Note: Applies to Connext DDS 5.x and above Sending TypeCode/TypeObject on the wire provides convenience over specifying the type via XML configuration, but has the disadvantage that more data must be sent during endpoint discovery. This can cause network congestion problems when the TypeCode/ ...
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Note: Applies to RTI Connext 5.2.0 and above. The following error: PRESParticipant_checkTransportInfoMatching:Warning: discovered remote participant 'yyyyy' using the 'shmem' transport with class ID 2. This class ID does not match the class ID 16777216 of the same transport in the local participant ...
54010 reads — 7 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. The following error: [D0004|CREATE Participant|D0004|ENABLE] NDDS_Transport_Shmem_is_segment_compatible:incompatible shared memory protocol detected. Current version 1.0 not compatible with 2.0. is caused when two applications, one using RTI Connext DDS 4 ...
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The minimum heap required to run a simple HelloWorld publisher and subscriber on an INTEGRITY system is about 11.3MB. Problem You run an example HelloWorld application and create_participant() returns NULL. When you increase the logging verbosity, you see messages such as: !create fast buffer pool ...
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