RTI Community Newsletter

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RTI Community Newsletter

If you're a registered member of the RTI Community, you received our first RTI Community Newsletter on Wesnesday. The goal of our newsletter is to keep you up to date on what's happening in the RTI Community. It's completely developer/user focused (no sales pitches). I've included a pdf of the June 2013 Newsletter for you to check out. Please excuse the fact that it's a pdf of my email (header and all!). I wanted to preserve the links, and this was the easiest way to accomplish that. 

If you'd like to receive the next issue of our Community Newsletter, sign up and become a member of the RTI Community! 

- Lacey

PDF icon June 2013 Community Update.pdf122.2 KB
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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 22


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RTI Community Updates

June 2013

State of the Community
Lacey Lacey Rae Trebaol, Engineer + Community Manager

If you've read the blog entry by CEO Stan Schneider, you already know we have many exciting things happening over on the RTI Community site. I'm really excited about the addition of a glossary to the Knowledge Base as well as this new developer-focused newsletter. When I say that the newsletter is going to be developer-focused, I mean it. No gimmicks, only technical content that's relevant to you – the users. Keep on reading and see for yourself.



Forum News
Gerardo Pardo, CTO

The community forum is a fantastic place to get help from other RTI Connext DDS users, discuss technical approaches to use-cases, and share your knowledge.  Your questions and insights can be very valuable to others! Recent threads have gotten into the deep technical details of the DDS API's, such as this post on the use of the DDS DynamicData API.  Others had insightful architecture and design discussions, such as approaches to DDS interface development using XML Application creation and offered great suggestions for product enhancements.  Keep them coming!



Best Practices
Rose Wahlin, Principal Software Engineer

We have been busy writing a new set of best practices for RTI Connext DDS.  Take a look to see how to best use Connext DDS for scalability, performance, and maintainability.



New Examples
Fernando Garcia Aranda, Software Engineer

To illustrate some of the many features of RTI Connext DDS we created the RTI Community Examples Repository in GitHub. You can contribute new examples and enhancements using your GitHub account. Once reviewed, your contributions will be automatically featured in the new examples section, located in the Knowledge Base on the RTI Community Portal.



We're Hiring!
Jan Van Bruaene, VP Engineering

If you fiddle with technology, have a passion for networking and developing software for distributed systems and want to build the underpinnings of the real-time industrial internet, we would love to talk to you. We're looking for talented software engineers in various functions: build and release, devops, core team, tools team and with security background. Check out the available positions and apply today.

RTI - Your systems. Working as one.

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Lacey Rae's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/26/2013
Posts: 22

The August 2013 Community Newsletter was sent out to all of our registered Community members this past week. You haven't seen this in your inbox? Become a registered member of the RTI Community and you'll receive all future issues!

Have a great day!

Lacey Rae

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Posts: 22

The October 2013 Community Newsletter was sent out last week. Did you get yours? We talked about the Internet of Things and how middleware fits into that equation, gave a DDS standards update, and much more. Sign up and become a registered member of the RTI Community to receive these updates!


Lacey Rae


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Posts: 22

Happy New Year! The January 2014 Community Update went out today. As usual, it's packed with valuable content such as OMG updates, webinar information, and more. Check it out! 




Lacey Rae

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 22

We just released a Special Edition of the Community Update - compltely full of information on our latest release, Connext DDS 5.1.0. Did you see it? If you're thinking of upgrading, or even a wee bit curious what this release could offer you in terms of enhanced capabilities and additional features, check it out! And don't forget to become a member of the community portal to ensure you never miss an update - sign up today!

Lacey Rae

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Posts: 22

The March 2014 Community Update was sent out yesterday to all registered community members. Not a member yet? There’s no time like the present— join now!

And while you're waiting for the next installment to be delivered to your inbox, you should go check out the RTI Blog and reply to this thread with some suggestions for topics you'd like to see us posting about.

Have a great day!

Lacey Rae

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/26/2013
Posts: 22

The April and July issues of the Community Update have been posted to the archives!

Wait...you're not receiving these? Oh no! You must not be a member of the RTI Community! Join today because missing a newsletter is something no person (or project!) should ever have to endure.

- Lacey Rae

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/26/2013
Posts: 22

September is fast approaching, and with it comes all the trappings of a new school year. Like many of you, I have tons of memories about back-to-school season. I have always truly relished in the beginning of a new school year: new teachers, classes, things to be learned, friends to make, and adventures to have. It made me feel like the world was completely bursting with opportunity, and it was up to me to jump in and take advantage of that.

It just so happens that we've been hard at work to give you a similar experience.

This month I'm excited to bring you a newsletter showcasing what's new at RTI: a new newsletter format, Connext Conference London, a Connext DDS Users Group, a new C++ API, and more (as though that's not enough!). 

Cheers to new adventures!

Lacey Trebaol, Community Manager