AdminConsole feature request

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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 01/28/2016
Posts: 9
AdminConsole feature request


Apologies in advance if this is not the correct forum to post feature requests for the AdminConsole.  The AdminConsole "Data Visualization Perspective" has been a great tool for our team.  One feature that we'd like to see is a way to plot 2 Topic fields against each other (e.g. FooX vs FooY).  Currently, as far as we can tell, the tool only allows plotting against time.  We realize that this could be achieved with the Excel Plugin but we'd like to use one tool for our data visualization needs.   Does this seem like a reasonable feature to add ? Is this a feature that's already in the works ?


ken's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 04/13/2011
Posts: 64

Hi Kang,

The forum is ok for posting these types of requests. I would suggest also talking with your account manager (or at least making them aware of the post). It's good to keep them in the loop so that they can come to us in engineering to ensure the requests are associated with your account.

That being said, yes, we do have a request for an XY chart. It's being tracked in this issue: ADMINCONSOLE-398. This feature has not yet been scheduled to a release. Even so, I'd like to be able to discuss your needs for this feature. I find that the more input we have the more useful the feature turns out when we ship it. Also, the more interest we have in a particular feature raises its priority. :-)

If you would like to chat further, please send me an email. I'm Ken at RTI dot com.
