RTI Monitor Discovery Topics

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Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/06/2020
Posts: 5
Error 5007 occurred at Initializing Reader Failed: Unable to assert (find or create) a Participant


I get the Error 5007 occurred at Initializing Reader Failed: Unable to assert (find or create) a Participant while running RTI Connext DDS Monitoring Reader.vi

I know I need to enable monitoring, But I'm confused in doing that as mentionded in the file BuiltinProfiles.documentationONLY.xml

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Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 07/25/2011
Posts: 3
why cannot monitor data on Windows 7

I intend to use the monitor serivce which provided by RTI to monitor my DDS application. however, even i allocate the monitor library for the program and enable mobitor in QoS file, an error always poping up shown cannot open the monitor library. In addition, even the monitor can find the two computers when join the domain, but there is only DataWritter while my application is actually runnning normal.


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Frank J. Crow's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/08/2011
Posts: 12
RTI Monitor -- not discovering any topics on Linux

I've recently installed RTI DDS 4.5d on a RHEL 5.4 machine.   Whenever I run RTI Monitor, I am able to see all the hosts and participantsand such that I would expect to see.   Except that it never discovers any topics.   Even if I run the RTI shapes demo.   Same thing.


Oh and I never get any statistics in the Status Panel.


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