MDPnP OpenICE DDS writer-reader in C++

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afigar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
Joined: 11/24/2014
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MDPnP OpenICE DDS writer-reader in C++

Please point me on the right path if you´re so kind. I´m not a DDS expert nor a C++ advanced programmer. With my limited skills I´ve managed to write an read data published on Topics defined on OpenICE.idl with my own C++ code derived from modified examples obtained with RTIDDSgen.

So far, I´ve been able to publish data and see it on RTIDDSSpy program. I can send this program output if needed. But I haven´t been able to see this data on MDPnP demo-apps. I´ve also been able to read data published by my own program. My code has writer and listener capabilities.

I´m working on domain 15. All tests had been run on that domain.

Should I discover participants and topics, first?

Once I discovered a participant and a topic, I should publish data to that topic without creating it again?

Please Advise,


I´m using RTILive5.1 cd, using Eclipse and CDT.

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 94

Hi Afigar,

I'm not that familiar with the MDPnP demo software, but at RTI we do have a working example in our Case+Code section (use case examples) that you may be interested in:

Take a look and maybe you can detect the missing piece in your application ecosystem.



Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Hi Afigar,

Could you run RTI Admin Console and check that the name of the topics you create match those used by the MDPnP demo apps and that the QoS of the DataWriters and DataReaders is compatible? 

To answer your question, each separate application/exacutable/process needs to create its own DomainParticipant, thet Topics it will use and the DataWriters and DataReaders that use that Topic. 


burcu's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 5

Hi Afigar,

Let me make sure I understand your problem: You are able to publish to topics defined in ice.idl and you are able to see this data in RTIDDSSpy AND in your own subscriber application. But you are not able to see the data in MD PnP ICE Supervisor application? Is that the problem? Are you running the ICE supervisor application in the same domain? Are all these apps running on the same PC? Or is there a network involved? I am also curious to know how you are generating this data? Are you simulating or have medical devices? 

If you can send us your programs and step by step instructions to reproduce the problem, that will be great.



burcu's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 5


You should also check this post out for more debugging information:

Thank you.


afigar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
Joined: 11/24/2014
Posts: 2

Thank you all for your support! I'm on vacation right now. I'll come back in about a week. I'm not able to see my device on MDPnP  supervisor. I'm on the same domain. I've learned from MDPnP java sources that I must use qos profiles but I hadn't implemented them yet. I think that might solve my problem. I have my own c++ program to get data from Phillips intellivue monitor but I hadn't published data with this app yet. I need to publish data with rosetta nomenclature first. Thanks!