loan; those cases are documented as such. For example, if you call FooDataReader_read or FooDataReader_take and pass in sequences with no loan and no memory allocated, RTI Connext Micro will loan memory to your sequences which must be unloaned with FooDataReader_return_loan. See the documentation of those functionsfor more information.

FooSeq_get_maximum == 0; i.e. the sequence has no memory allocated to it.
FooSeq_has_ownership == DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE; i.e. the sequence does not already have an outstanding loan
The sequence will store its elements in the buffer provided.
FooSeq_has_ownership == DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE
FooSeq_get_length == new_length
FooSeq_get_maximum == new_max
self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
bufferThe new buffer that the sequence will use. Must point to enough memory to hold new_max elements of type Foo. It may be NULL if new_max == 0.
new_lengthThe desired new length for the sequence. It must be the case that that 0 <= new_length <= new_max.
new_maxThe allocated number of elements that could fit in the loaned buffer.
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE if buffer is successfully loaned to this sequence or DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE otherwise. Failure only occurs due to failing to meet the pre-conditions. Upon failure the sequence remains unmodified.
See Also
FooSeq_unloan, FooSeq_loan_discontiguous
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_loan_discontiguous ( struct FooSeq self,
void *  buffer,
DDS_Long  new_length,
DDS_Long  new_max 

Loan a discontiguous buffer to this sequence.

This functionis exactly like FooSeq_loan_contiguous except that the buffer loaned is an array of Foo pointers, not an array of Foo.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
bufferThe new buffer that the sequence will use. Must point to enough memory to hold new_max elements of type Foo*. It may be NULL if new_max == 0.
new_lengthThe desired new length for the sequence. It must be the case that that 0 <= new_length <= new_max.
new_maxThe allocated number of elements that could fit in the loaned buffer.
See Also
FooSeq_unloan, FooSeq_loan_contiguous
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_unloan ( struct FooSeq self)

Return the loaned buffer in the sequence and set the maximum to 0.

This functionaffects only the state of this sequence; it does not change the contents of the buffer in any way. Only the user who originally loaned a buffer should return that loan, as the user may have dependencies on that memory known only to them. Unloaning someone else's buffer may cause unspecified problems. For example, suppose a sequence is loaning memory from a custom memory pool. A user of the sequence likely has no way to release the memory back into the pool, so unloaning the sequence buffer would result in a resource leak. If the user were to then re-loan a different buffer, the original creator of the sequence would have no way to discover, when freeing the sequence, that the loan no longer referred to its own memory and would thus not free the user's memory properly, exacerbating the situation and leading to undefined behavior.

maximum == 0
self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE if the preconditions were met. Otherwise DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE. The function only fails if the pre-conditions are not met, in which case it leaves the sequence unmodified.
See Also
FooSeq_loan_contiguous, FooSeq_loan_discontiguous, FooSeq_set_maximum
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_has_ownership ( const struct FooSeq self)

Return the value of the owned flag.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE if sequence owns the underlying buffer, or DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE if it has an outstanding loan.
Foo* FooSeq_get_contiguous_buffer ( struct FooSeq self)

Access the internal buffer of a sequence.

Use this function to access the memory buffer that a sequence uses to store the values of its elements.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_contiguous_buffer ( struct FooSeq self,
Foo *  buffer 

Set the internal buffer of a sequence.

Use this function to replace the internal memory buffer that a sequence uses to store the values of its elements.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
buffer<<in>> the buffer assign to the sequence
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_has_discontiguous_buffer ( const struct FooSeq self)

Check whether a sequence uses a contiguous or discontiguous buffer for its elements.

DDS_Boolean FooSeq_set_token ( const struct FooSeq self,
void *  token1,
void *  token2 

Sets tokens on a sequence.

A token is an opaque pointer stored in the sequence. It has no meaning to the sequence and is not considered part of the content.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
token1The first token to associate with the sequence.
token2The second token to associate with the sequence.
See Also
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_get_token ( const struct FooSeq self,
void **  token1,
void **  token2 

Gets tokens of a sequence.

A token is an opaque pointer stored in the sequence. It has no meaning to the sequence and is not considered part of the content.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
token1The first token associated with the sequence
token2The second token associated with the sequence
See Also
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_ensure_length ( struct FooSeq self,
DDS_Long  length,
DDS_Long  max 

Set the sequence to the desired length, and resize the sequence if necessary.

If the current maximum is greater than the desired length, then sequence is not resized. Otherwise if this sequence owns its buffer, the sequence is resized to the new maximum by freeing and re-allocating the buffer. However, if the sequence does not own its buffer, this operation will fail. This function allows user to avoid unnecessary buffer re-allocation.

length <= max
owned == DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE if sequence needs to be resized
length == length
maximum == max if resized
self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
length<<in>> The new length that should be set. Must be >= 0.
max<<in>> If sequence need to be resized, this is the maximum that should be set. max >= length
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE on success, DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE if the preconditions are not met. In that case the sequence is not modified.
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_from_array ( struct FooSeq self,
const Foo  array[],
RTI_INT32  length 

Copy elements from an array of elements, resizing the sequence if necessary. The original contents of the sequence (if any) are replaced.

Fill the elements in this sequence by copying the corresponding elements in array. The original contents in this sequence are replaced via the element assignment operation (Foo_copy() function). By default, elements are discarded; 'delete' is not invoked on the discarded elements.

this::owned == DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE
this::length == length
this[i] == array[i] for 0 <= i < length
this::owned == DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE
self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
array<<in>> The array of elements to be copy elements from
length<<in>> The length of the array.
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE if the array was successfully copied; DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE otherwise.
DDS_Boolean FooSeq_to_array ( struct FooSeq self,
const Foo  array[],
RTI_INT32  length 

Copy elements to an array of elements. The original contents of the array (if any) are replaced.

Copy the elements of this sequence to the corresponding elements in the array. The original contents of the array are replaced via the element assignment operation (Foo_copy() function). By default, elements are discarded; 'delete' is not invoked on the discarded elements.

self<<in>> Cannot be NULL.
array<<in>> The array of elements to be filled with elements from this sequence
length<<in>> The number of elements to be copied.
DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE if the elements of the sequence were successfully copied; DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE otherwise.

RTI Connext DDS Micro Version 2.4.6 Copyright © Mon Jan 25 2016 Real-Time Innovations, Inc